93 Chapter 3 Chapter 23

Western Continent, February 25, 2813, noon, the Worthenian Peninsula:


 A red-haired woman astride her horse at the head of the troop shouted loudly. She then raised her spear high in her hand.
 Following her voice, the group of about 300 men passed through the northern gate of the Citadel of Ipylos and started to walk towards the Woltenia Peninsula.
 It was a solemn and solemn scene.
 Even the merchants and farmers passing by on both sides of the road stopped and became silent when they caught sight of the troops.
 The merchants and farmers at both ends of the road stopped in their tracks and became silent when they caught sight of their troops.
 They are so pressurized that there is no room for cheering.

 The equipment of that unit is quite special and eye-catching.
 Black black black........
 Everything below the leather armor they wore, their shirts and shoes, even the scabbards of their swords and the hilts of their spears, were black.
 Even the metal of their harnesses is painted black.
 It's not just the horses that are black-haired, but even so, it can be said that their attire is bizarre.
 It's a good idea to be able to have a good idea of what you're looking for.
 A single sword on a black background. It's not just a good idea to have a good time.
 Only the eyes of the snake are sewn on in red, and the surroundings are sharply intimidated.
 You can't say that the design is that unusual when viewed alone.
 You'll be able to find a lot of swords and snakes used in the coat of arms.
 I'm sure you'll be able to find the right one for you.
 It's not just a matter of time before you get to the bottom of the earth. 

I heard he was a mercenary of successive wars, but........I see. I was going to say she's a woman after all, but that's impressive.

 A white-haired old man murmurs to himself from the top of the watchtower set up on top of the walls of Ipylos.
 He is an old man with a mild expression.
 And he is clearly a wealthy man as well.
 He wears silk clothing and a jeweled ring. And the large, well-shaped belly that jutted forward is the best evidence of this.

You're not incompetent, but we don't have to worry about that much, do we?

 At the old man's side, Count Salzberg, who was also looking down at the old man's side, retorted in a somewhat fuming tone.
 In fact, he was fed up with the old man's words.

 Even his wife, Yulia, has been urging him to be vigilant about Mikoshiba Ryoma, even though he has been warned by his wife, Yulia.
 It was also Yulia's suggestion to blend someone who was under the Earl's breath among the mercenaries.
 The Count suggested that instead of doing such a sluggish thing, he could simply move his army and defeat them, but Julia would never admit to that.
 She was cautious, as if she was afraid of antagonizing Mikoshiba Ryoma.
 But from the Count's point of view, Ryoma's forces were like trash. After all, he didn't even have his own base of operations.
 It's not that I'm underestimating my own wife's abilities, but I don't understand why the Earl needs to be so cautious.
 The question breeds dissatisfaction, and the dissatisfaction slowly fills the Count's heart with pride.

Are you sure about that? That unit was originally made up of amateur slaves. And they are all so neatly organized. It was only a few months ago that Baron Mikoshiba purchased the slaves and began their education. And that's why they have such a high level of training, Count Salzberg. I must confess that I am even terrified.

 The old man had absolute confidence in his own connoisseurship.
 It was as a result of his talents that he had managed the Mystor Trade Association, which had never been a powerful business in Ipylos, and had risen to become the head of the trade association.
 This is why he is absolutely proud of his abilities.
 I'm sure you'll be able to find a way to make the most out of your time with the group that's advancing northward.

''Nonsense. It is true that the armor bought from your father-in-law is a good thing, but if the troops you use are a mixture of former mercenaries and slaves, they are not worth a d*mn. That black outfit is a great scare, though. It's not a bad idea to use that kind of childish trick to trick your father-in-law, who has never experienced a real battle.

 As Count Salzberg said this, he turned his disdainful gaze on the old man.
 He is the father of his wife.
 But the Count looked down on the old man in front of him.
 Perhaps some of the reason for this is the respectful language he never breaks to himself.
 Of course, the old man in front of him would never consider the old man's claim to be his father-in-law, but that doesn't mean he is too distantly behaving towards his daughter-in-law.
 It's a good thing that you're able to have a good time with your friends.
 There are only about three hundred of them.
 I'm sure the other aristocrats would have the same opinion of a unit made up of mercenaries and child slaves.
 The only thing that the Count deserves credit for is the fact that he dyed the soldiers' armor black.
 And while it may be a scare, it will never lead to the strength of the army.
 It was natural that the Count's attitude towards this old man, who couldn't understand such a commonplace thing for him, would be cold and indifferent. 

''That being said.......isn't that well-led line of troops something to behold?

 It was certainly a march without any disorder.
 Of course, as a small unit of about three hundred men, it was easy for the commander's intentions to reach them.
 However, that is not enough for a man who was an amateur marcher until a few months ago to march in such an orderly manner, according to the opinion of the Mere Old Man.
 Nevertheless, the old man does not stick to his opinion.
 The old man must have understood the stubbornness of Count Salzberg.
 He did not deny the Count's words head-on, but guided his opponent's intentions in the form of a question.
 It was a very advanced negotiation technique.

''Well, if you only train the march for a few months, you'll be able to do that thing.

 As a general in an army himself, his thoughts were clouded by the preconceived notion that a soldier could not become a thing in a few months. 
 They would form a line and walk down the street. Just teaching that much to an amateur would require a good deal of effort.
 And moreover, it was a slave child that he taught into it.
 It must have taken a lot of effort to teach them, even the living dead with no will.
 But the old man stopped saying anything more that would displease Count Salzberg.
 But the old man stopped himself from saying anything more to displease Count Salzberg, because he knew that he would not be able to change his opinion if he defended himself further.

'Well, it's a layman's trivial opinion, so please don't mind me.

 The Count nodded lightly at the old man's words and returned the kibisu.

''Well then, I'll take my leave now. It would be good to have dinner with Yulia once in a while, wouldn't it?

Yeah. See you later....

 At the old man's words, the Earl nodded with a satisfied face and went down the stairs.

And you underestimate commoners and slaves too much.

 The old man, who was left alone on the viewing platform, muttered softly after confirming that there was no one around.
 Now the old man's face had changed.
 When he was talking to Count Salzberg, his face must have looked mild and somewhat unreliable.
 I'm sure he's a man who would have taken a step or two back, even towards his own daughter-in-law.
 But now things have changed.
 If Count Salzberg had seen the old man's face now, he would have changed his opinion of him.
 So much so that the old man's eyes were shining with a harsh and tricky light.

If you interfere poorly and end up being hostile to us, it will be quite troublesome.

 While muttering this, the old man's brain moves at high speed.
 Staring at the black troops advancing north.

Father. May I?

 The old man, who had been asleep on the desk, jumped up at the voice called to him.
He must have fallen asleep before he knew it.
 The old man remembered that it was still daytime, but the moonlight was shining through the window of his office, illuminating the room with candles.
 He or she must have been in a very deep sleep.

"Julia, huh........

 The light from the candle in the woman's hand illuminates her face.
 Her black robe and hooded figure doesn't look like a countess at all.
 She is incredibly plainly dressed, considering her usual attire.

''Yes. And I heard that you were .......did I interrupt you?''

 It must be too much to worry about.
 The old man asked Yulia in a somewhat tired voice, "No, I'm sorry to call you out on the spot.

The first thing that comes to mind is the fact that you are the one who called me out of the blue.

 Yulia nodded silently to the old man's question and closed the door of her office behind her.
 For Yulia, who understands the meaning of being called to this office today, she doesn't need to be told again.

''What on earth is going on? Wasn't there supposed to be no contact with your husband other than on a regular basis so that he wouldn't give you the benefit of the doubt?

I'm sorry but I really thought I should tell you sooner rather than later.

Mikoshiba Ryoma...?

 The old man slowly shook his head at Yulia's words as he stood in front of the desk and asked somewhat anxiously.
 With that alone, Yulia quickly guessed the psychology of her father sitting in front of her.
 Anxiety that she herself felt as well.
 That same thing was felt by her father, who controlled the economy of Ipylos.

'Does your father consider that thing to be dangerous too?

It would be dangerous... well, I don't know who it would be dangerous for. At least for Count Salzberg, as I felt a few days ago when I exchanged a few words with Baron Mikoshiba as he delivered the rations, but today, when I saw the troops, I felt it even more strongly.

 If someone asked them what it was about, they wouldn't have an answer that would convince them.
 It's simply a merchant's instincts telling them that they are in danger.
 That it's not safe to go on like this.

'My husband has been complaining that my lord father-in-law is a coward like me.

 When he returned to the mansion, Count Salzberg must have told him about the exchange he had with the old man on the watchtower.

'Apparently, Count Salzberg tends to recognize only the visible power of money and military might...'

You could say it's realistic, but...

I know. The Count was never incompetent. If he were incompetent, he wouldn't have given you away for a wife and he wouldn't have had to.  

 As if to spit it out, the old man falls on his face and clasps his hands together.
(Yes, if Count Thomas Salzberg was incompetent, who would offer his lovely daughter as a wife?)  
 The old man controls the economy of Ipylos.
 That's why he had heard so much about Count Salzberg's bad behavior that he didn't like it.
 Misogyny, filthiness of money. Neither of these is very suitable for a daughter's son-in-law.
 Still, there is only one thing that made me give my daughter to the Count's daughter-in-law.
 You can't afford not to give her out.
 It was never a marriage that he wanted to have. That's why they can never sink with the Count. 

''Well, that's all right now. The development of the peninsula will take time. They won't be moving any time soon. Besides, I've got a couple of secret agents on the side. Aren't you one of them?

'Yes. I have pressed some of the maids in the mansion to take care of the Baron's personal affairs. I expect to receive regular letters from these women in the future.

 These were the daughters that had been prepared since the other day when Ryoma visited Count Salzberg's mansion.
 As long as their relatives live in the villages within the count's territory, they will not betray them.
 They are good-looking secret agents.

''Yes, it's a poor idea to openly oppose them but it's too dangerous to leave them unattended. We'll have to keep an eye on them and gather information. What will they do with the girls' letters? That will give us some idea of what they are thinking.

 There's no need for them to let you know a great secret.
 What they need is everyday information.
 Is there food, water, weather? It is meaningless information on its own, such as who you met with.
 But if someone who knows the value of such information hears it, it can be a valuable source of information worth a thousand dollars.
 And if they were to withhold their letters, that would be the basis for judging Mikoshiba Ryoma as an enemy.
 There was no harm either way.

 Julia was relieved at her father's calm judgment, yet she spoke of a matter that she had come to fearfully keep in mind.
 It was a thought that had been hidden in the back of her mind ever since she became the Count's wife.

''Father.......in case........''

 The old man nodded silently at Julia, who gave him a probing look.

'I know. But all I can say is that I don't know at this stage I can't move just yet. I'm sorry," he said. Julia.

 Then the old man stood up from the chair he was sitting on.
 Then he silently hugged Julia's body.
 It was full of gentleness and strength, as if he was comforting a sobbing young child.