176 Chapter 5 Episode 34 [Castle of Gui Poison] Part 9

 A violent metallic sound rang out in the room.
 For a moment, countless red sparks scattered in front of Ryouma's eyes.
 Count Salzberg's face approaches in front of Ryoma's eyes.
 A pause so close that he could feel his breath blowing over him. But in the next moment, the overlapping shadows flew away again.
(Did I miss receiving one?)
 Feeling comfortable with the pain of the laceration he received on his right arm, Ryoma looks at Count Salzberg standing in front of him.
 There is no part of his stance.
 Through training with his grandfather, Koichiro, Ryoma has gained a tolerance for pain.
 Of course, he is not painless, so that doesn't mean he doesn't feel pain.
 It's the ultimate in endurance, if you will.
 However, whether you can do it or not can make a big difference in the outcome of a fight. Especially in a match with your life on the line....
(One more thing to thank the old man for...)
 Not feeling pain is a problem, but the fear of pain slows down the technique.
 We force these instincts to be subdued by mental strength and a fighting spirit, but when that happens, our techniques are inevitably rough.
 There is only one way to prevent this from happening. You just need to get used to it.
 At the sight of Ryoma, Count Salzberg's lips hung up faintly.
 His face is like a smile like a carnivorous beast devouring flesh and blood.
 It's not just a matter of time before you'll be able to get your hands on it. A momentary attack and defense.
I'm sure you'll be able to find out more about it.
 At the mixture of sarcasm and praise, Ryouma couldn't help but give a bitter smile.
 Perhaps it was an intention to wait and see, but Count Salzberg still hasn't given his all, but even so, the Count's strength is still fully conveyed to Ryojin. 

 Since being summoned to the Earth World, Mikoshiba Ryoma has dived through many death lines.
 Among them, Cale Irunia, whom he dealt with during the civil war in the Roseria Kingdom, and Greg Moore, a knight of the Oltmere Empire, whom he faced when he went to the rescue of the Zaruda Kingdom, were two of the most impressive feats of skill for Ryoma.
 Physical abilities enhanced by martial arts. And a strong spirit backed by the experience and pride of having passed through many battlefields.
 It is certain that both Cale and Gregg had enough strength to be called top-notch in this earth world. 
 I've also met with Chris Morgan, a spearhandler and a close friend of Elena's, several times before he left the royal capital of Iphiroth.
 Although he is still a young and inexperienced man, his talent and skills are among the best people Ryoma has ever met in this world.
 The three of them were undoubtedly the strongest people in the Earth World.
 However, even so, the strength of the three men I just mentioned is not far behind that of Count Salzberg, who is now holding a sword in front of me.
 In terms of mind, technique and body, Count Salzberg had maintained an extremely high level of average.
 Besides, if one were to believe the Count's words, then in the current offensive and defense, Count Salzberg had only used up to the Anarhatha Chakra. 
(According to what I've learned beforehand, the Count's level is 6. (According to my preliminary research, the Count's level is 6, which means that he can open the Ajnya Chakra between his eyes.
 The Sahasrara, which is said to be located at the top of the head, is said to be the same as the eyes in the palm of a thousand-armed Avalokiteshvara's hand, according to one theory. In Buddhist thought, it is nothing more than the state of enlightenment.
 In Taoist thought, he is like a hermit. It could be said to be a kind of superhuman.
 If you think about it that way, opening the ajña chakra is the highest attainment that can be achieved within the framework of a human being.
 It's hard for Ryoma to imagine how much power it will release, but one thing is certain.
 That's because Count Salzberg is the strongest of all the enemies he's faced.
 But even in such an objectively hopeless situation, the only thing that rises in Ryoma's heart is his overflowing fighting spirit.
(Well, I knew that from the moment I decided to start this battle.......the rest.)
 Ryoma opened his chakra with the help of the Malfist sisters.
 Later on, he had even opened up to the third chakra, Manipura, with the vital energy, Prana, which he had absorbed during the battle in the Woltenia Peninsula and during the Zaruda reinforcements.
 In the earth world, Mikoshiba Ryoma was also fully deserving of being called a strong man, but on the other hand, he was also inferior to Count Salzberg.
 If you crossed the pike head-on, the blade the count held would eventually cut through Ryoma's body. 
 However, Ryoma has the tools to do so.
The only thing left to decide is whether or not I'm worthy of being this man's master.
 Ryoma turned his gaze slightly to the wailing demon in his hands.
 The Igazaki clan's long-cherished desire for five hundred years. It's the crystal of the treasure that is about to be revealed in its entirety.