193 Chapter 6 Episode 12 [Invisible Malice] Part 2

That night, Mikoshiba Ryoma was receiving one of his guests at the Countess Salzberg's villa in a corner of the royal capital Piraeus.
''First of all, let me thank you. Thank you for saving my brother-in-law's life the other day. I know that my brother-in-law should normally be the one to tell you directly, but there are a lot of things going on right now with that thing...''
 As he said this, the Earl of Bergston cut off his words once.
 He was probably chewing on the meaning of the words he was about to tell him.
 From the conflict on his face, Ryoma could vaguely sense what the middle-aged man in front of him was trying to tell him.
 But now that he knows that, all he can do is wait.
 I'm sure you'll be able to find a way to make it work.
 After a few seconds of silence, finally having made up his mind, Count Bergston opened his mouth again. 
''For today. I would like to visit you and my brother-in-law again later to greet you.....................Oyagata-sama.
 As he said this, Count Bergston stood up from the sofa and bowed deeply.
 The Earl of Bergston, who is the Earl of Bergston, clearly bows his head to the lower baronet, Mikoshiba Ryoma.
 It is true that he saved his brother-in-law, Count Zeref, from being attacked by assassins, so from the proper mind of the Japanese, it is quite natural to bow to a person who saved your life with the highest level of respect and courtesy.
 However, it is quite different from the general way of thinking in this earth world.
 It's obvious that if it were done within the court of the Roselia Kingdom, where there are many people who believe in the status system as absolute, it would cause a bit of an uproar.
 And that too, accompanied by the words Oyagata-sama.
 Well, that's why he revealed his banner at a secret meeting like this.
''This is polite. But we are like-minded companions. There's no need for such formal language.
 The first thing that comes to mind is the fact that it's a very good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.
 As for Ryouma, he was merely trying to secure a worthwhile piece to use in the future.
 In the extreme, if Count Zeref was incompetent, Ryouma would not have given a second thought to his life.
 Nevertheless, it is a foolish response to tell your opponent this to his face.
 It's a good thing that Bergston has come out poorly against Ryojin, so Ryojin will need to show him that he is a hawk.
 It's called a superior's composure.
 After all, the Bergbaston Earl family has taken the courtesy of a vassal, albeit unofficially.
 This would drastically change the relationship between the two sides, which had been building a cooperative relationship for some reason until now.
(I thought he was going to be a little more coy, but judging from the Earl of Bergston's demeanor it seems he's ready to go.)
 It's a very good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for, but it's also a very good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.
 It's a good thing that you're not the only one who's been in the market for a while.
 Pushing them into a corner psychologically is not a very good way to negotiate.
 It's a good thing that you're able to find out how you feel about it.
(Well, he seems to be under a lot of pressure too...)
 If one has a decent political sense, it is only natural to understand that the situation in which the Roserian Kingdom is currently placed is fatal.
 But what you can understand and what you can handle are fundamentally different.
 In addition, if it concerns the management of a country where the Earl of Bergston does not have the final say, this is even more so.
 Nevertheless, even the Earl of Bergston should not have been sitting on his hands. I'm sure he would have lobbied Lupus Roselian, who has the final say, to support him.
 Unfortunately, however, Lupis was not cut out to be a king.
 Especially when there was more than one opinion, Lupis tended to be swayed by emotion rather than reason.
 That means she can't make a decisive decision to cut herself.
 The fact that he admitted to the Duke's reverence for the ringleader of the rival forces in exchange for extradition of Mikhail Bannasch, who was captured by Duke Gerhardt during the recent civil war, even though he had been a close associate of the Duke for many years, is a striking example of this.
 Of course, being compassionate is not a flaw.
 But if the king runs the country out of compassion, it's only natural to be confused.
 If Lupis had accepted to be a symbolic decoration of the country, this Roselia Kingdom would have been able to grasp a different future.
 However, the reality is ruthless.
 Many of the nobles have doubts about Lupis's ability to rule and are re-gathering under his half-sister, Ladine Roselianus, and her successor, Viscount Gerhardt. 
 The domestic situation is also unstable. Some of the noblemen have begun to build up their armaments in the territory due to the uncertainty of the future, and some of them have been collecting taxes recklessly.
 Well, it's an easy action for those in power to take when they feel uneasy.
 But the tax collectors don't care about that.
 They only want one thing: stability in their lives. They want one thing: stability in their lives.
 In the extreme, as long as this is maintained, they will not raise an eyebrow, no matter who is the ruler.
 As a result, clashes between the commoners and the nobles, who are the lords of the land, are bound to occur.
 Just a few days ago, the villages in the south of the country rose up en masse and a battalion of the Knights of the Guard from the capital to suppress them.
 Fortunately, the suburbs of King's Landing are still at peace, but that won't last for long.
(The streets of King's Landing are even more desolate than when I visited last year.
 As the domestic situation has become more unstable, economic activity has continued to shrink.
 It could be said that the country is now nearing the end of its life.
(Well, I'm the one who drove it to that point.)
 To be more precise, it's a form of Ryojin taking advantage of someone else's intentions that wanted this Roselia Kingdom to be a mess.
 I can't say he's the main culprit, but he's probably an accomplice.
 However, there is no camaraderie or even communication between the main accomplice and the accomplice.
 By now, even the accomplice must be wondering if someone is interfering in a situation that is pushing forward unexpectedly.
 No, if the main culprit was as Ryoma had imagined, they might have already figured out who their invisible accomplice was.
(Either way, the trial in the House of Lords is the key to everything...?)
 Ryoma felt a rush of electricity in his body.
 It was a pleasant sensation he could never have had when he was living in peaceful modern Japan.
(In this case, maybe it wasn't so bad to be called to this land world.......)
 With that in mind, Ryoma poured wine into the glass placed in front of the Earl of Bergston.
 As a sign of welcoming a new vassal, a capable vassal.