195 Chapter 6 Episode 14 [Supper] Part 1

 Under the watchful eye of the blue-white moonlight, a carriage drives over the cobblestone pavement of the royal capital.
 Riding in the carriage are two men.
 No, they are indeed men, but the other is a blond young man with a beauty that makes him look like a woman.
 The man has a cleanly shaved head that glows without a single strand of unwanted hair.
 He was in his late forties at the time of his age. He is somewhat over 180 centimeters tall.
 The body can be described as quite sturdy.
 No, to put it bluntly, he was more like a bear in human form.
 The arms, for example, were thicker than a woman's thighs.
 However, the most eye-catching thing is the black leather eye patch that covers the right eye.
 It may have been injured in the war, but there is a scar running in a straight line from the forehead to the upper eyelid to the cheek.
 The vision in his right eye would normally be hopeless.
 In addition to the scent of violence that oozes from his entire body, he is not the kind of person you would want to get to know very well, even though he is dressed in smartly designed silk clothing.
 Such a man sniffed one of his nose as if he were dissatisfied.
It's a good idea to have an up-and-coming baronetto invite us. It's the end of the world.
 When he says that, the man sniffs loudly once more.
 The man's family is a knight who once served the first king who is said to have founded the Roselia Kingdom, and afterwards he was given a fiefdom in the eastern part of the kingdom, and is a family of military prowess that has been entrusted with the key to the Mist Kingdom.
 You can't deny that his power has declined considerably due to the downfall of Marquis Ernesto, the former Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Roselia, but it can still be said that he is one of the most prestigious aristocrats in the kingdom.
 It's not the kind of person that an upstart baronial family can suddenly send an invitation to.
 From the common sense of the aristocracy in the earth world, invitations to these banquets are only sent to people of the same rank or lower.
 Of course, it's not impossible for a subordinate to invite a superior to a subordinate, but that's only if both parties are related by blood or marriage.
 It's not just a matter of time before the invitation is sent to a person who is not even acquainted with them, like the man and Baron Mikoshiba's family, let alone estranged.
 To put it simply, it wouldn't be wrong to judge that Mikoshiba Ryoma is the only person who can summon a man with a single letter.
 That is the greatest disgrace for a man who is a member of a prestigious aristocracy, albeit one that is facing a slant in the sun.
 That dissatisfaction must be burning in the man's heart like lava.
 However, the young man sitting in front of him smiles at the man's attitude.
''If you were so dissatisfied, you should have refused the invitation. My McMaster family is a family of viscounts. It's not really a problem if you miss a dinner party held by a baronet's house, right?
 When he said that, the young man laughed out loud.
 It's a beautiful voice that resembles the singing voice of the sea monster siren that is said to confuse those who listen to it.
 The man glared at the young man's words with an expression on his face as if he was biting down on a bitter bug.
You know that's not the end of the story, yet you say such things?   
Well, it certainly won't be enough.
 In response to the man's question, the young man cowered his shoulders without seeming to take offense and showed
 In fact, the man's words are correct.
 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're going to do with your money.
 It's a good thing that the Baron Mikoshiba's achievements and abilities are unparalleled, even though his rank is only the lowest level.
 It was none other than Mikoshiba Ryoma himself who put the outnumbered Lupis Roselianus on the throne during the last civil war.
 It is said that he and Elena Steiner went to Zaruda's defence of the kingdom of Zaruda after the invasion of the Oltomere Empire, and were instrumental in bringing about the truce between the two countries.
 He also defeated the Countess of Salzberg and his followers, the Ten Northern Families, who ruled the northern part of Roseria in battle.
 Being strong in battle is by itself a great deal of power, both tangible and intangible.
 Now, the only noblemen in the Roserian Kingdom who are willing to engage in a head-to-head armed struggle with the Baron Mikoshiba family are either too powerful or otherwise suicidal fools.
 Moreover, this time, in addition to the Counts Bergston and Zeref, a letter of attachment has been circulated with the names of Elena Steiner and others.
 It goes without saying that all three of them have been extremely influential in the Roserian kingdom since Lupis came to reign as queen.
 I'm sure you'll find it difficult to refuse the invitation from them, considering the need to preserve the family name.
 Even if you don't like them as an upstart jerk.
(If you know that, then you should think beyond that... right?)
 The young man gave a small sigh at his father's attitude.
 It was impossible to say no anyway.
 The father sitting in front of him understands that.
 Then it is only a fool's errand to complain.
 What would be the benefit of telling them that you are dissatisfied?
(I'm not saying that you shouldn't feel dissatisfied but it's something you shouldn't show.)
 I often hear people say that you should only act in front of others, but that feeling of dissatisfaction oozes out in your attitude and in your every move.
 Besides, people's ears are not selective.
 It is impossible to know where and who is listening.
 It may be one in a thousand or one in ten thousand.
 But if that careless word enters someone's ears, it could literally be a fatal blow.
(Well, it's still better to just be sensible enough not to tell the person in question face to face.......)
 He was a troubled man, I know.
 Nevertheless, the young man did not want to abandon his father in front of him.
 Originally, even though he was a nobleman, he was more than a warrior.
 Until he took over the knighthood, that's exactly why he belonged to the Kingsguard, and his personality is quite upright.
 He is still proud of his military prowess, taking up the sword himself to take the lead in the event of a monster attack in the territory.
 Whether or not the Jiang clan is good enough to take the lead as the head of the family, the fact that he is prepared to shed his own blood for the sake of the people of his domain is something that can be highly appreciated.
 Although I wouldn't say that he's a terrific domestic administrator, his honest and stable skills have earned him the trust of his fellow countrymen to a certain extent.
 I'm sure you'll be able to find out what's going on in the world, and I'm sure you'll be able to find out what's going on in the world.
 But that's why the young man wanted his father to learn how to hide his heart.
(Tonight's dinner party is something ... the question is what it is ...)
 The question that had been occupying his mind for the past few days arose again, and the young man wrinkled his brow in thought.
 The story that Mikoshiba Ryoma was summoned to King's Landing by a summons from the House of Lords was heard immediately after Viscount McMaster went to King's Landing from his estate.
 It's true that this is a summoning of witnesses under the guise of confirming the situation, but if you think it's normal, what is going to be held in the House of Lords is a trial.
 The crime of starting a war within the kingdom without permission and seizing the territory.
 Normally, territorial disputes between nobles would not develop into such a big problem, but this time is different.
 In addition to Count Salzberg's death, nearly half of the Ten Northern Families were literally cut off, which would give Mikoshiba Ryoma the worst impression in an aristocratic society that recognizes his noble blood and values blood relations.
 After all, there is no one in the current House of Lords who would seek the protection of Baron Mikoshiba.
 It's a good idea to have a dinner party, but there's no way to suddenly increase the intimacy between them, which has deteriorated to this point, by holding a dinner party just once.
 In the extreme, relationships between aristocrats and commoners are basically the same.
 How much you talk to them and share time with them.
 Of course, if it's a life-and-death situation like in the movies, you might get used to being the best friend you've ever had, even for a short time, but unless it's such a special situation, the time you spend becomes your intimacy as it is.
(It's possible that Baron Mikoshiba is an idiot who doesn't understand such things...)
 Ever since the young man received this invitation until today, he has been relying on all the handlers of Viscount McMaster's family to gather information on the man Mikoshiba Ryoma.
 Of course, as you can see from his father's character, Viscount McMaster's information network is not very good.
 However, Mikoshiba Ryoma's character, based on a synthesis of a few pieces of information, is far removed from such a fool.
(Then what in the world...) 
 The man visited the young man, who fell silent, with a worried look on his face.
''What's the matter ... you, what are you thinking about?''
No I'm just wondering why Baron Mikoshiba has invited us here.
 Shaking his head at his father's question, the young man looked up at the moon floating outside the carriage window.

 One by one, the black carriage passed through the gates of the mansion.
 That night, in the Countess Salzberg's villa, built in the aristocratic district of Piraeus, the capital of the Kingdom of Roselia, the most splendid dinner party in the two hundred years of the mansion's history was about to be held.