213 Chapter 6 Episode 32 [Tongue Battle] Part 4

'I see. Now, before we begin the hearing I would like to begin with the unfortunate misunderstanding with the Countess of Salzberg, for which I am deeply ashamed to have caused you any inconvenience. I would like to take this opportunity to apologize profusely to everyone in attendance.
 Saying that, Ryoma slowly bows his head to the nobles sitting in front of him with a mysterious expression on his face.
 The right hand is placed around the navel while the left hand is folded behind the waist, a maneuver used in the court of the Roserian kingdom.
 It's a truly perfect gesture, as well as a truly dignified one, coupled with the dignified appearance of a man who has been trained in warfare.
 Indeed, it can be called an auspicious attitude.
 However, the reaction of the people around him did not change.
 No, to be precise, the reaction of the people around her had not changed. But for the worse.
 A look of superiority and contempt appeared on the faces of the aristocrats who had been looking at him with hostility.
 To them, it must have looked like a stylish upstart who had been summoned by the House of Lords to do a poor job.
 It's a good thing that you have a good attitude, but I don't want to compliment you on your auspiciousness.
 I'm sure you'll be able to see that the same is true for you.
 It's a good idea to have a good time with them.
I am sincerely sorry that I have decided to take the time to speak to Count Eisenbach, the vice-president of the House of Lords, who is an important figure in this country and is busy on a daily basis,
 The moment those words were released, the air in the courtroom became tense.
 It's not that Ryoma's attitude was rude or ill-mannered.
 At the very least, as a person who is being questioned, it's definitely an attitude that is above par. 
 But the question is to whom did Ryouma utter the words of thanks and apology?
(How dare he........)
(Is the man crazy?)
 A mixture of confusion and fear of the unknown being mixed in the gaze that was directed at Liang Shin.
 A faint, unvoiced murmur erupted from the nobles. 
 That was only natural.
 After all, he ignored the Marquis Halcyon, who is supposed to be the highest authority in this House of Lords, without a care in the world, and showed his apologies to Count Eisenbach, who was supposed to be second in line.
 It could be said that this is like bowing to the vice president of a country while the president of the country is in front of you.
 Certainly, it is possible to mistake Count Eisenbach for the Marquis de Halcyon.
 The technology of photography doesn't exist in the earth world, and there are only a limited number of ways for someone to know someone's face beforehand, as they've never met them in person.
 The only way to know someone's face in advance is to have a portrait painted by an artist.
 But of course, a painting, no matter how good it is, is not the same as a photograph.
 It may depend on the skill of the artist.
 From that point of view, no matter how careful I was, misunderstandings and mistakes could happen.
 However, since Ryoma clearly mentioned Count Eisenbach as the vice-president of the House of Lords, it couldn't be a misunderstanding or mere ignorance.
 That would change the meaning of everything.
(By bowing his head towards me, he deliberately ignored the Marquis' presence. This man had openly declared and shown himself to one of the most powerful people in the Roselia Kingdom. To the Marquis of Halcyon, the head of the House of Lords and a prestigious aristocrat of this Roselia Kingdom, you are an uninteresting and worthless being...)
 Count Eisenbach had accurately read the intentions of Liangzhen, who had been the first to bow to him.
 It was the biggest insult and a clear provocation unleashed against the Marquis Halcyon, who was proud of his authority.
 No, in aristocratic society, it could even be said to be an act of no surprise that it could be taken as a declaration of war rather than a provocation.
 And there isn't a nobleman who can't understand such a Ryojin's intentions.
 Count Eisebach quickly looks at the Marquis Halcyon sitting on his right hand side.
 The reflection in his eyes is the Marquis Halcyon's face dyed red with shame and rage.
 Veins were floating on his temples, and his tightly clenched hands were trembling.
(It's only natural if you're openly insulted by someone you've made fun of so much as a lowly upstart.......
 It's not uncommon for a nobleman to get into a duel over something as trivial as a miscarriage of justice, and in some cases, a war breaks out between factions.
 It's not uncommon for minor incidents, such as a simple mistake in the order of greetings, to lead to a duel, and in some cases, a battle may even break out between factions.
 In fact, about half of the cases handled by the House of Lords are related to the face and pride of the nobility, which is evident.
 For the aristocrats, family name is more important than life.
 And among such nobles, the Marquis of Halcyon was a person who particularly cared about his family name and family status.
 Indeed, since the territory that they governed was not that large, their economic and military power was not that great.
 Among the noblemen who formed the noble school, there were several people who cultivated a land that was larger than the Marquis of Halcyon's territory.
 But the influence within the royal palace held by the Marquis of Halcyon, who has held the position of head of the House of Lords for generations, can be said to be immense.
 That power is so great that even the king, who is supposed to be the absolute authority, needs to take it into consideration. 
 Everyone has shown respect and bowed to the Marquis, and the Marquis himself has recognized this as a matter of course. It's a good thing that you're not going to have to worry about it.
 I wonder how much he feels in his heart.
 The Marquis of Halcyon himself is not a patient character to begin with, nor is he a tolerant person.
 Aside from his ability to manage the House of Lords, he is on par in terms of personality.
 The only thing you can be sure of is that you are not the kind of person who can be insulted by an upstart youngster and pass it off without a second thought.
 Normally, there is no mystery in kicking over a chair and shouting.
 Nevertheless, it can be said that the Marquis Halcyon is maintaining his composure just by not revealing his anger.
(I'm sure he's driven by anger to the point that his gut is churning.......)
 It is certain that Mikoshiba Ryoma's attitude can be considered a provocation from the common sense of a nobleman.
 However, that doesn't mean it's in the best interest of the Marquis of Halcyon to show an attitude of raising one's voice at this hearing. 
 Although the intentions contained in Liangzhen's attitude are obvious, he is keeping his formal courtesy. 
 It's true that this is a form of disregard for the Marquis Halcyon, but since the Marquis himself didn't identify himself in the first place, it would be difficult for him to pursue it further if he claimed that he didn't know that he was in attendance. 
 In order for the Marquis Halcyon to blame him for his rudeness, he would have to prove that Mikoshiba Ryoma knew in advance that he himself was here. 
(One could blame him for not knowing the face of the Marquis Halcyon, a powerful nobleman...)
 Count Eisenbach glares at the man with a soft smile in front of him.
 I'm not sure how many nobles, large and small, are operating within the Roserian kingdom. If you include the knightly class, the number would be even greater.
 I'm sure you'll be able to identify all of them.
 What happens if you ask someone else to do what you cannot do yourself?
 In some cases, he might even claim that the Marquis of Halcyon was trying to trick him.
 Knowing this, the Marquis of Halcyon is also silent.
(It would certainly be effective. But this man.......................
 If that happens, the authority of the House of Lords will be severely damaged.
What is particularly frightening is that this series of events could be leaked to the outside world for some reason.
 It is true that in the aristocratic society, Mikoshiba Ryoma could be called an heretic.
 At the very least, among the nobles present here, not a single person in the aristocracy has any fondness for Baron Mikoshiba's family.
 However, it's also true that he has a high reputation as a [Hero of Salvation] in the street.
Even the infamous name of [Iraklion's Devil] is now beginning to have a connotation closer to awe rather than evasion.
 It cannot be mistakenly blown around the world as an attempt to bring down such a hero.
(Of course, the events of this place will not be leaked to the outside world. But....)
 The only people here are the nobles among my fellow nobles and the knights of the guard belonging to the House of Lords.
 Normally, no matter what happens here, there's no need to worry about leaks to the world.
 That said, the more information you want to hide, the more it will leak out of nowhere.
 As long as one possibility cannot be discarded, riding Mikoshiba Ryoma's provocation is just a poor strategy.
(However, it's also true that the Marquis's face will not stand up to the challenge if it continues like this.
 It's not a good idea to announce your presence from the mouth of the highest authority in the room, the Marquis himself.
 No matter how powerful you are, you will look like an idiot who cannot be remembered by anyone, no matter how powerful you are.
 It's like admitting you're a tiny person who is forgotten by others.
 And that would undermine the Marquis Halcyon's authority.
 Since that was the case, there was only one option left. 
 The color of confusion on Count Eisenbach's face is the color of confusion.
 If he were in his position, he would feel like he had been forced to draw the short straw.
 But there was only one way to make the situation whole: Count Eisenbach, who was spoken to by Ryojin.  
 Deciding, Count Eisenbach slowly got up from his chair and opened his mouth.