7-Quiet Story 1 A natural healer appears in the Adventurer's Guild.

 It was just before noon on an ordinary day when that guy showed up at the Adventurer's Guild here in Meratni.

''Guildmaster, may I have a moment of your time?''
In the training area of the basement, the person who approached me as I was moving my body was Nanaela, who was currently working as a receptionist.
I stopped my training and approached Nanaela, as she rarely left her seat while on reception duty.
I reeked of trouble inside, but I was curious because I was tired of the uninspired life lately.

'As I always say, call me Brod, not Guildmaster. So what is it?
I hate this word Guildmaster because I'm still in my forties and it's too early for me, and it smells like old man.

''I'm sorry. Now then, Mr. Brod. There's a fifteen year old vocational healer boy at the reception desk right now, and he suggested that I could train him in combat instead of healing him.
Healers it's one of those professions I hate. I don't mind using the power to heal people given to me by the gods, but I'm a money-maker who demands an uncommon amount of money.

Did he register as an adventurer?
This is important. Because I might be able to figure out why the healer came to the Adventurers' Guild.

What are his combat skills?
Level I bodywork.
What does this guy want?
Oh, come on, it's too fishy. Any normal healer would have a bodyguard.

I haven't heard that much about it. But...
"Don't take it in a weird way. Say exactly what you mean.
'I don't feel like a normal healer somehow. And he didn't say anything or show any signs of disgust when he looked at me.
Okay. Oh, I see. Hmm. I hope he's not a creep.
It is said that only the human race can use light and holy attribute magic in this world, but that's not true. It's just that beastmen are thought of as having little magical power and not many of them can use magic.
The only thing you can do is to have your own personal computer.
You have to be weird to be an adventurer, don't you?
 I see. I decided to go to the reception desk, thinking in my mind.
''Oh, don't ever call me guildmaster,''
I didn't forget to put the nail in the coffin for Nanaela.

 When I went to the reception desk, the man at the counter was a frail, long gentleman, a young brother.
He said he was fifteen years old.
What's this guy up to?
Are you the chick who can do recovery magic?
Listen with a little intimidation. 'This way it will show its true nature.

''Yes. My name is Luciel, I have just registered as an adventurer. I want to hone both my martial arts training and recovery magic, so I asked the receptionist if there was a request for training and recovery magic that could earn me a little money.
 Hmm. He was frightened, but his eyes were looking at me properly, and his eyes told me that he wasn't lying.

 'Huh. "Huh. A curious thing for a healer to do, isn't it? My name is Brod. You seem to have some skills in the physical arts? Why would a healer want more ability to fight than the status quo?
 Why would a money-grubbing healer want to learn the art of combat? Where is your true self?

'It's because I can't use it in actual combat. I'm not ready for it yet, and I'm sure that if I go on a journey, I'll be attacked by some common weak demons, but I'll die in the end. I asked you to make an effort to prevent that from happening, and to become strong enough to be able to defend myself.

 Oh, I get it. This guy is the type that knows his weaknesses. And for a healer, he's a pretty rare type that isn't even tainted with money. He's a natural with little obsession with money.
''Fine, I'll hire you as an H-ranked healer in the arena. The reward is a silver coin for one hour of training. The time and duration of his training is as long as the boy desires. When would you like to start training?
I decided to give in to this guy's request so that I wouldn't miss this natural healer.
'Three days' time, please.
Afterwards, after exchanging greetings with Nanaella, the little boy bowed his head and walked out of the guild.

''I didn't know there were healers in the world with such a low profile.
Those words from Nanaela say it all. Dirty and arrogant with money. Even here in Meratni, such a healing hospital exists on the largest scale.

'I'm really getting burned for intimidating a little boy like that. Hey, Nanaela. When that natural healer comes, I'll take care of him. Also, I'll have him stationed there and you'll have to clean out the sleeping quarters so he can stay the night. Oh, yeah. Tell the adventurers that if they get involved with that little boy, they will be heavily penalized.
Hopefully, he's a guy with guts.
 Oh, if the kid is a natural, I'll have Gruger prepare that d*mn nasty stuff.
 If he can drink that stuff, it'll make him a little stronger, even as a healer.

Then three days passed. The staff informed me that the little boy had arrived.
'It's a big place,' muttered the little boy, not not noticing me at all.
 This doesn't bode well for me. Or is it a matter of pre-martial arts and not being vigilant?

I guess so. Chickie, let's get started. We'll start with the basics, so don't run away.
Even if I'm intimidated, just nodding properly, the gall might be worth a moderate amount of money.
With that in mind, I decided to train this natural little boy.

 Perhaps because of my profession, I didn't have the physical strength to do so, so I decided to make him build up his physical strength at first.
 I liked the way he was struggling to do this low-key training, but I wasn't sure how long it would last.
 The next morning, I decided to give the kid a drink of that thing I'd asked Gruger to give me.
 It stunk. It stank, even from a distance. It smelled so bad that I had to dilute it.

 You've got to be kidding me. This guy drank all of that in one gulp.
 I'm sure he'd be thrilled to hear that.
 I haven't seen anyone gulp down anything like that in over a decade.
 Maybe this guy is a gem that can make you stronger?
 With that in mind, I decided to work out.

 Just then I couldn't believe my ears.
'Instructor Brod, it was definitely hard during the training, but I didn't have any sore muscles, so why don't you work out more?'
Because he made such a suggestion.
'Ho. I didn't expect a healer to suggest such a thing.
You don't think this guy is the type of guy who has a habit of being a nice guy, and the more you hit him, the more you push him, the more he shows his true value?
 On that day, I started training to push the little guy to his limits, one step before he broke.
What would happen if he continued to train this guy?
 At the same time, I thought. It's such a waste. I didn't know I could find such a gem in the rough when I came of age.
 I decided to coach this guy to find the limit of what he couldn't break.

'Brod, what do you think of Luciel?'
Grugar, who doesn't usually show any interest in the human race, asked Luciel, the boy, showing interest in him.

 Well, since you drink that, do you care?

'To be honest, I'm not a genius, but I'm not just an ordinary man either. He's starting to adapt to the environment quite nicely. And the fact that you can do it without complaining so much is a gift.
Any word from the Healers' Guild?
No. I'm a G-rated healer, too.
Oh, I see. So why don't you at least try the magic book?
I'll... I'll do it.
Come to think of it, that guy can only cast heels.
There's a book on antidotes and granting spells. I'll give him that.

And make sure that the Healers' Guild pays them back in time so they don't revoke my license.
 You can count on my brothers to be there for you.
Do you think he's coming back?
It's up to him.

 Thus, when the little boy went to the Healer's Guild and came back, he was very happy.
''Well, let's get down to business and train.
I decided to work out how I was going to train Luciel from now on, and I was grateful for the day when it was no longer boring as I set up a new schedule to train him.