12-10 Training 2 Numerical values, strength and report

 A week had passed since the day Botacouli came to the Adventurer's Guild.

'Looks like he and the guys have been sniffing around a lot of things about you.
Well, I'm not dependent on them, so I don't mind being snooped on.
'Yes, but Botacouli is snooping around Luciel. That way, anyone who wants to sell that guy a favor could turn against Luciel.
...and before I knew it, I was in a vicious circle.
I nodded, holding my face as Munch screamed.

'So from this day forward, I'm going to stop training you as a healer.
Instructor Brod declared.
Is it broken? As I was thinking this, he spoke up to continue.

'From today, you're going to Sparta as a budding fist fighter or holy knight.
Hello? Instructor Brod?
What? Why does that switch go off? Hey?

'Well, don't worry. I'm just going to lightly work out about twice as dense as I've been working out, and I'm just going to increase the amount of food and that, too.
'What? It's not reassuring at all?

 Then, at length, Instructor Brod put his hand on my shoulder and said.
'There are times when a man has to do things.'
'What? What made you think you could convince me with those words now?

If you don't want to die, just shut up and follow.
The low voice that emanated from Instructor Brod was not half as intimidating as it should have been.
I saluted.
"Come on,

 In the Adventurer's Guild's basement training ground, I began to hear Instructor Brod's reprimands and my screams and shouts from the morning, and the occasional cry.

 The new adventurers who were listening to this began to work hard at their training, because the healers were working so hard.
 Unbeknownst to me, the survival rate of adventurers increased, and I led the adventurers' guild into a virtuous cycle that will be talked about for many years to come.
 My two names are not very useful, but at this time, all I could think about was escaping from Instructor Brod, without thinking about it at all.

"You can use the barrier now, right?
'Yes, sir. Thanks to you, I can now use the barrier up to intermediate level.
Okay. Well, call yourself ASAP.

Oh, yes.
The next moment I activated the attack barrier, my vision changed in a circle.

 In the next moment, I felt intense pain in my chest and back, and I couldn't breathe.

''Hm. I threw everything I had at you, but you're not dead, you're conscious, and your bones aren't broken.''
 I've been told that I'm that fluent, but I continue to be unable to breathe.

'You couldn't see it, but I threw Luciel off with my full strength. I was going to work it out gradually, but if you died, I wouldn't have been able to get back to it.

I'm sure you have a way to do that.
'What? So you would have given him time to put up the barrier. There's such a thing as a sneak attack, you know.
I'm sure that's true.
'What we've been doing is training. You're not dying, and you didn't do that much damage, right? But starting today, we're going to add pain to that.
What? You've had pain in the past, haven't you? How did this happen all of a sudden? What if...
"...Is the situation really that bad?
No, not at all.
Instructor Brod shook his head.
'Huh? Then why?
'Over the past year, I've laid the foundation for my body. I have no bad habits. I don't have a natural talent, but I can continue to work hard. If you had that kind of material, you'd want to be my disciple.
No way?
'From now on, I will train you as my apprentice. Ah, yes, I forbid you to look at my status and skills until I say I'm good.
Because if you start chasing numbers, you won't be able to smell the strong man.
Do I smell a strong man?
Yeah. It doesn't matter how high your status is, if your neck and body are separated, people will die. Even if it's Luciel now, if he puts a sword through my neck, defenseless, I'm dead. Anyone trapped by status will be useless in a real predicament.
It was strangely convincing.
''... I understand.''
'This time I won't take you by surprise, so put up a proper barrier. Then we'll start the fight.
'Yes. Nice to meet you.

'Focus your attention on every body of the enemy you are facing. Some people feint with their eyes, or feint with their center of gravity, but with your current skills, you won't even recognize a feint.
Well, I'm aware of that.
"First you have to catch your opponent's movement. Then step by step: defense, parry, and evade.
It's just like what we've been doing.
Yes. But it's different in power and speed. And I'll put a feint in it.
I understand.
Once you get used to it, you'll be able to look down and imagine yourself and your opponent as you fight.
'You're in the realm of mastery!
First thing's first, I hope you don't run off.
I'll do my best.
"Normally, you'd have to be patient. That kind of thing is really cheeky.
'There are no absolutes in the world, you know. Instructor Brod.
"...I'll go as fast as I can, so don't get crushed. Then hang in there and hang in there.
I'm sorry to be so cocky. Start with a regular one, please.

 The next moment, five meters were blown away. I didn't get knocked out, and I was going to be in the sandbag for the next hour.

'Good. That's it for today. After this, we'll train as usual, and we'll deal with body arts, swordsmanship, shielding, spearmanship and archery.
I... I... I... I... I...
I fell forward, but fifteen minutes later I was doused with water and got up and started training in body arts.

 'It's fundamentals like this that make me strong. I muttered the same words over and over again like a spell, "Train the basics thoroughly," and the adventurers of Meratni became stronger as they heard those words and began to train the basics.

 In this world of six days a week, we spent the days of light and the days of wind in physical combat. The days of fire were swordsmanship and shield arts. Water days were spearmanship. Earth days were throwing and archery. The dark days were assigned to study and magical training days to train on.
 During swordsmanship and spearmanship, his body would be stained with blood from cuts during combat, but this time he was allowed to hang a heel on himself in quicksand. The first time I used magic on myself, I felt the effects of magic, and from this point on, I rapidly deepened my understanding of magic. I grew up with such byproducts.

 At that time, speaking of Botacouli, I was reading a report.

 Report, Luciel, occupational healer, age 16.
 He was an ignorant villager, but last year, he gained his aptitude for vocational healers and holy attribute magic at the Rite of Adulthood.
 Later, on the 17th of the sixth month, he visited Meratni and registered with the Healer's Guild under the guidance of Holy Knight Lumina.
 Initially, he was unable to use even heal, but remained in the guild's quarters for seven days and learned to heal.
 Afterwards, he went to the Adventurer's Guild instead of the Healing Institute, and began training in body arts for some reason.
 In exchange for an hour of martial arts training, he was given an hour's worth of silver coins to reside there, and from then on, he would spend the rest of the year practicing martial arts without fail.
 When the card was renewed this year, his holy attribute magic skill level had risen to V, suggesting that he continued to cast spells on himself while injured by the body arts.
 Two names are whispered in the shadows as evidence of this: zombie healer, dom healer, and healer's dom zombie.
 His friendships are with the guild master, guild staff and adventurers, but none of them have deep relationships with him, as he prefers to train rather than socialize with others.
 However, he is trusted by the Adventurer's Guild and adventurers, and most of them will accept his request if it is not unreasonable.
 Healer Luciel's treatment fee, but surprisingly, he does not set a fee, but a flat fee of one silver coin.
 As for the reason, the fact that Luciel the Healer makes the Adventurer's Guild his home is likely to be strongly related to how he started being hired.

 When Botacouli looked over the report, he thought he started to wannabe and shiver, and then he rolled the report up and slammed it down on the ground, crushing it.
''A single silver coin, don't be silly! It's people like this that make the other healers think I'm a money-maker.
 Botacouli was annoyed that the amount of money set for Luciel's healing was shockingly cheap.

'What's wrong with wanting to be wealthy when you can use the talents that Heaven has loved you for so long? You hypocrite!''
 After stomping through the report over and over again, Botacouli sat down at his desk and wrote a letter under his breath, "Hahahahaha," he wrote a letter.

''Hey. Go give this to the head of the Healer's Guild and also this one.
I understand.

 The letter states that the young healers belonging to the St. Surul Society Healers Guild, Melatni Chapter, are healing for an absurd amount of money and are hindering our business.
 However, he seems to be very capable, so when his contract is up, please move him somewhere far away, preferably to headquarters.
 It was written that I will leave this money with you and if you are reluctant to do so, give me the magic book and give me orders.

'This way, it won't get bad publicity if they find out I moved them. Kukku. If a little money like that can make your reputation good, you'll make money.'
 Thus Botacouli decided to tacitly tolerate and put up with Luciel's actions for a year.
 He couldn't even imagine now that this decision would later determine the fate of Botacouli himself.