96-90 The wise man's past and disturbing rumors

 As I arrived at the Adventurer's Guild, I heard a voice.

The Dragon Ambassadors.
The Torturers of Hell.
The poster child of Object X.

 I understand the dragon slayer, but isn't it crazy from there? No matter how much I want to, that's going to make me cry.
 I denied it in my mind as the voices around me rose and headed to the reception desk.

''Hello. May I have an interview with Jasuan-dono or Jaius-dono?
Wait a minute.
 The receptionist of the cat-beast man ran up the stairs.

 A blue-faced and profusely sweating Lord Jasuan appeared.
''Lord Jasuan, your attitude is indeed hurtful. I only did that because I was really angry too, and you drank the same thing.''
'Hahaha. What are you talking about, sir? And what can I do for you?
 Object X was on such a level that it was traumatizing to the dragonborn.

 With a little sympathy for Lord Jasuan, I tell him my business.

''I would like to ask you about attracting adventurers and the demons of the uncivilized forest spreading in the uncharted territory, and I would like to talk to you.
 As I said this, Lord Jasuan's comedy-like air changed and he opened his mouth.
"I don't mean to be rude, sir," he said, "but please go to the guildmaster's room.

 Thinking that his face was going to be somewhat disturbed, he followed Lord Gyasuan to the Guildmaster's room.
 There was Jaius-dono there.
 Perhaps because they were brothers, when he looked at Jasuan-dono's face and got a serious expression, he recommended a seat.

''So, you wanted to talk about the matter of attracting adventurers earlier and the demons of the savage forest?''
 Lord Jasuan resumed the conversation so that Lord Jaius could get through to him.
''Yes. Yesterday, I went to the savage forest to procure materials. Most of the demons we defeated there were the goblins, orcs, and wolf-type demons that we often hear about.
So you've been in the wild woods?
 Lord Gaius wrinkled his brow and closed his eyes.
''There were trolls and mandrakes, but I couldn't for the life of me believe that those were rare demons and would fetch a high price, so I went to the Adventurer's Guild to check on that matter.

 Lord Gaius opened his eyes and began to speak.
''As for the Mandrake, it's definitely an expensive one, as it's traded for around ten gold coins in the Medicine Guild. But it's the only thing that's expensive in that forest.
...What do you mean by that?

There was a rumor that spirits live in those woods.
 I was actually there.
Oh, I know they aren't around anymore. But I've heard that there used to be many adventurers who wanted to gain blessings from it, or who wanted to get rich by capturing spirits.
 I heard that there were many water spirits as well, but that's not the same thing as this.
''So how is it that there are so few of these now?''
'It is said that adventurers got lost and demons attacked them day and night. And I heard that once there was a stampede of demons from the forest, and it was the wise man who solved the problem.
'Sage-sama did you purify the forest?
''In the literature of the time, it is said that he summoned several spirits to defeat thousands of demons, all by himself.
........he was very strong.
'Yes. Just after defending Yenis [Does the spirit look like someone with an evil mind! And with that statement, the adventurers and merchants left Yenis.

 It's kind of a terrific composition.
''........Could it be that there was no Healer's Guild in Yenis?''
''....Yes. It is said that the Sage was involved in relief work in Yenis while he was alive, and it is said that he was the one who brought in the well and spice seeds. But it is also said that it was the Sage who drove the people into poverty, and drove them out of Yenis when we were very young.

 The statements he made for the spirits after saving Yenis from the attack of the demons caused Yenis' economic crisis, and the wise man who not only took responsibility for it and invested his resources, but also thought about the future of the future and even thought about future industries... but still, it's not funny that the next generation would hate him. You know.

What's that got to do with race supremacy?
''........I can't say it's not there. I believe it was written in the Sage's wife that there were some beastmen as well.
 Was the wise man also a rear-end worker?
 Well, what you're doing is admirable, and what you're doing is also admirable.

What kind of demons were you trying to attract adventurers to hunt for?
 That's where the former is.
 If you're exceptionally strong or have a high value demon, it's not a problem.
 For example, I'm considering escorting retired adventurers to the border, selling honey and honey wine, or even cotton among the seeds to be sown in the fields, and I'll probably change the field work with the races that are good at it.
 Whether that's good or bad, I'm sure it will be a city I'd like to live in, as long as it has food, clothing, shelter, and jobs and is a good place to live.

 Gaius-dono stood up and pulled out a map.
'I've seen this map before, but this is it.
 Gaius-dono pointed to a blank area.

''Wasn't this supposed to be a mountain, or rather a cliff?''
Yeah. But I hear there's more to it than just a series of cliffs.
 ..........are you listening to me?
Who are you asking about?

 I don't have a good impression of Yenis's tiger-beasts, bird-beasts and rabbit-beasts.
''By the way, what do you think they have?''

I've received reports of harpies, lamia, rock lizards, fairy nymphs, driads, and other demons I've never seen before.

 It's a fantasy on parade, but doesn't this cover the story of the wise man who was named earlier?
So you're saying that we haven't been able to verify the fact that... What about the bird-beast man?

'He hasn't been seen since. Therefore, the Adventurer's Guild does not affirm the story.
 That's too suspicious.

But still, once it spreads, you mean. It's a pain in the ass.

''Yes. A number of adventurers were actually injured. Since then, the labyrinth has become more active, so that story has disappeared, but I've heard that it's resurfacing.
 Beside Jaius-dono's explanation with a mysterious face, Jasuan-dono has a look on his face that this is the first time he's heard it, but he doesn't care.

''........I see. It smells like a nuisance, but good luck with that. By the way, I've decided to prepare a residence to attract adventurers.

I'm glad to hear it, but I'm glad you've come up with that kind of budget.
 ........I see. After all, if you're so picky about money, you're not pooling your profits ... somewhere to exploit them, are you?
 ...we'll think about this later.
 I reply with a laugh.

''It's my own money. That's why I have full authority over it. By the way, the location is scheduled to be the current slum area. And the judging will be done by the Adventurer's Guild, which I would like to ask for.

...the slums.......you must have some ideas about it. As for the choice of people, you're a decent man.

 I wondered why he was the deputy guildmaster when he pulled himself together, but then I reminded myself that I'm no more useless than Mr. Jord, so maybe Number Two runs the organization, and I stood up and bowed my head.
''Yes. I believe that Jaius-dono and Jasuan-dono can interview the adventurers who operate without discrimination. I will later give you the terms and conditions on paper for the adventurers we request and those who are thinking of retiring from adventuring, thank you for your help.
Yes, sir.
 Lord Jasuan and Jaius also stood up and straightened their posture before replying.
 Thinking that the two of them could be trusted, they decided to ask for one more favor.

''We would like to meet with the Guildmaster of the Medicine Master's Guild next time, so please act as an intermediary.
Yes, sir.
 I smiled and left.

 After leaving the Adventurer's Guild, we decided to return to the Healer's Guild.
''It looks like we'll be able to start planning this gradually, but it doesn't look like it's going to go very smoothly.
We'll have to nip those bad buds in the bud sooner rather than later.
This could be another conspiracy.
'Huh. Hey, will you two break your slave contracts and become my followers? Because if equality is good for you, that's fine.
 When I say this, they both laugh and reply with the same words.
'Please remain a slave. You are already a vassal at heart, so let me work to my fullest potential.
"Same as Lionel-sama. Besides, as a slave, I can gather information from a lot of different places, so I'll leave it to you.

...I knew it...
 I slumped my shoulders and walked away, thinking about how I was going to get through this in the future.