186-180 To regain confidence

 When we entered the magic library, we sat apart from the three of us and began to read the parchment that Orford-san had written with each of our thoughts and improvements.

 As I continued reading the rest of the material I had just seen, I ran into a contradiction.
 If the magic power was dripping, why wasn't the magic power decreasing? Even though it has a magic power recovery amount, it doesn't have the amount of magic power to be able to drip.
 Besides, when you activate your physical enhancement, your magic power always decreases, though only slightly.
 There was no explanation written about it.
''........Is it too convenient to ask for that much?''
 But as I rolled up the next document, I suddenly got excited.
 It was described there as follows

 It seems that there are people in this world who fly slashes, and it is said that the magic power inside them is carried on the blade and sent flying.
 It's not a good idea to have a good idea of what you're doing, but it's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're doing.
 The only thing you need is a weapon that is strong enough to withstand the magical power of Luciel-dono's staff, and a weapon with a high magic conductivity that can smoothly convert magical power.

 ........Since there's an illusionary sword, if I can verify how the flying slash happens, I'll be able to use a long-range attack if I can verify the event.
 It was a different item, but it was the information that shone the most light on me since I lost my holy attribute magic.

 At the time of my training, I saw that master and Lionel's slash that I had seen many times, and it was the slash that they were releasing.
 It wouldn't be surprising to see the tension rise if he thought it might be because he could release it.
 I was beginning to feel like I could withstand any difficulty now.

 As I read more of the material I was given, it even included a discussion of flying slashes.
 However, this gave me some hope for my old age, if only a little.

 Even though my goal was Holy Attribute Resurrection or Healing Magic, I guess I'm thinking on the premise of fighting before I know it.
 With a bitter smile on my face, my face froze this time as I read through the materials.

 What is required when changing to a job healer is to have an aptitude for the holy attribute.
 If this didn't have a healer item on the job, it was likely to be dominated by a negative emotion that hated something more strongly than the desire to help people.
 If this is resolved and the healer item does not appear, then you have no choice but to accept that this is the fate (sama) set by the Lord God Kraija and the God of Holy Religion.

 The negative emotions are stronger than the thought of someone else, and hatred has taken over...? Not this one.
 If I ever run into the evil gods again, I'll run away, and it might even be unconsciousness.
 Still, I can say with confidence that I made the best choice at that time, and I want to praise myself for doing so.
 Then maybe it's fate.

 ........If I can't become a healer, then the only other people who can use holy attribute magic are priests, holy knights, sages, saints, and heroes.
 If there's any chance of me getting used to it among them, it would be only the sage.

 The last document mentioned a person who had become a wise man more than a hundred years ago.

 That person was given blessings from all six spirits, Light, Dark, Fire, Water, Earth and Wind. But he was too old to raise all the magic of the four basic attributes to Skill Level X. So, once a thousand years ago, he was given a flower.
 So he ate the white fruit of the benevolent tree, which blooms every hundred years near the golden fruit of the World Tree, which blossoms once every thousand years, opening the door to becoming a wise man.
 But in his later years, the wise man has only one word to say.
 He said only one thing: "If only I could have made the drink called Object X sooner, I could have become a wise man sooner...

'Huh? Didn't you make object X when you became a wise man?
 The fact that I hadn't thought to speak out caused Nadia and Lydia to look at me, and I controlled them with my hand, saying it was nothing.

 I was surprised at the purpose of why Object X was developed, but then, did it start belonging to the Healer's Guild after he became a wise man?
 Knowing the surprising truth, will this get me to the fountain, where I can meet the wind spirit and receive blessings?
 Let's suppose that the blessing is successfully received and you can eat the white fruit to become a sage.
 Will I really be able to use holy attribute magic if my job becomes a sage?
 Such doubts and fears came flooding in.
 This was something Orford-san had researched for me, but I was beginning to have such doubts about whether it was right to take everything into account.
 Thinking that, I huffed.

 Isn't this wall of doubt in my mind a negative emotion that prevents me from using holy attribute magic? When I was able to use Holy Attribute magic, when I was able to use Holy Attribute magic, if I was going to have a hard time, I would have started out in denial, but I would have thought of things positively, thinking that I would be able to handle it.
 Since the plating of the holy attribute had been removed, the self-preservation instincts must have kicked in....
 It's like a dark, unsuccessful sales era.

 A negative spiral where everything seems to be the enemy.
 Bosses, seniors, peers, and even juniors are seen as the enemy.

 I let out a sigh, look up, look at Nadia and Lydia, and mutter my motto from those days.
It's a good thing that you can only build your strength by working hard. Good luck is just an opportunity, and if you don't work hard, you won't even notice the opportunities (chances). It is up to you to make the most of your opportunities.

 It's a motto I made up by mixing stories about the lucky girl my seniors told me in the darkest days of sales and the athlete stories that that girl who was assigned to general affairs told me about the athletes.
 It's a bit long, but I always chanted this one whenever I ran into a wall and got lost.

 Sometimes it's really just bad luck, but as much luck as it is, it certainly exists.
 But good luck is shy, so it's usually hidden.
 For those that have laid the groundwork and prepared for it with steady effort, good luck will be visible from time to time, and opportunities (chances) will come to them.
 That's where all the hard work you've done so far will be tested. We are all working hard, and we are all in this together.
 So what does it take to get results? It's the confidence that you have done what you need to do well, without wavering.
 By doing so, the mind becomes relaxed and the horizon is broadened, which brings new fortune.

''When I think about it, I'm proud of the fact that I've put my heart and soul into my combat training, but I don't think I've ever put much effort into holy attribute magic other than chanting magic.''
 Perhaps having a signpost leading to the sage gave me a clearer mind.
 I decided to take advantage of this opportunity to deepen my knowledge of magic and attributes and gain confidence before going to see the wind spirit.
 And after this day, he continued to train his body while studying hard as if he were a student taking an exam.