223-217  target

 The miasma is still pouring out from the bodies of the knights who had been transformed into demons.
 The miasma of the miasma has been replaced by a blue skin color and red eyes with no trace of intelligence.
 It was just like a berserker in a story.

 Mr. Dongahaha, I didn't expect that you, the head of the executive branch, would come out. You couldn't come from you, but I came to you.
 I'll extend the time as long as I can by talking first, not touching them, who have become mad warriors.
 ''That's not going to be enough, Master Sage. It's only natural to be kind to those who are dying.
 Apparently he thinks he has an overwhelming advantage, and Dongahaha is willing to go along with the conversation.

 'It sounds like I'm going to die, doesn't it?'
 Wise man, you're still going strong under these circumstances.
 There were eleven knights whose demonization was even more advanced, including Brutus.
 I don't know how strong the demonization is, but there are probably not many who can fight evenly among the knights.
 You have a lot of confidence in yourself. If you have that much confidence, I would like to ask you to teach me for the sake of later study, if that's all right?
 I don't think there will be an after school lesson, but that's fine. Maybe you'll join us, Mr. Wise.
 Confidently, Dongahaha told me so, but I guess being a mate means demonizing or enslaving them.
 It's a completely low species.
 Didn't the Pope realize the true nature of this guy? Or did you notice it but neglect it because you owe it something? Well, either way, we can ask questions and buy some time.

 ''This church headquarters is supposed to have a strong breaker's ward in place, so how could the demon race still be able to get in, even though they were turned into demons?
 "Hmmm, hmmm, hmmm, demon warding? I don't see how such a thing could already exist. Why do you think a labyrinth has appeared in the heart of the church?
 Did he realize that the effect of the warding was no longer in effect when the labyrinth appeared?
 Since the labyrinth appeared half a century ago, it wouldn't have had anything to do with him directly.
 Then why hadn't he reported it to the Pope?

 'If you knew the wards were gone, why did you leave them alone? Even if you were, you're a major figure in the church headquarters. If you found out that the labyrinth had appeared due to an error by the Executive Branch, wouldn't you have been obligated to report it to the Pope?
 Because I have a grudge against the Church, against the Pope, of course.
 His face, which had been smiling earlier, changed and he glared at me with a sharp look in his eyes.

 I could feel a strong feeling of hatred towards the Church and the Pope.
 ''Resentment? A major figure in the Church has a grudge against the Church and the Pope...? As for me, it's because of all the things you guys have done to me, but why do you have a grudge?
 'Because of the incompetent executive and the Pope's shallowness at the time, my father was going to die.
 There seems to be a solid reason for this.

 But since he knows the current situation of the Pope, even he should know that it would be just a backhanded resentment.
 ''Why have you decided to take revenge now?''
  But if the reason is now, it's clear. It's you, wise man.
 I'm the reason why, but I don't remember doing anything to him.

 "The Pope gave me this relic to tell me that my father, who was left behind in the labyrinth, has been consecrated thanks to your trudging through the labyrinth. And it brought back memories of those days.
 The wand.
 It was the wand I brought back from the labyrinth.
 This was my father's staff. My father was in charge of the main hall before it became a labyrinth," he said.
 If the fifty-layered boss who disappeared as an old man at that time was Dongahaha's father, was it a mistake to think he was an old man, or was he his adopted son?
 'Isn't it out of line to hold a grudge against the Pope just for agreeing to the expansion?
 Do you think I'm going to resent you for that? Just before the labyrinthification at the time, the Pope asked my father to forget something. My father was then unlucky enough to get caught up in the labyrinthization.
 Is that why you've been holding a grudge all these years? 

 'That's a bit different. The Pope treated me well just because I was his father's son and invited me to the church headquarters and treated me well, and made me rise through the ranks. I was grateful to him at the time, but I couldn't bear to resent him.
 Why then?
 'After I was assigned to the executive, I had the opportunity to look up some old executive records, which I happened to find. The records of my father's persistence in being interviewed by the executive at the time because of his human supremacy, and the records of the things the Pope had asked my father to forget.
 I have a very bad feeling about this.
 I still have a bad feeling about the history of human supremacy, but I have a bad feeling about forgetting something or something.

 ''I'm sure you've done some scrutiny to make sure those records are correct, but was it like a favor to you?
 'I'm sure it was an atonement for the Pope. For it was his favorite necklace that he sent his father to get. I'm sure that's what the Pope told me. I heard about it the day I announced that I was giving up the capture of the labyrinth.
 Whether it was really just a necklace or not, let's leave it at the moment, but if that's indeed the case, then maybe it's not worth resenting.
 If it's important to you, you should wear it.
 'And then you say you tried to destroy the church?
 'Huh, then, how would my resentment have ended and come to an end? But not long after I heard that I was giving up the labyrinthine attack, the church corrupted on its own without my hand in it.
 Dongahaha said that he was very sad about the situation and showed it to me with a shake of his head.
 He said that not only the knights but also the healers had been thrown into the ranks in a big way, and the knights were still affected by that, even now.
 The fact that he'd thrown in an excessive amount of force backfired, and he still couldn't step through, the Pope was a complete ornament, wasn't he?

 I certainly think so, but now the feeling of why is growing stronger.
 ''Well then, why didn't you just go ahead and do your best for the church? It's not good for us.
 I'm grateful to you. Even though our faction was split, it was worth it for you. Not only did you traverse the labyrinth, but you crushed the evil healers and quickly restored the prestige and dignity of the church.
 It's not just me. Besides, you did a lot of work on the guidelines and the bill.
 What we've done is nothing special. It was you who did what others could not do at such a young age. The people have a weakness for those with charisma. If you have something overwhelming, that's all that attracts them.
 ''Well you seem to be associating extensively with Brange and the Empire, how long have you been sabotaging them?''
 Interference? This is a very unusual thing to say. It's you, isn't it? You used the demon tribe you summoned to crush the plan to turn an entire village into a demon tribe, and then headed straight to Grandle to defeat the demon tribe you had put up in the low-grade labyrinth on the same day.
 He has all the information..... But he, who can't move from the church, shouldn't be able to grasp this much detail without an outside helper.
 The reason for this is that he speaks so eloquently about things that he has not told the Pope.

 ''Was that all planned by you?
 Yes. Of course, I've got help, though.
 So is that what you were doing spreading rumors of divine punishment?
 That was just the truth mixed with a few lies. You destroyed yourself on your own, and that's what's wrong. My plan of revenge went haywire in the middle of my plan and I had to rethink it.
 I'm sure he's talking about losing his ability to be a healer.
 But there's something different about his words and actions.
 It's like he wants to admit that he has a collaborator himself, or he wants us to believe that he is the main culprit.

 "So you've made a rumor that could damage the church.
 You have lost your ability to be a healer, and that's when you became irrelevant. We had to have you spread the word, but you seem to be quite popular with the public, so that didn't go over too well. 
 .........I wonder. I'm a little happy and my face almost grimaces.
 'Then you didn't have the option of giving up there or something?
 Hahaha. It would be a shame to leave someone who has surpassed our expectations and will return as a wise man in just three months.
 The way you put it, it's like you're making me a target...!
 ''........Could it be that targeting Catherine-san and the War Maiden Holy Knights was a trap to lure me out?
 ''You've finally realized that. It was yet another miscalculation to undo the demonization, but I'll crush you here and destroy the church headquarters so that my vengeance can end.
 "...let me ask you one last question. Who made this plan? No matter how much you plan, I don't think you'll ever be able to summon the demon race.
 "...that's a good head to spin. I'm afraid I can't tell the dying ones everything. I've just finished making preparations!
 I had unleashed the demonization of all the knights who had become mad warriors without being noticed, but I couldn't undo them all in time, so I had no choice but to reverse the sanctuary wards and put them up, which was the limit.
 ''Hoho. Did you put up a ward to save those who have turned into demons? Looks like you have a lot of time to spare.''
 The knights who had turned into demons attacked the wards, but it looked like they couldn't get out.
 ''We can't afford it, but I'm guessing your hand has been reduced?
 Haha, the real deal is already done.
 'Finished? Can't you mix your magic? No way?!
 I thought it was strange that I had so much room to spare, but then I realized that I couldn't knead my magic power.
 ''Yes. I have set up a powerful sealing demon ward. I know that you are not affected by the anomaly, so I came up with this plan. Now meet your demise with despair in your eyes.
 Apparently, just like the boss room on the tenth level of the Labyrinth of Trials, the magic was sealed off.
 It seems you really study me a lot.
 If it's the same as that time, I'll be able to master magic myself.

 When I thought that, as expected, the staff that Dongahaha holds glowed red, and a red-black magic circle emerged in front of Dongahaha's eyes.