303-297 Confirmation and thanks

 When I received the information about the new reincarnation, I asked Hatri, who knew the face of the reincarnation, Master, who would know the likely prophecy priestess of the reincarnation, and Lionel to accompany me as an escort.

 That and Bazak, who had passed out after drinking Object X, had revived before I knew it and wanted to register as an adventurer, so I had no choice but to come with him to the Adventurer's Guild.

 When I entered the Adventurer's Guild, there was a bit of a commotion, and Jasuan-dono with a large amount of sweat on his forehead and Gaius-dono who was laughing appeared and asked me to move straight to the Guild Master's room.

 The master seemed to comply with the request, so I asked Hattori to find a reincarnation before that, and he seemed to have found it right away, so I gave a brief explanation to Jasuan-dono.

 He seemed to understand what I was talking about, so instead of going to the guildmaster's room, I asked him to invite him and his party members to the conference room on the second floor.
 Bazak had to leave temporarily at this time to register as an adventurer.

 And the swordsman at the head of the adventurers who appeared in the conference room looked familiar.
 However, I never thought that there was a strong man (or woman) building a harem party, so my attention turns to him.

 But since I'm sure we've never introduced ourselves before, I tried to greet him as our first meeting.
What? Whirlwind, you're an S-level healer... hey, Hattori, what's going on? Why are these battle crazies here?
 The information seemed a little outdated, but apparently he already knew about us.

 Dressed like a swordsman, he glares at Hattori.
 Other than him, the rest of the members seemed to be wondering how they should respond to the fact that Master and I were all here.

'Yeah, give me a minute. I've probably seen you before, but I'd like to introduce myself first, if that's okay?
Luciel, I know that guy pretty well. Hey, Martis.
 The master opened his mouth faster than he did, swordsman-style.
 But still........that's too common a name for a reincarnation.

''Master, do you know him?''
''Yeah, he was in and out of our adventurer's guild by the time Luciel started tangling with Botacouli.
Oh, I knew it. I knew I'd recognize you from somewhere.
 Apparently, I wasn't mistaken that I had seen his face before.

'And I remember this guy well because he's the one who came to me asking to be my apprentice and didn't last three days.
I'd have to be crazy to drink that stuff. Only a person with a taste disorder or a dominatrix would drink that stuff.

'Huh.......are you trying to pick a fight with me?
"Keke! Healer's got a point. That's just a figure of speech. Yeah, so what do you want...?
 As he lashed out at me, the intimidation seemed to be released from his mentor and Lionel, and Martis became respectful.

'Hutri, is he right?'
I have no doubt about that. Lord Martin, I would do anything for love, that I would do.
I don't understand... what do you mean by that?
 When Martin tried to speak, he was intimidated further by his mentor and Lionel, who spoke respectfully.

'First, let me introduce myself. My name is Luciel. I have become a wise man by profession and am also the president of the Luciel Chamber of Commerce. I have been told by Dr. Hattori here that Lord Martis is of a peculiar birth. Do you know any of the other party members?
'Yeah, I told you. Still, you've accepted me, my dear friend.
 Of all the reincarnated people, maybe he's the happiest........

''In that case, let's get down to business. How many reincarnates are there, including you, and what is your mission as a reincarnate?
''I'm sure there were ten, and there was no such thing as a mission.
''No, but lately, the reincarnator has been trying to invoke evil gods and make them turn into demons, so I decided to check out the reincarnator once.
''Oh, I didn't do anything. I've been working my way up through the adventurer ranks and finally got a B-rank. I definitely didn't do that.
'Master Luciel the Wise, Martin has done nothing wrong.
Don't pick on your brother Martin.
Martin doesn't have the guts, but he's not going to do anything evil.
Trust him, please.
 You're liked by your party members....

''Yes, I know that. Just so you know, there are three reincarnated members in the Luciel Chamber of Commerce, including Miss Hattori here, but as long as they don't cause the world to fall into chaos, I basically have no intention of interfering.
You mean you're in control of the incarnation...?
'No, they want to work for the Luciel Chamber of Commerce, and if they want to quit, they can, and we won't interfere.
 When Martin looked at Hattori, Hattori nodded deeply and began to explain.

''I was an Imperial agent sent to destroy this city, that I was. I was captured a year ago and made a slave, that I was.
You're a slave, you've interfered enough!
 Apparently, Martis doesn't like slaves themselves.

'Oh, by the way, I'm not a slave to Luciel-sama, that I am. As a slave, I am ordered not to work murder or stealing, that is very humane. That's why I am able to be a teacher at school, that I am.
...can you be a teacher, that or something like that?
'I can talk normally. But I'm ready to do anything to make Miss Cressia laugh.

''Well that's why, it's not like I'm going to make you a deceased person just because you're a reincarnated person, so you can rest assured.''
''Huh~. Then I don't have any other ideas other than to be an adventurer and live happily ever after with these guys.
 I don't know what it is I'm starting to see Martis as the hero of the story.

''Then I guess I won't have to interfere. By the way, has anyone ever approached you knowing you were a reincarnation?
'None. I've decided I'm going to be of this world, and I'm sure if I hadn't seen this fake ninja, no one would have known I was a reincarnate.
 I don't know why. ........I couldn't bring myself to praise Hatri for the big job of finding the reincarnation.

''Well then, that's the end of our business here, but since you've given us a chance to discuss it, let's do something to thank you. If you need help with anything, I'll be happy to talk to you about it.
''Well then, if you know of a way to completely unslave them or something, I'd like to know.
 Apparently, the aversion to slaves was an ongoing thing.
 Well, I understand........

''........Are any of them slaves?''
'All of them. We rescued an illegal slave trader and a bandit teaming up near the border of Glandle and Brange, but we can sign a slave contract, but we can't cancel it...
Okay. [Dispel] Well, you are now completely annulled from your contract.
 It doesn't look like he's lying, and I don't think he'll hold a grudge with this one.
 I've heard that Yenis is a very safe place.

It's not that easy, huh? Fly on the spot.
 There was only one girl who flew away, but she laughed and said she'd made a mistake.
 Afterwards, Martin and the ex-slaves seemed to be so touched and crying that I had to leave the room without them.
 I was somewhat relieved to see a very happy reincarnation.

'Hattori, I don't know what's in store for you, so I hope you'll keep an eye out for them while they're in town.
Yes, that I do.
So Hutley can go back in.
Well, I'm sorry.
 Hattori left the Adventurer's Guild without even bothering to ask what happened.
 Apparently, Hattori was a man who could read the air.

''So, Master, what was the reincarnation that predicted Master's death?''
I'm sorry, but I'm under oath.
 The master told him that he was really sorry.

 But how often can they hang a pledge? I ask, just to be sure.
'Was that before you were level one? Or later?

'Before ... well! Then we'll be okay. I also heard that the person who made the prophecy is a reincarnated person. I heard that he was protected from the labyrinth, called himself a prophecy priestess at the Adventurer's Guild headquarters, and has been making prophecies come true one after another since.
...The Adventurer's Guild is okay, right?
 Apparently it's right for a reincarnation, but I'm wondering why you were in the labyrinth.
 .........Adventurer's Guild is okay, right? ........I'm starting to get worried.

'Yeah. Extremely transparent. So we'll see the prophetic priestess?
''Well I'll depend on tomorrow's detour to see that prophetic priestess or not.
A detour?
 I know a being who prophesies, because I know a thing that prophesies, too.

Yes, I have a feeling that it's better to ask the things that predict things foretelling things.
Well, then, let's go to Luciel's mansion for tomorrow's strategy session.
'Don't you have to go to the guildmaster's room?'
It would be a pity if he stayed too long when he's in such awe of you.
 I reluctantly decided to follow Lionel's unexpected agreement.

'It's been almost two years since you gave me Object X. I think it's time for the statute of limitations to run...'
 I felt uncomfortable, but I arrived back home with my masters.

 After that, we returned to the mansion, and at the dinner table, we announced the route and members of the group that would take us to the foot of the Valley of the Dragon, and we had free time until tomorrow's departure... but I was destined to be under house arrest in the arena as a recovering officer.