305-299 Spirits and summons

 Before stepping into the uncharted forest, he took out the water talisman that had been left in his magic bag for so long.

''With this, we won't get lost. Now, shall we go? Forenowar, please be vigilant.
"Yes, but I don't think you'll need it.
What's... is that a genie?
'Master Luciel, can you see Master Lacy?'
 It seems that Lythian saw my reaction and immediately knew that he could see it.
 It's not just a matter of time before you get to the point where you can see your own personal life.

''........Lacy, did you guide me to the water spirit before?''
Yes, sir.
 Apparently, it's right.

You have a water spell? Then follow me.
 When Lacy tells you that, she doesn't wait for our reply and goes on her way.

I'm sure Lacy is a genie who likes to play pranks on people by nature, so she can't play with them, so she's not very careless.
 Forenoire made such an analysis.

 If they stayed here forever, they were going to get lost, so they hurriedly decided to follow Lacy.
 After Lacy walked, he didn't need Lisian's spirit magic to walk, as the trees would avoid him on their own.

 Not long after that, Lacy faded and disappeared as we reached the lake at some point.
'Thanks for showing me the way, Lacy,'
 I knew that spirits can seriously disappear, so after properly thanking them, I was approaching my destination lake when the water spirit spoke to me via telekinesis.

 The lake rose and a humanoid water spirit appeared.

'Water spirit, if it wasn't for your advice at that time, I might have lost my teacher and followers, and I wouldn't have been able to reach the sage so quickly. I am truly grateful to you.
 I really wanted to complain about it, but saving the Hatch tribe was in my favor as a result, and the reason I was able to act without hesitation now that I was no longer a healer was definitely because of that advice.

It also served as a thank you for rescuing my family members. Now, are you referring to Duchy Blange this time, or the Singularity with the Foresight Skill? You do not wish to go to the forest where the elves live, do you?
 I guess the water spirits are the most skilled among the spirits to accurately discern the intentions of our coming, I guess.

''That singular person I know that the reincarnation is in the Adventurer's Guild of Grandle, but it's not a prophecy, is it a prediction?
'Hmm, it's something that can happen. It's possible to avoid it, of course, but if some possibility doesn't work, it will be right on target, so it's not a mistake, even if it's a prediction.
 That was a more heinous skill than I thought........

''That priestess........doesn't that crush your spirit?
'You'll be fine if you stay at the Adventurer's Guild Headquarters, but that is a skill that can be acquired by those who are essentially prepared to throw everything at the world. I'd recommend sealing the skill if you can, and the wise man's concerns won't happen. And what the wise man is concerned about won't happen.''
 So just because he's a reincarnated person doesn't mean he's going to cause weird things?
 Still, in a way, I feel like that reincarnated person is just unhappy....

''By the way, do you know where that singular person I don't know about is located?
"...I'm still living safely in a place west of Yenis, and I've already found a partner in this world to live with.
 The water spirit thought for a moment before answering.

 ........How envious.
 Even so, there was still a world in the west of the void that people could live in.
 But it's a relief that there's no situation where you have to fight the reincarnation in this.

I have one last question. Why did you predict that I would come back here when I was desperate?
 It was Forenoir and the dark spirits that answered my question.

''Because water spirits have future vision I wouldn't know unless it was about the person I saw directly.
'Other than that, instead of being able to move easily from place to place, he's a muzzled voyeur who has his alter ego in his subordinate to gather information....he can't use it at a crucial point.
"What? You two have been together for so long, why are you being so disgusting?
 I certainly agree with that.
 The usual forenoirs and dark spirits aren't like this, but they hit the water spirits hard.

''Water Spirit, do you know that spirit stones are collected in the Principality of Brange?''
''Yeah. You're trying to gather spirit stones and summon a great spirit, aren't you?''
 Hmm? That's not what you're saying with the infiltrators in the Rubruk Kingdom.

''You do know that magic tools have been developed to absorb spirits from spirit stones, right?
''I don't have any such information. A light dragon was summoned, but........what? What have you done?
What's going on?
 When the water spirit is surprised, he becomes extremely anxious.

''He's trying to enslave the light dragon.''
''........how can a man enslave a dragon, has the leader of that country really gone mad?''
 However, something tense is conveyed from Forenoire.

''.........It seems that's why they're collecting spirit stones, but fortunately, the person giving the instructions seems to be missing. And the light dragon's condition is strange, but it hasn't been enslaved.''
 Apparently, he's still fine, but if you're going to be in a time crunch, you might as well go to Blange first. 

"...All right, then, look at Luciel.
''All right. We just have a maiden here to help us out.
What, me?
 Lydia was surprised when she was suddenly talked down to, but she nodded firmly there.

''Priestess, I will accept a contract with you in accordance with the old pact.''
 When those words were heard, Lydia emitted a light blue light.

''I'm sorry, but can I have you summon a spirit?''
"Yes. "In accordance with the ancient pact, manifest through my magical power, the water spirit, Aqua.
 Lydia had already heard it beforehand from the wind spirit, or maybe she had already heard it beforehand from the wind spirit, but she had a complete grasp of the chanting and uttered it without hesitation.

 Then the water appeared in a whirlwind like a tornado, and it gradually approached the form of a human, and a fully human-shaped water spirit manifested.

''Well, it's been a long time since it manifested, so I want to play with it, but I'll let you see what the future holds for the wise man right away.
 The water spirit looked into my eyes in a way that succumbed to the pressure of the forenoir and the dark spirit.
 After that, I guess it was about a minute or so, as we stared at each other, the water spirit's eyes changed to look at the poor thing.
 What is it........I'm very curious.

''What do you think?''
''You are right to go to the foot of the Dragon Valley. The problem of the light dragon can be completely solved there........
 Apparently, there's been no change in destination.

How far did you see?
"What? Couscous, hmmm, is it true?
"Yes, Luciel the Wise, I have one piece of advice for you.
 When I nodded to Forenoir, the water spirit seemed to have some new advice for me.

''Let me hear it.''
If you don't work hard at the foot of the Dragon Valley you won't have peace of mind for some time to come.
What does that mean?
 It was much better than the despair that awaited him before, but it felt like a genie's awhile was the equivalent of a person's lifetime.

'That's ... something you'll hear from your own buddy.
 The water spirit didn't answer any of my questions after that, no matter how many questions I asked him, and he talked to Lydia for a bit and disappeared on the spot.

''Luciel, come on, let's get to where we should be heading.''
Hey, buddy, you don't have a secret relationship with your partner, do you?
''Luciel, if you're my partner, don't worry about the little things, just move forward as best you can. Then I will teach you one day.
 Huh~ Apparently, he didn't seem to tell me, so when I tried to turn back, I saw several light blue magic stones piled up in front of Lisian.

''Luciel-sama, I received a parting gift from the water spirit.
Let's put him in a magic bag and go.
Yes, sir.
 Thus, our second encounter with the water spirit ended in a blur again.

 Not knowing why Forenoir laughed so much, or even if he was still laughing with the dark spirits, we decided to go back to the airship.