341-335 Policy as Luciel Shokai

 The place I moved to was the garden of my mansion in Yenis.
 Even if I had explained it to them beforehand, they would have been surprised, because the scenery they were seeing suddenly changed.
 With the exception of Forenoire and the other spirits, everyone started to cry out in surprise.
 Master in particular was not very good at amphibians, so he was really happy.

  They all seemed to have no problem with drunkenness caused by the transference, so they were relieved.
 However, although transference magic is convenient to remember, I personally prefer the amphibian.
 Well, I'm sure there will be opportunities to ride the amphibian in the future.......

The mansion will be dismissed once we're inside, so Dolan and the others must go down to the workshop from the mansion. And in my place, Master and Lionel, and Lumina-san, I'm going to need you to coordinate the information with Kefin and Keti.
Well, I guess that's just how it goes.
'I have to give His Highness Alberto a bite to chew on, so what choice do I have?
''I'm going to be the Pope? Well, there's Lord Galba at the church headquarters now, and I'm going to be reporting to us, the War Maiden Holy Knights.
 Master, but Lionel is going to be in a lot of trouble, isn't he?
 On the other hand, the Holy City, like Lumina-san says, is likely to only report because Galba-san is there, so he's likely to have powerful information.
 Ah, that's right. We have to go to the Rubruk Kingdom in case we need to go to the Rubruk Kingdom, right?
 ........Well, that's something to think about for now.

 Because no matter what, we need to get the common understanding right that demonic tribes and evil gods are a threat to humanity.......both as a country and as individuals.  
 I don't know when, but without a doubt, when the evil gods move, the demons will move as well. If that happens, the demons will start to rampage everywhere.
 If that happens, a lot of people will be killed, and human casualties such as riots can be expected.
 When that happens, the world's best members here may be able to intervene and force each country to obey them.......well, maybe they can.
 But even if a small group of people took control of the world, they would surely be dissatisfied immediately and it would be difficult to maintain it.
 That's why the Luciel Chamber of Commerce has decided to ask each country to work hard and take a form of support.

 Honestly, I don't know why I have to take on such a role when there are other reincarnated people as well.
 But since the evil gods would definitely be looking for us, I gave up on that and decided that I wanted to at least increase my allies so that humanity wouldn't get tangled up in me, so that they wouldn't resent me, and this was the result. 
''Master and Lionel can have a mock battle in the basement after we finish sliding the information together. Lumina-san is free to do as she pleases. After we're done here, we'll go to the Holy City next.
 That's all I said and I raised the door to the mansion.

 As expected, because we didn't come through the gate to enter the city, there were no maids to greet us when we suddenly appeared in the mansion.
''Luciel-sama, welcome home (nya).''
 But I was surprised when Ketty and Kefin showed up in their butler's and maid's uniforms.

'How did you know we were here?'
'We were doing a mock battle in the basement training area when we got a call that a large group of people had entered the grounds.
Glad to see you're all right.
 Come to think of it, there's a magic tool attached to it that looks like a speaker.
 And you don't notice Nadia's absence, as expected.

I see. And what's that outfit for?
This is my masterpiece, Four.
 The person who came over to cover Kefin's voice was Toretto-san, who was as strong in character as ever.

'It's been a while, Toretto-san,'
'Really. You're a bad boy, Luciel, for not telling me that you have all this equipment.
Dolan and his crew are modifying the workshop here, so I don't touch it.
Well by the way, do you have a job for me?
 For some reason, Mr. Toretto pulls his body closer to me.
 I can't be too wicked, and in a way I'm afraid of him.

'Then I'd like an angel pillow and a transformation dresser for everyone here. What we can provide you with will be the environment, rare materials and attribute magic stones.
"Yes! Four, Four, I took the pledge.
 The tension is crazy.
 Are you that happy to work in the workshop here?

'.........well why are you so excited?
Of course it's because I can play with that legendary time-space magic stone!
Well, how do you know...?
 When I turned around, Paula and Lisian weren't there.
 Apparently, Toretto-san was there, and they must have been headed to the workshop from the outside.
 I forgot that those two were Toretto-san's disciples.

 Even so, revealing the time-space attribute without my approval, my peace is far from being lost.
''No lunch for those two.
 Well, I'll probably find something to eat at random....

''So do you think it's okay for me to officially start working today?''
'Yes, sir. In the meantime, the person in charge is Doran, so you'll have to fill in the blanks with Doran.
All right. Come on, Dolan, let's go. I'll be there in a minute.
 Dolan didn't utter a word when he saw Toretto-san in high tension, he just let out a loud sigh and Toretto-san grabbed him by the hand and took him to the underground workshop.
 The sight of an onee-looking old man taking the rugged old man's hand and walking away was too much of an impact for me, so I just watched them quietly until they disappeared.

 I regained my composure and decided to get a report from Kefin and the others.
'Well, has there been any problems at the workshop while we've been away?'
Those incarnations have caused a bit of a problem.
 I knew I shouldn't have mixed up the reincarnation, right?

'Was it Alice who caused the problem? Or is it Hattori? You don't think it's Lyna, do you?
That would be all three of us, if I may say so in a way.
 Oh, I don't want to hear it.

"...so what the hell did you do?
''I created a talking humanoid golem powered by magic stones. Lyna was in charge of the golem's structure and Hattori was in charge of its appearance.
 Hmm? If that's all there is to it, I don't see a problem with it, and on the contrary, I think it's great.
I don't see a problem with that, but maybe you sold it to someone else?
'No. For some reason, Alice has the thought patterns of a golem...'
 Why did you choose that option after all those years of telling me to weigh in?
 If you two were busy producing, it could have been anyone else.
'Huh, so what's the problem?'
'Yes. When I activated it, the golem apparently had a habit of chasing moving objects and started chasing the employees around, making various noises. Then, after it caught its target, it talked about Alice's hobby.
Of course it's destroyed, right?
 I can't leave such a golem in this world.
 This is surely my mission.

No, Hattori cried and begged me to stop it, so I'm shutting it down for now.
 You must have a lot of feelings about the fact that you were in charge of the appearance.
 Doesn't it feel awkward to chase after a broken hearted man?

 But if it's just one piece, I don't think it would be that much of a problem.......
''........How many of those golems do you have made?''
Three bodies.
 I knew it was each and every one of them.
 I really don't understand why I made it all about Alice's thoughts.

'By the way, I don't see Estia and Nadia, and Nanya, by the way. 
'What? A.
 I left Nadia behind, but I forgot about Estia and Nanya.

 Estia had been possessed by a dark spirit until now, but now she was able to be independent.
 He had completely forgotten about Nanya.
 But Nanya was nowhere to be found, right?

'Your sister still has some training left as a Dragon God priestess, and Estia-san stayed behind to find her own new weapons, away from the Dark Spirit for a bit. Nanya-san stayed behind to provide them both with support and liaison.
 Lydia answered for me.
 But how do you know what you're doing?
 When I try to ask her that, Lydia smiles and opens her mouth.
''The spirits will tell me what to do.
 I looked at the Spirit Queen and saw her face... what?
'Yes. More importantly, Forenoir, have you been able to humanize it?
'After all this time. When our mother is near us, our strength grows stronger. That's why we can transform ourselves into human beings. And, of course, we can change back into our Pegasus form.
 It was definitely a little late for that now.
'Well it's funny how long we've been talking here. Everyone go inside the mansion. Master, I'll take care of this one please. We're going to go meet the water spirits as planned.
Yeah, okay.
 And as everyone walked into the mansion, leaving the spirits and Lydia behind, I thought of the forest fountain with Lydia and the others with the water spirits and activated a collective transfer.