121 Chapter One Hundred and Twenty: Restriction

 Adeline-san told me that she had made a tentative contract with the Demon Ranch on my behalf, and then she gave me the summoning stone corresponding to the 'Arachne Mage'.

''I've left it at the Seventeenth Demon Ranch, William-san's place. Since it's a ranch that has a deal with Atobe-san, the Guild Saber has the authority to obtain information........oh, I'm sorry. It wasn't good to look at it without permission, was it?
'No, it's no problem at all, as it's a necessary part of the process. I'm sorry to have bothered you as well.

 After saying that, Adeline-san bows her head and puts her hand on her chest and breathes. Thus, when I look at her face again up close, I can see that it's not a tan, it's originally a brown skin. She said her occupation was 'hunter', but she might be from a tribe that hunts.

The first thing that comes to mind is the fact that you have been able to return safely, even though you requested assistance from us. I knew you were safe when I met with the captain earlier, but when I saw you all, I was really relieved.
''We're safe, but the 'alliance' suffered a lot of damage. So I can't just be happy about it........
'Rescuing searchers in distress is not uncommonly difficult even for Guild Savers. The captain was willing to go alone, even though the situation was not punishable for retreating, but the captain was willing to go alone. He's that kind of person.

 Adeline-san has seen Seraphina up close and personal, and she probably knows her character well. On top of that, she also knows that she can't stop her.

''To all of you, thank you again. I will never forget the debt you owe our captain for helping us.

 With a deep bow of her head, Adeline-san remained still. I hadn't witnessed the most salute so far in a long time.

''Because Seraphina-san has saved me a few times. Besides, fighting strong demons is something I've done in the past.
...Normally you can't say that. Because they are your competition.
'If they beat an opponent they can't beat, they can move up to the sixth district without question. That's also my intention........if we wait for 'named', we'll be at a standstill.

 We've encountered 'named' in almost every search - so I guess we don't really mind taking the long way around.

 Even so, it's never better to be quicker than every minute. The person called Ruury is still alive - if you believe that, then the time spent in the labyrinth, being held captive by demons, must end as soon as possible. Because Elitia might still be hiding and crying, except in front of our eyes.

I'm a bit jealous.
''No, no I'm a 'rearguard' so I can only be useful in the back...''
No, trusting someone with your back and standing in line are two different things. It's a different level of trust, I guess.

 Supporting Seraphina may indeed have increased her trustworthiness, but it's a slight change compared to her partymates. However, Adeline-san doesn't seem to think so.

''Oh, please don't tell my seniors. You'll get a snide remark that you talk too much.''
'Don't worry, I'm a tight-lipped person. Please give my regards to Seraphina.
''Well I have to report to Guild Saber Headquarters, so I'll be back in about an hour or two. Captain Seraphina may have something to say to you, so can I have a license to contact you?

 I don't think the 'Saber Ticket' is to be used for contacting her, so it would be helpful for us if we could prepare other ways to contact her.

 After having Adeline-san ready to be contacted, I saw her off and headed to the higher level guild. On the way there, Elitia came alongside me.

'Aricht, you received the summoning stone, right? There's a limited number of them you can wear, but you can add them to your pendant.
Hmm, okay. Well, I'll add it to the list as soon as I can.

 Summoner's Pendant, Four Demons

 You can summon "Demi-harpy I".
 Summons "Demi-harpy II".
 Summons "Demi-harpy III".
 Summons the "Arachne Mage".
 Slight improvement in evasion.
 Wind Resistance 1" is now available.
 If the contracted monster's trust level increases, additional effects will be released.

 It's been a while since I've seen information on the "Summoning Stone Pendant", and one new "additional effect" has been released. It seems that demons can increase their confidence level just by summoning them.

 I wonder what effect will be released when the trustworthiness of the "Arachne Mage" is increased. The more summoned stones you have, the more additional abilities you have, so capturing demons is one of the choices you'll have to make in the future.

 ◆ ◆ ◆.

 When I arrived at the upper guild's 'Green Hall', I was led to the back of the first floor. I entered the same room as before, a door room with nine stones inlaid like constellations, and after waiting for a while, Louisa-san entered - she came running, her shoulders were up and down and she was breathing heavily.

''Haha, haha........A, Atobe-sama, you're safe.......''

 Louisa-san already knows what happened on the "Beach of the Falling Sun" - I guessed that, so I stood up and greeted her.

'As you can see, me and my friends are all safe. Thank you for your concern.
"....Good to hear that the people of the Alliance for Freedom suffered greatly from the demons.......Atobe-sama and the others joined in the rescue. The guild saber reported that...

 Then you'll be able to tell about Roland-san. Louisa-san's eyes are moistening with tears - I can tell that she's sincerely happy that we've come back.

''........I'm sorry, I'm so distraught. This kind of thing makes me a disqualified guild employee.
I'm the one who's worried about you. I came here to report on my search once, but before I do, may I ask you one question?

 With that, Louisa-san seemed to know what she was going to ask. The words didn't seem to come out easily, and after holding her chest and calming her breath, she said with a divine look on her face.

''The 'Alliance' has five members of the central party seriously injured.......The leader, a person named Roland, is currently in a 'lethal coma'.
"Lethality, coma... it's...
"........a condition that could be certified as death at any time.

 Even the medical center cannot help Mr. Rolando recover.

 In the state of being drained of his soul, he still couldn't live for long - and now that he had confirmed that, the words didn't come out easily.

''It's possible that the people of the 'Alliance' will enter the labyrinth for rescue. But even if they don't, it's ... it's up to the survivors.

 Louisa is telling the rules as they are. Even with that alone, she's kind-hearted and has cut herself off.

''........I'm sorry for making you say such painful things.
What happens in the labyrinth is the responsibility of each party, and no matter what happens, the other parties are not obligated to intervene.

 There is no obligation. If you run away without help, it's a choice that should be affirmed in the first place, to survive with your party members.

''Still, there are searchers who will try to help. Like Atobe-sama and the others.......that choice is also something that the guild appreciates as something to be celebrated and valued.

 Louisa, who had been looking pensive for a long time, suddenly smiled.

 I didn't do it because I wanted to receive praise. Still, I'm sincerely glad that Louisa-san said that.

''I'm sure the guild will notify you separately about this matter. Together with your participation in the suppression of the 'Stampede' and the rescue of the 'Arctic Star' person, the upper echelons of the guild have shown strong interest in the activities of Lady Atobe, so I'm sure it will be good news...''
The top ranks of the guild have the impression that they are somehow above the clouds, but.... It's a bit frightening to get our fledgling friends interested in us.
That's how remarkable your activities are, Mr. Atobe. Every time I report to you, I feel as proud as if it were my own.

 Louisa-san said and put her hands on her chest and warped them slightly - when the rich undulations are emphasized, my face gets hot, thinking that I'm young too.

'Well then, I'll move on to my report. I will look at your license.

 We took our seats face to face across the table. After handing over the license, Louisa slid her fingertips over the controls and displayed the results of the search.

 ◆ Results from this search ◆
 We have a breach on the first floor of the Sunset Beach. 20 points.
 120 points for capturing an Arachne Mage.
 Saved the Alliance for Freedom. 480 points.
 Withdrew from the Ruthless Decapitation. - 20 points
 40 points for engaging the Merciless Decapitation for a period of time.
 Increased trust among party members 35 points
 Trust in "Seraphina" has increased by 30 points.
 Trust in "Roland" has increased by 10 points
 A total of nine people conducted a joint search for 45 points.
 Searcher's Contribution ・・・ 760 points
 Seventh Ward Contribution Ranking 45

 There were more contributions than I had expected - the largest contribution was the item that said they had rescued the 'Alliance to Freedom'.

'The demon was captured and then rescued........'
'Yes. So your contribution in the rescue is quite high... what is the basis for calculating this?
You calculate 20 points per person in the target group for the rescue. The Alliance had a total of 24 members, so that's 480 points.

 The larger the target you rescue, the greater the contribution. And after all, the 'named' has to be defeated to get a large contribution - just by engaging, it's about 50 points less than the 50 points per 'Grand Mall' unit.

''There are other criteria for calculating contribution to 'rescue'. Since it may apply again this time........as a system, I will explain it to you. Since that's what the guild stipulates.
What other criteria for calculation...?
If you are formally asked to take out a demon that another party or organization has failed to take out, a system called 'Substitute Compensation' will be applied if you take out the demon for them.

 Louisa took out her license and opened a screen where she could draw freely and explained it to me while drawing a diagram with her finger.

'For example, let's say a demon causes a party of explorers to lose a party of explorers... that party will be penalized with a very large number of negative contributions. The more a demon survives, the stronger it becomes, so as a guild we have to assess it harshly.

 The more explorers they defeat, the more powerful they become - it's not hard to see why. This may also be the reason why 'named' demons have an unusual physical strength for their level.

I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but I think it's a good idea. Then, when the other searcher successfully defeats the monster, the lost party's contribution will be counted in the evaluation of the successful defeat.

 I don't know how much the penalty will be, but in some cases, you may get a greater contribution than if you beat 'named' - that's what I mean.

That's not the only thing the 'substitute compensation' covers, but you can also get personal and property compensation. It's rarely used in practice because of the limited circumstances in which it applies.
'I understand. I'll keep in mind that such a system exists.

 The system of 'substitute compensation' suggests one possibility - if we formally accept the 'Alliance' request and defeat the 'Merciless Decapitation', we can fulfill the conditions to go to the sixth district as quickly as possible.

 But in order to do that, I need to meet with Daniela-san. With us, who were almost hostile to each other, are you going to talk to us - if we can't even meet, the conversation will end there.

''........Atobe-sama. As long as possible........no. If it's possible.......
'I want Louisa to keep looking at me, too. It may be a bit shameful, but that's how I feel.
'.........A, Atobe-sama........
We came all the way from the eighth to the seventh arrondissement together. It would be sad to say that we split up in the middle of the day or change the person in charge...Louisa?

 As she spoke, the clothes Louisa was wearing with her shoulders out of place and she tugged on them to reposition them. Did I say something that would make her shoulders stiffen?

 I didn't mean to say that lightly.

 Louisa-san looks angry as she takes off her one-sided glasses and panics that she has to apologize. Seeing my reaction like that, she still seems to be angry - but it was different.

''........I think I know what Atobe-sama will think after talking to you so far.
I'm sorry, Louisa but you still told me.
'Yes to tell you the truth, I am very concerned. Therefore, I will now ask you to join me for dinner tonight as well.

 I thought it was her own way of saying a prayer for my safety. So I felt a little embarrassed by the little finger that Louisa held out to me, but I linked my own little fingers together - swearing that I wouldn't make a mistake in this promise.