278 Episode 278, First Pofenia War, Second Year III


 I held my head in my hands.

 I had received word that Ron had fallen into an enemy trap and was in danger.

 Honestly, I wouldn't mind losing the army Ron was leading.
 No, it's not good, but...
 The replacements work.

 But Ron's replacements don't work.
 Ron is a very capable commander in the Kingdom of Romalia and a valued vassal and ally to me.

 I can't afford to lose Ron.

 And that goes for Bartolo as well.
 They quickly moved to Ron's rescue.

 But it doesn't seem to be going well.

 Ron is holed up in a large city called Sicily.

 Large cities usually have large amounts of wheat stockpiled, but...
 It seems that this was after everything was taken away by Belshazzar Barca.

 Also, the city walls and gates seem to have been broken down and are difficult to defend.

 The harbor is circled by a large fleet of Pofenia, and supplies are not reaching them.

 On the contrary, the Poffenian Navy is regularly attacking the port.

 They are besieging Ron, a total of 40,000 Pofenian troops.
 The general seems to be Shumar Barca, Belshazzar's second in command.

 It is Barca again.
 It's about time I started to get annoyed with Barka Barka too.

 And .........
 It's Belshazzar Barca with his 40,000 men who is preventing Bartolo from going to help.


 Pofenia's resources are inexhaustible.
 That country can hire as many mercenaries as it wants and send them to Trisichellia Island.

 As long as we don't cut them off, there's nothing we can do.

 So that's it. Alexios, do me a favor, will you?
 Yes, sir.

 I've summoned Alexios from Trisichelia and I'm ordering him to.

 "Take the 300th completed fleet and go to Ron's rescue.
 Yes, sir, as you wish.

 'Rejoice! Three hundred great fleets from the home country are coming this way!

 Ron passed on the information he had gotten on the falcon flight to the soldiers, inspiring them.
 The soldiers cheered loudly.

 It has already been three weeks since the siege.
 They are no longer running out of food.

 The inhabitants of Cicelya have managed to feed themselves up to now by connecting what little food they had hidden away, but.......
 I was close to my limit.

 But here comes the reinforcements at last.
 Morale was high.

 "Gentlemen, endure for we are close to victory!

 Ron then glares at the Pophenia ship that is watching us across the ocean.

 "General Alexios will soon turn you to seaweed. ....Enjoy the last voyage of your life as best you can.

 Hmmm... finally a ship from the kingdom of Romalia...

 One of Pofenia's generals, Shumar Barka, laughed inappropriately.
 We've already been besieging Sicelia for three weeks.

 In another week, Sicelia will fall.
 The enemy's reinforcements came to a stage where the enemy's reinforcements.

 Normally, he would be in a panic.
 But Shumar Barca was not afraid at all.

 He said, "My father-in-law, General Ceal Barca, leads the Pofenia Navy. How far can we really fight with a navy made of jade?''

 Gram, hold off on the attack for now.
 'Why? Ron's got a friend in danger, you know?
 Calm down.

 Bartolo said, gently admonishing Gram for his defiance.

 'The navy under Alexios is on its way to rescue Ron. .... we must pursue Belshazzar Barca, who will be in retreat, along with the rescue of Sikeria. ........rest your men for that time.

 The look on Bartolo's face was.....
 There was no trivial concern that Alexios would be defeated.

 It was true that Alexios was not a very desirable person to Bartolo.
 However, he recognized his abilities.

 ''I see.......I wasn't thinking straight.......''
 No, it's okay that's normal.

 It's a problem. Enemy reinforcements, and a navy. When that navy arrives in Sicily, Sicily will be liberated, and my brother-in-law's army will be crushed by the pursuit.

 I am cut off from the path of retreat and I am in a tight spot.


 There wasn't a shred of concern or worry in Belshazzar's expression.

 'Alexios, you are absolutely defeated by your father. ........This war, our victory.

 The navy of the Kingdom of Romalia has sailed from Rezad.
 Theal Barca heard the news that the navy of the Kingdom of Romalia had sailed from Lesado, assembled the ships that had been dispersed to blockade the sea, and left Pofenia.

 He left Pofenia and headed for Sicily.

 The objective of the Romalian Royal Army was to rescue Sicelia.
 That was clear.

 If that was the case, then Pofenia's strategy was also simple and straightforward.
 Turn the Royal Navy of Romalia into seaweed as it tries to land supplies and reinforcements in Sicelia.

 That's it.

 The enemy general is you, Alexios.

 Ceal Barca laughed inappropriately.

 Ceal Barca, one of his own sons.
 One of the children born to his beloved wife.

 A child with sinister eyes.

 ''Totally I should have killed him then. If I had, we could have avoided the tragedy of a father and son killing each other.

 Ceal Barca is a man's child.
 The idea of fighting his own child is a bit daunting.

 It's not that I don't have an ounce of compassion for him.

 "I am the general of Pofenia and of the noble house of Barca. And you are the general of the Romalian kingdom, House Cornelius. No mercy.

 Ceal Barca I never thought I'd have to fight my own father.

 Alexios stares far out to sea.
 A sea breeze strokes Alexios's hair.

 'Are you okay?'
 It's okay. Don't worry about it.

 Melia looked into Alexios' face with concern.
 Alexios smiled and reassured Melia.

 It's not that he has nothing to think about.
 He has a grudge, but he's a rotten father.

 Besides, the Pofenia Navy is the strongest in the Teutonic Sea.
 On the other hand, the Romalian navy, which he leads, is far less experienced.

 Normally, they would be defeated.

 "Romalia is weak in naval warfare. But in a land battle, it is beatable. Then the answer is simple. Then the answer is simple: change the naval battle to a land battle.

 Alexios laughs inappropriately.

 'Ceal Barca. I ... play to your strengths and crush your enemy's strengths. It was you who taught me that this is the basis of the Art of War. I hope you don't resent me. It was you who brought me up to this point in my life. You will be defeated by your art of war.

 And so....
 The First Pofenian War, the first naval battle.

 The Battle of Sicily was about to begin.