21-Episode 21: "Daddy Child Philia" Becomes "Solon's Father"

 I thought.
 The fact that he had met Filia in the past was very disturbing.
 But that's not the priority issue right now.

'I'm going to wake this girl up?'

 I mumbled to myself, but no one answered.
 That was no surprise, because Filia was still asleep and Clarice had left the room without waking Filia up.

 Clarice had said.
 He wanted me to wake up Filia.

 Since Filia and I are in the same room, it's not hard to understand what Clarice is saying.
 But she's a younger girl who is sleeping.
 It's awkward to wake her up by being too forceful.

 Well, maybe I'll wake up on my own sooner or later.
 With that thought in mind, I began to read the daily newspaper published in the imperial capital.

 The famine in the western region of the empire has worsened. The number of people dying of starvation is not less than tens of thousands.
 The extremist rebel group, the July Party, assassinated the Minister of the Interior.
 In the war against the Alemany Farren Republic, the Imperial Army suffered a historic defeat on the southern front.
 I started reading the newspapers obliquely, and quite some time passed.

 But Filia didn't show any signs of waking up.
 She was fast asleep.
 I had to wake her up soon or we wouldn't be able to serve breakfast in time. Moreover, it seems that Filia has plans to participate in some sort of imperial ceremonial event afterwards.

"Uh, Filia-sama? Please wake up.

 I tried whispering, but she didn't respond.
 I was annoyed, so I called out in a reasonably loud voice in Filia's ear, "Filia-sama," and she turned over and mumbled something in her sleep, then began to sleep.
 Then Filia turned over, mumbled something in her sleep, and then began to fall asleep, unchanged.

 No good.
 No matter how I look at it, I can't wake up Filia in a peaceful way.
 What should I do?

 There was a somewhat similar situation in the past.
 That time it was Sophia.
 When I stayed at the inn where I was traveling, I woke up in the morning sun and somehow Sophia was in the same bed.
 She was holding me like a hug pillow, and I was too tired to sleep.
 I swear it wasn't something that happened, it was just that Sophia had gotten in the wrong bed because she was too sleepy.
 Sophia didn't wake up at all, at that time.
 Then I remembered how I'd been able to wake her up.
 I remembered.
 It was my day off and I didn't have anything to do, so I waited in the same position until she woke up.

 When Sofia woke up, I could see her face turning red and apologizing as if it were yesterday.
 But I might never see Sophia again.
 Right now, I should be thinking about Filia, not Sophia.

 I took a deep breath and steeled myself.
 I'd have to pull off the bedding and get her out of bed.

 I pulled on the quilt Filia was wearing.
 But I couldn't pull it off against the stubborn resistance of a sleeping Filia!
 Filia grabbed the cloth with both hands tightly.

 I look at Filia's face, thinking, I'm in trouble.
 Then I realize.

'Filia-sama? Actually, you're awake.

I'm not awake, okay?

You're awake.

 Filia got up from the bed with an air of reluctance.
 She rubbed her eyes sleepily and said, "I was looking forward to seeing how you would wake me up.

'I was so looking forward to seeing how you would wake me up.

Don't pretend to be asleep for that reason.

How about a good morning kiss?

I can't do that.

'Doesn't the master wake his apprentice up with a kiss on the cheek?'

'Isn't that something that parents do to their children or otherwise do to their lovers?'

So, will Solon be my father?

Oh, not the girlfriend one, the other one?

Oh, did Solon want to be my lover?

 Filia laughs a little happily.
 Not good.
 I feel like I misspoke. That's not what I meant.
 I hurriedly correct myself.

'No, well, it's not like that, Filia-sama and I are not even ten years apart in age. And yet, isn't it strange that I'm the father?

So what do you want me to call Solon, Dad?

Are you listening to me?

 I said, and Filia giggled and got up in a huff.

"Hey, Dad. Kiss me.

 Filia quickly moved her face closer to mine.
 I flinch and take a step back, and Filia takes another step toward me.
 Filia looks up at me.


 When you think about it, Filia's father is the emperor. The emperor has dozens of sons and daughters, and it's unlikely that the emperor has any affection for Filia.
 If that's the case, then maybe Filia is hungry for her father's affection. Then it doesn't seem like a bad idea to go along with Filia's performance for a bit.

"Hey, you know, so-and-so father, am I pretty?

It's pretty.

A father wouldn't use honorific titles for his daughter, would he?

Phylicia is pretty.

 I said, and Filia blushed a little.
 If it was going to embarrass her, she shouldn't have done this.
 But Filia kept on acting.

But she kept on acting, "Dad," she said. I did my best to get up, so can you kiss me good morning?

'You can't do that to a bad boy who pretends to be asleep when he's really awake.

Oh, that's terrible. I didn't get up because my father didn't kiss me and wake me up, you know?


 I don't think any father would kiss his 14-year-old daughter on the cheek, let alone when she was a baby.

Now, go get dressed.

 When I said that, Filia puffed out her cheeks in frustration.
 Then Filia smiled brightly, as if she had an idea.
 I have a bad feeling about this.

If my father doesn't listen to me, I won't change my clothes or eat my breakfast.

 I didn't expect to see Filia in a hard-hitting way.
 I looked at her and saw that she was having a great time laughing.
 What should I do, I thought to myself.

Whew, Filia. I'm not going to be able to hear what you're saying.

"I don't know your father, Solon!

Well, Miss Filia? Really, you won't be able to make it to breakfast or to the ritual, will you?

Yeah. It's your father's fault.

 It's a completely spoiled state of affairs.
 Please don't act like it's an act.
 Filia moved so close to me that she was almost close enough to me.
 Then she looked at me with a twinkle in her eye.
 Unavoidable, I suppose.

"Phylicia, just hold still.


 Filia suddenly looked flustered and her face turned bright red.
 And then she closes her eyes.
 It's embarrassing for me to be so embarrassed, though.
 I touched my lips to Filia's cheek with a little and then stepped away from it.
 Filia opened her eyes and her face turned bright red.

'Oh, thanks. Father Solon.

 Well, if this satisfies Filia's longing for family love, then maybe that's a good thing.
 But I'm tired.

'I hope you're not too selfish with your father.

 I'll try to be a fatherly joke.
 Filia smiled mischievously.
 Then she said "yeah," and hugged me from the front.

 Filia sweetly lets her weight rest completely on me, and I can feel the feel of her small breasts on me.
 Warm and soft, I thought, and I blushed.
 Filia smiled beautifully and whispered, "I'm not your father," she said.

I love you, Solon," she said.