38-Episode 38 Let's Cook!

 It was almost dinner time, and Clarice's suggestion to cook was a decent one.
 However, Filia said anxiously.

Riru, you're going to cook? 

'Of course! That's what I'm a maid for!

 Clarice hammers her chest out with an ehemism.
 However, Filia's face remained as cloudy as ever.

I'm not sure if Clarice can cook. And do you have the ingredients?

'I have to admit I haven't done much but I can handle it! And the food ... we can handle it!

Well, Clarice I'm very nervous.

 When he was at the Imperial Palace, there were many servants, each with their own role to play.
 Clarice was mainly taking care of the princess's personal affairs, not in charge of the kitchen.
 If she was in the Imperial Palace, the imperial cooks would prepare the daily meals for her.

 So it's no wonder Clarice hasn't cooked much. 
 Even so, I'm not sure I'm comfortable leaving the cooking to Clarice.
 I agree with Filia on this point.
 In the first place, I had no intention of letting Clarice cook today.

I'll do the cooking.

 I said.
 The next moment, with a twitch and a shiver in her ears, Saint Sophia got up.

'Solon-kun's cooking?'

Oh, Sophia. Did you see that?


How long have you been doing this?

 Sophia fumed and said nothing, her face flushed.
 It had been happening for quite some time, but she was probably too embarrassed to say it.
 She mistook the demon tribe for a ghost and fainted because she was so scared, so I can understand why she was embarrassed.

 Sofia spoke quickly to Clarice next to her, perhaps thinking to deflect the topic.

The food made by Solon-kun is very tasty,'' she said.


'Yes! When we started out as adventurers, Solon was always cooking for us. It was delicious.

 Soberingly, Sofia said, "It's true that I used to cook for them.

 It's true that I used to cook for Sophia and the others, and it was quite popular, but I don't want to raise the bar too high.
 I don't want to disappoint Filia and Clarice by expecting too much from them.

 But Sophia's eyes were shining.

'I'm so happy to be able to eat Solon-kun's food again!

It's not that big of a deal.

 I said hurriedly, but it was too late.
 Filia and Clarice were also looking at me with feverish eyes.
 It's totally expected.
 This looks like I'm going to have to make a dish to suit their palates.

 After a while, Clarice looked flabbergasted.

''But I'm sorry to ask Solon-sama to cook for me. Master Solon is the master of this house.

'A master is supposed to entertain his guests. There's nothing wrong with that. The food is well prepared.

'What? Do you have any food?

''There's no way I'm going to invite you all here without any preparations. I've got most of the essentials here, and since we're on the outskirts of the imperial capital, I can negotiate with the nearby farmers to get all sorts of things for you.

 Naturally, I've taken the time to prepare the defense of this mansion as well.
 We have made it a suitable mansion to receive the Princess Filia and the others.

''It's as good as it gets! Master Solon!

 Clarice was impressed as she climbed the stairs and moved from the basement to the first floor of the mansion.
 Then, apologetically, she said, "I'm a bad maid in comparison....... I can't even cook........and I'm not very witty," she murmured.
 I smiled.

'It's no wonder you've never cooked before. I'll teach you, so you'll learn in time.'

'Master Solon is going to tell me what to do! Really?!

I can't tell you that much, though.

No, I'm looking forward to it!

 Clarice said with a very bright smile.
 If you're looking forward to it, though, even if it's just to teach me to cook, that's great.
 Filia glanced at me.

You know, Solon," she said. Do you want to teach me how to cook?

''Fine, but I think it would be better for Filia-sama to study magic first. It's my role to teach you magic as a master, you know.

'I've heard that the master sorcerer's mentor teaches his students many other things besides magic? I'm sure Lucy taught you a lot of things about Solon too. Like how to treat beautiful older women.

'I didn't learn that...'

Anyway, I wish you would teach me how to cook.

 Filia nudged me and I eventually nodded.
 Well, maybe we can teach together some other time.

 But it's late today, and I don't have much time.
 When I got to the kitchen, I told Filia to rest in the hall and asked Clarice to clean up the room, including around the dining table.

 The only person I called to help with the cooking was Saint Sophia.
 The reason for this is because Sophia had helped me cook from time to time when I was an adventurer.

 After the Order became large, we hired adventurers who doubled as cooks to cook for us, but until then, it was standard practice for me to do the main cooking and someone else to help.

 Sophia appeared in the kitchen, dressed in an apron.
 She seemed to be wearing a simple, loose-fitting, homey dress instead of her usual pure white monastic uniform.

I don't have much time and I can't make any elaborate dishes, so I'll just have something like sautéed thick slices of bacon and cold soup. I've got some chilled wine for you.

 I said, and Sophia nodded her head.
 Then I instructed Sophia on a few simple tasks.
 Sophia stood next to me, staring at my face for some reason.
 After a while, Sophia's cheeks turned red.

'Sophia? What's going on?

No. It's nothing.

Do you have a fever and a sudden flush on your face?

Well, I thought I'd feel like a newlywed when we cooked together in Solon's mansion like this.

 After I said it, Sophia blushed more and more.
 Before I could reply, Sophia whispered, "I hope you forget what you just said," and I didn't say anything else either.

 While we were doing this and that, the food was finished and the four of us sat down at the table.

We take this meal so that we may live in truth at this time. Bless us, O Lord, and bless us.

 After reciting the pre-dinner prayer, Imperial Church style, we began to eat.
 I had adjusted the seasoning based on the taste of the meal I had eaten at the Imperial Palace, and it seemed to work well, and it seemed to be a perfect fit for Filia and Clarice.

 I know Sophia's tastes very well, so I made sure that I didn't deviate too far from that as well.

''Amazing. It's really good.''

 Filia murmured slowly.
 Clarice and Sophia also nodded.
 However, it seems that there was one thing that Filia was not happy about.

''It's a pity I'm the only one who can't drink.

 In the empire, you can only drink alcohol if you are at least sixteen years old.
 That means that me, Sophia and Clarice can drink wine without any problems, but not to fourteen-year-old Filia.

 I laughed.

'The day you turn sixteen will fly by. We'll have a drink together then.'

Two years from now, I guess. Will we be together then?

 Filia looked up at me and asked.
 Two years from now, huh?
 It's true that I won't necessarily be Filia's tutor until then.
 Filia is a member of the royal family and we don't know what changes will occur to her status, and there is no guarantee that she won't be harmed by an organization like the Righteous Union.

 The future is uncertain.
 But I nodded to Filia.

'I'll stay by Filia-sama's side until she becomes a man. I am Filia-sama's teacher.

 Filia's face lit up quickly and she smiled very beautifully.

'Yeah. You're right. ─ Yes, of course, because Solon has promised me that. I'm sure we'll be able to stay together. 'Thank you, Solon.'

 If you are preparing a wand of magic for Philia, you want to make sure that it is of the highest quality possible.
 To do this, I'll need to have the wand adjusted by a professional craftsman while also taking into account her aptitude for it.

 As I pondered what I should do, I found myself looking forward to going in search of a wand with Filia.
 It's nice to be able to do something for your apprentice as a mentor.

 My mentor, Lucy, had said that, but I felt like I understood her feelings now too.