76-Episode 75: Runaway Magic

 The cherry wand in Filia's hand glowed red.
 That in itself is not a bad thing.

 Rather, it's proof that Filia uses her staff well and is able to pass magic power through it, so she will be able to unleash some really powerful magic.

 The flames emanating from Filia's staff flew straight towards me, not towards the practice stake.
 I hurriedly waved my treasure sword tetracord to block it.

 Filia looked at the staff with a startled face, but the stream of flames running from the staff had not yet stopped, and this time it hit the willow tree in the garden of the mansion.
 That tree was burning fiercely, and the flames moved to the plants and trees around it.

 Not good.
 Perhaps Filia has lost control of her magical power.

 If this is the case, there's going to be a huge fire.

 I aimed my treasured sword at the burning plants and trees and unleashed a water spell.
 That put out the fire, but more flames were being scattered from Filia's wand.
 The only way to stop this was to cut off the magic supply to the wand.

''Filia-sama! Please let go of my wand!


 Filia releases her hand from her wand with a flick, and the wand falls to the ground.
 However, the wand still shines dully.

 It seems that the magic power given by Filia in the beginning still remains.
 That shows that Filia's amount of magic power is much higher than that of an ordinary magician.

 Anyway, we have to do something about the problem at hand: the runaway wand.
 Although I believe that the magic power will run out even if I leave it alone, the risk of it running out of control has increased with the loss of a control person.

 I took a step toward the stunned Filia and then held her in my arms.
 I'm not going to be able to get rid of it.

 I'm not going to let this happen, because if it does, Filia is in danger.
 I looked down at Sakura's wand.

 I bought it for Filia, but I had no choice.
 I was about to swing the treasure sword down to destroy the wand.

 Just as I was about to do so, the wand flashed again with a powerful light.


 Filia screams.
 It's because the flames emitted from that wand hit my arm.

 A burning sensation spreads across my skin.
 But I don't flinch, and I destroy Sakura's staff with my treasure sword.

 The shattered staff finally lost its luster and stopped running amok.
 I was relieved, and when I looked at Filia, she looked like she was about to cry.

'Solon my arm.

Yeah. A burn of this magnitude is nothing to worry about.

You sure?

It's true.

 To be honest, it hurts quite a bit, but I don't say that.
 Filia looks at me with concern.

 I'm glad that she's worried about me like that.
 But I didn't want it to be a psychological burden for Filia to try to use her magic, even though she tried to use it.

''I failed and I got Solon in trouble...''

 Filia said dreading it.
 I smiled at that.

'It's not a failure,'


'Even though I couldn't control it, it's the first time I've been able to use such powerful magic. That means Lady Filia has a talent for it.

 Filia has a tremendous amount of magic power.
 Just like Arte said, that's probably because Filia is a descendant of the Demon King, and it also means that Filia will be able to use advanced magic as a magician.

 I pick up the shattered pieces of Sakura's wand.

'Let's go to Perse's and buy a new wand.

"It was a gift from Solon...

''It's fine. Maybe this time it's better to have a wand that focuses more on ease of control rather than expansion of magical power.


 Filia looked me up and down.
 She seemed to feel bad about me buying her wand, as she had said before when I bought her wand.
 I patted Filia's head lightly.

'It's no big deal that my wand is broken. As long as I'm Filia-sama's teacher, I can get a wand as often as I want.

Thank you....

 Filia looked happy, but her energy still didn't seem to be there.

''Perse-san said that demons and demonkind would lose control of magic...''

It's a myth.


 In fact, Filia's magic was out of control.

 However, it's extremely rare for magic power to spiral out of control like this.
 I've rarely seen it in magic schools, and I've never heard of an ordinary demon or demon race losing control of their magic power like this.

 Is it because Filia is a descendant of the Demon King?
 I'll have to look into that area in the Great Library as well.

 I've decided to take Filia to the Great Library tomorrow.