106-Episode 105: All Stars Shining in the Sky

 I nodded to Filia.

 I left Filia in charge of Lisa and I held my treasure sword tetracord once more.

 The enemy, Saul, has deployed countless large magic circles.
 But it takes a lot of magic power to create, maintain and function these.

 Even if they preyed on the powerful demons, including the giant serpent Ouroboros, it doesn't mean that Saul's magic power is bottomless.
 I want to believe that.

 Anyway, if you destroy the magic circle, you can prevent the light magic attacks that are released from it, and I believe that you can cut down on Saul's magic power.
 I don't know if it will work as well as it should, though, since the opponent is receiving the Holy Spirit's blessing.

 When Saul raised his crystal sword high and was about to activate the magic circle.
 Flora released intermittent fire magic from her fingertips and attacked Saul.

 The reason she didn't dare to use her staff was probably because she was preserving her magic power for her trump card, astrological magic.
 Of course, it would only have an attention-grabbing effect, since Saul would be almost impossible to damage him.

 Saul quickly brought his left hand forward and squeezed Flora's fire magic in his palm.
 Then he murmured, 'Heh.

''You too have the blood of a demon ... no, you don't.''

 Saul looked at Flora and muttered softly.

 Why did Saul say that Flora was of demon blood, if only for a moment?
 I've never heard of such a story.

 Flora was Arte's twin sister, a legitimate marquess.
 I don't think a marquis has the blood of a demon in his veins.
 It might be possible if his mother was his mistress, as in Filia's case, but Flora was supposed to be the daughter of the Marquis' official wife.
 If she had demon blood in her veins, she wouldn't even be able to enter the magic school in the first place.

 However, the reason why Saul misunderstood Flora's bloodline was curious.

 While Saul was distracted by Flora, Arte was once again launching a powerful attack spell from Yanagi's staff.

 Saul only held up his left hand to block it, but it created a slight gap.
 In the meantime, Creon stepped in towards Saul.

''Don't activate the magic circle! We're not going to break up the attack!

 At the same time as Creon calls out, the twin swordsman Karelia jumps out.
 The members of the Salvation Knights follow suit.

 It is true that if you continue to attack as if you were to fold up, you will be able to stop Saul in his tracks.
 However, even if you keep up a series of half-hearted attacks, Saul won't be injured at all. Sooner or later, our attacks will stop, and if that happens, the magic circle will be activated.

 That's right.
 It's no good with half-hearted attacks.

 Flora put her yellow triangular hat back on deeply and quickly pulled her long staff out of her robes.
 Then she raised it high and began chanting in a well-passed, clean voice.

'All that shines in the heavens are stars. The blue blood that flows on the earth. We on earth gain strength according to the reasoning of the circulating stars. ........Fall!

 A huge rift occurs near the ceiling where the magic circle is deployed.
 A dazzling golden light shines through it.
 A large number of red-burning meteorites were pseudo-created by astrological magic and rained down on Saul's magic circle.

 This was Flora's trump card astrological magic.
 The most important role of an astrologer in a battle was to calculate the orbital position of the celestial bodies and use their power to use a supermassive type of magic attack.

 It was so destructive that even the most powerful enemies that would be waiting for him at the end if it was an ordinary ruin could be easily defeated.

 In terms of the high level of firepower in a single strike, Creon, Arte and Sophia would not be able to match Flora.

 However, once you use the attack magic by the astrological star, you will not be able to use any magic power for quite some time.
 This includes recovery magic and simple attack magic as well.
 You can only use it once in a battle, and the cooperation of those around you is essential, and in that sense, it was a difficult magic to use because of its many limitations.

 However, Flora's magic worked effectively this time.
 The countless magic circles that Saul had deployed were wiped out by Flora's fallen meteorite.

 The magic circle was reduced to about half.

 The onslaught of Creon and the others had left Saul stranded.
 So there was no stopping Flora from destroying the magic circle.
 ........It was supposed to be.

 Saul swung his crystal sword wide.
 The slash was received by Creon, but at the same time, magic attacks were scattered from the sword.
 There was a momentary pause as Creon and the others tried to avoid it.

''Good grief!''

 Saul smiled and snapped his fingers together.
 One of the magic circles on the ceiling began to glow blue.
 Not good.

 A bright blue light, like lightning, fell towards Flora.
 Flora was in the middle of deploying her attack magic, and she couldn't avoid the attack like she did earlier.

 Creon and the others are at a distance to hold Saul back, making it impossible for him to shield Flora from the attack.

 There are a few swordsmen around Flora as guards, though.
 However, even though they are participants in the attack team, their abilities do not seem to be far behind Creon and Karelia.

 At any rate, they are completely frightened when they see Saul's attack coming, and it's probably impossible to say if they can protect Flora.

 However, if Flora is killed, it will be difficult to eliminate the many remaining magicians, and the attacking team will be in serious danger of losing.

 Since I was backing up a little bit so that I could protect Filia in a pinch, I was in a relatively close position to Flora.

 That's why I reflexively jumped out in front of Flora, but I wouldn't want to face an attack like that if it was true.
 I wonder if the Treasure Sword Tetracord could catch that attack.

 Fortunately, it seems to be less powerful than the light magic attack from earlier.

 It's a dangerous gamble, but I have no choice but to try.