140-Episode 139: Captive Lucy

 I could hear the sound of water drops.
 It was like the ceiling was leaking.

 The small basement was bleak, made of inorganic stone.
 It was dimly lit, with only a single candlestick placed in it.


 A drop of water fell from the ceiling and hit my body, and I screamed at the coldness of it.
 My red robe was getting wet.

 This was the basement of a military facility, and I was being held captive.

 My hands were tied up with ropes and my feet were chained.
 I couldn't move at all, and I couldn't use magic.

 Even if they call me Lucy the Crimson, or say I'm a genius, I can't do anything about it now. 

''How are you feeling, Professor Lucy?''

 With a giggle, the door to the basement opened and a girl walked in.
 The girl, with her gray hair cut short and dressed in a military uniform, was Ensign Claire.

 She was Creon's sister, a girl who had known Solon since she was a child.
 Claire looked down at me as she sat down.

 I stared back at Claire too.

'You don't feel so good.'

 Claire laughed with increasing amusement at my words.

''It's miserable. That magical genius Lucy is being held by a magical lackey like me who can't use magic.

I'm not going to let you down.


I was captured in order to protect Solon and Filia. Without an army to protect them, they would have been helpless at the hands of you, and that's not a defeat!

 When I say it once and for all, Claire's neat face twists into an angry expression.
 Then she raised her hand at me.

 He's going to hit me, I thought, and I was scared.
 I was born into a great noble family, educated in a magical school and went straight to become a teacher.

 So I had never been violated at all.
 Even though I knew in theory it wasn't as big a deal as being hit, my body would still shake.

 Unlike Solon, I am not strong at all.

 Solon is an adventurer. He's an adventurer, and I'm sure he's been in danger many times.

 He may be able to withstand unreasonable violence, but not me.
 I closed my eyes, anticipating the shock of the next moment.

 But nothing happened.
 When I opened my eyes, Claire stopped her fist just before my cheek and then sighed.

'I'm not going to do it because Mr. Solon is going to hate me.

You care about Solon, don't you?

I do care. Because I like you, Mr. Solon.

 Without hesitation or embarrassment, Claire assured him.
 It's not surprising, though, because it was expected.

'That's why I went ahead and arrested Professor Lucy so that Solon-san wouldn't become a traitor. Because if Professor Lucy falls into the hands of Brother Creon and Father Gapon, Mr. Solon could be subject to execution.

'I understand that, but you're also in favor of the resurrection of the Demon King, aren't you? I heard that in Necropolis they tried to resurrect the Demon King, even if it meant fighting Solon.

My feelings for Mr. Solon and the resurrection of the Demon King are two separate issues. The resurrection of the Demon King and its use for military purposes is a long-cherished wish of the military. No, when I think about it, it's the same issue.

Same problem?

'Yes, sir. I'm a soldier, so of course I need to be loyal to the objectives of the army. But there is another reason why I'm helping to revive the Demon King.

'Maybe it's for Creon? Creon is trying to bring back a dead girl with the power of a demon king, isn't he?

'Well, I can help your brother's cause, but it doesn't matter to me.


If the Demon King returns, the Demon King himself will become a powerful weapon, but if you sign a contract with him as his vassal, each soldier in his army will be able to use his power. If that were to happen, I would be able to obtain magical power as well. The crystal sword that Saint Saul had. A power even more powerful than that one.

'What will you do with the power? Though I'm not sure that's the same issue as your relationship with Solon.

 Claire stared at me sharply with her gray eyes.
 There was a hint of hatred in those eyes.

 What I said made Claire angry.
 But I didn't understand why.

''Professor Lucy has the power to say such things, so I can say such things. ........I was twelve years old, and I was in despair when I realized that I was the lackey who couldn't use magic. Brother Creon had the talent for magic, but I didn't have it. I wanted to go to school with Sophia-san, but I couldn't. And I can't be an adventurer with Mr. Solon.

 Claire said this with a bitterness in her voice.
 I probably don't understand Claire's emotions.

 I've been treated as a magical genius since I was a child.
 In exchange for the accolades, I skipped a grade at the wizarding school where I was kept at a distance and was alone.

When I was feeling overwhelmed, Solon consoled me by saying, 'Even if you can't use magic, you're still Claire. He stroked my hair gently and his hand was warm and I was happy. That's why I went to officer's school to get my strength.

Didn't you think you'd never see Solon again if you went to boarding school?

I thought. But in any case, Mr. Solon didn't need me, who can't use magic.

Solon would never say such a thing.

'Yes. Mr. Solon would never say such a thing, nor would he ever think of it. Mr. Solon is a kind person. But if you look at it objectively, what Mr. Solon needed was a good friend and a powerful teacher. If Brother Creon, Sophia and Professor Lucy were there, there was no room for me to get in.

 I was immensely disappointed.
 It's cruel, but I think Claire is right.

 The goal Solon once envisioned was to create the strongest group of adventurers in the Empire.
 As long as there was nothing Claire could do for that goal, there was no way she could stand next to Solon and Sophia.

 And it was the same for me.
 I was no longer needed by Solon, either.

How did you get involved in the Free Alliance's plans, Professor Lucy? You could see that you were putting Mr. Solon and the others in danger. Did you really try to participate in a conspiracy to overthrow the government out of a sense of justice alone?

 There was a reason I had joined the Free Alliance that I hadn't told anyone about.
 In particular, I couldn't tell Solon the reason, only Solon.

 But Solon and the others were not here.
 At Claire's question, I opened my mouth heavily and decided to tell her the truth.