145-Episode 144: Decoding Together!

 Lucille came to my mansion.
 Lucille is Lucy's niece in crimson and is also Lucy's disciple.
 Therefore, she's my sister's apprentice, but we just met today and Lucille's emotions aren't very lively, so I don't really know what she's thinking.

 The black robed Lucille stared at me and I was troubled.

''Um ... what's wrong?''


 Lucille says in an intonation-free voice.
 This is the mansion's hall, and behind me are the residents who seem curious.

 There are six girls, including Filia, Sophia, Clarice, Lisa, Esther, and Lailen Remilia.

 Lucille glanced at them.

'There are so many more girls besides Lucy-sensei.

That's right!

 And then Clarice proceeded to step out.
 Then she held up her index finger deliberately and chuckled.

''Master Solon, you know, Filia-sama and I weren't enough and he has nine women living in this mansion. And they're all beautiful women!

 There are six of us here, plus the Arte Flora twins, and if you count Lucy, there are indeed nine.
 But the way Clarice says it, I think it's misleading.
 As I was thinking, Lucille looked at Clarice curiously.

'What kind of relationship do you all have with Solon?

I'm the maid and Master Solon is your master.

 Clarice replies, sounding happy for some reason.

'I am Solon's apprentice, and Solon is my master, you know?

 And Phylicia.

 Young Esther said, "You're the one who saved my life," she said.

 Everyone looked at Lailen Remilia, who was standing next to Esther.

"Oh, is it my turn?

 Lailen Remilia looked at us in a horrified manner.
 Lailen Remilia is a former executive of the Order of St. Sophia.
 Ever since she was assaulted as a traitor by Sage Arte, she couldn't use her magic well.

Solon is someone I can trust, I guess. Because of Solon's presence, I feel safer in this mansion.

 Rylen Remilia blushed a little.
 The next one was Lisa, the white mage girl who had been an ally during the attack on Necropolis.

''Are you Solon-san to me? I adore him!

 Lisa said happily, and Filia puffed out her cheeks at the sight of it.

'Oh, that's not fair. I should have said the same thing.'

 Finally, Sophia was left.
 Sophia was dressed in her usual pure white monastic clothes, her face was red in contrast to that.

'You are important to me, Solon, and I hope I am important to you as well.

 Sophia glanced at me with her jade-colored eyes and then slumped shyly.
 I was about to open my mouth to answer, but before I could, Filia happily interrupted me.

'I mean, we're all friends,'

Are you saying that he's one of Solon's...?

 Filia smiled and nodded at Lucille's question.

''Yes. We're all friends who make this mansion their home.''

'Dr. Lucy was ... wasn't she?

So we have to help Lucy.

 Nevertheless, rescuing Lucy by challenging the military would also mean treason against the Imperial government.

 For a number of reasons, the government considers me to be a person of interest for many reasons: being at odds with the Salvation Knights, defending Arte in the case of the Necropolis, and being Lucy's disciple.

'Solon, Sofia and the others can't just magically defeat the army soldiers' people with a bang right now and solve the problem.......right?

 I nodded at Filia's words.

'Yes. You should not be in a hurry. If you move poorly, you will be at the mercy of the enemy.

 The biggest enemy isn't Claire.
 Claire has told me that she will at least make sure Lucy is not executed.
 That's probably the intention of the military intelligence that Claire belongs to.

 It's more a question of how the dangerous Salvation Knights, and Father Gapon's third division of the Emperor's Office, will come out.

''I'm investigating where Lucy-sensei is, and we're also looking at ways to rescue her. The problem is strength. I'd like to avoid solving the problem by fighting as much as possible, but.......

 As I argue, Sophia tugs on my sleeve.
 Then she looks up at me.

'When you have something to fight for and protect, I hope you'll use my power.

I'm sorry. Thank you.

 When I looked back at Sophia, she shook her head with a shake and said, "You don't have to apologize.

 The people who have the strength to fight in this mansion right now are almost limited to me, Sophia, and Lisa.

 When that happens, for example, if this mansion is attacked by the Salvation Knights, will we be able to protect everyone?
 The only hope is the grimoire that Lucy entrusted to her.
 Lucille took the grimoire in her hand.

''I don't think you guys have enough power right now.

'I suppose Lucille is right. I'll take advantage of that grimoire.

''In order to do that, I need Filia-sama's magical power. So, Filia-sama must be able to use the support magic of this grimoire.

For that....

 When Lucille and I looked at Filia, her face lit up with a puff of light.

''Is it possible that I am expected to be?

'Yes. I'm sorry to put a burden on you, Miss Filia, but....

'Nope. I'm glad! I will do my best to help Solon!

Thank you. Now let's see if we can't crack the grimoire.

'What? Or deciphered?

'This grimoire is written in ancient script, so it can't be read as is.

 Lucy didn't write all of this grimoire herself, but it seemed that she made it based on ancient magic.
 She created the grimoire by adding her own letters to the magic written in ancient letters.
 The grimoire itself contains magic power in the letters, and the structure changes depending on the type of letters.

 That's why it's not written in the imperial standard language, but it's still necessary to grasp and understand the contents.

'Ho, do you have a translation or something?

 At Filia's question, Lucille shook her head.

'None. Because Lucy-sensei has easily mastered the ancient Alemany language.''

 As expected of a genius like Lucy, but from our point of view, we're in trouble.
 Lucille seems to know how to decipher it, though.

''At the very least, it seems that if you can understand the meaning on a word level, you can use magic, and even me and Filia-sama can't manage to read it, but... it's a lot of volume.

 If I did it alone, it would take me two days.

 Clarice popped her hand.

"I'll help!

 Clarice said.
 Everyone else nodded at his words.

'Are you sure?'

'Of course! If you can't do it on your own, it'll only take a second with eight of us.

Yeah, I know, it's bound in a bowling alley, so why don't you take it apart so we can work on it at the same time?

 I turned to everyone else and they all nodded in unison.
 Sophia gave a soft smile.

'It's not just Filia-sama, we all want to help you, Solon-kun.

Thank you, Sofia. And to all of you.

 When I returned to the Imperial City, I was all alone.
 But before I knew it, I had many friends living in my mansion, and they needed me.
 Filia looked up at me, murmured, "I'll do my best too," and smiled.