152-Episode 151 Mansion Arte

 Instead of his usual prized black robe, Arte is wearing a simple white outfit for the sick.

 Gulping, Arte trembled.

''Um ... it's me. I'm Clarice, the maid.''

''Ah ... you're a maid. And........Solon-senpai is there too?

 Arte's beautiful black eyes were empty and unfocused.
 Though not in as bad a condition as Flora's, Arte also lost the movement of his right hand and left leg, and then went blind.

 Arte had abused the Demon King's descendants as tools, horribly assaulted his companion Rylen Remilia, and was only pursuing his power at the cost of everything else.
 The former Arte was not nearly as good as he was before, but his eyes were vibrant and his expression was bright.

 But now Arte has lost all his power and is unable to use any magic at all.

''Arte I'm sorry it took me so long to come to see you.

It's not like I wanted to see you, you know.

 He was still hateful, but he didn't have the same high spirits he had before, and his expression was deadpan.
 That would be true.

 To Arte, power was everything to him.
 And yet, it's strange not to despair, since he suddenly became a body that not only couldn't use magic, but couldn't even lead a proper daily life.

 Arte said in a whisper.

''But........for helping me.......thank you.

I don't know if I can say that I've been helped.

 Both Arte and Flora ended up being victims of the Demon King's resurrection.
 If I hadn't intervened, it's true that they would have died, but if I'd been able to save them earlier, they wouldn't have been left with any lasting effects.

 But Arte didn't try to blame me.
 Instead, he asked quietly.

''I heard. She said I'm not a nobleman's daughter or a wise man now, but a slave of a senior.''

'It's just a formality. Don't worry about that, just get some rest.

You'll be worried!

 Arte suddenly raised his beautiful, high-pitched voice.
 As me and Clarice looked at each other, Arte continued to speak quickly.

''I'm sure Senpai has a grudge against me. I was the one who banished the senior and also attacked the senior's mansion. The fact that I am being made a slave by this senator...

 I'm sure. Now I know what Arute is thinking.

"I don't want to get even. So don't get upset.


'That's because Arte is my mate. Even if Arte banished me, it wouldn't change that.

...That's what I don't like about seniors.

 Arte said in a fading, small voice.
 Besides, Arte was already bad enough.

 When Arte had attacked us, we'd had to fight to defend ourselves.
 But I have no taste for hurting an irresistible opponent even more.

 I wasn't sure if that was enough for Arte to trust me, so I added a word.

'I've made a promise to Flora as well, you know.


Flora was asking me to protect Arte, you know.

Flora was trying to protect me. And now, because of me, Flora is....

 Arte seemed to feel responsible for Flora becoming a cripple.

''Senpai's.......was right. If I hadn't attacked Necropolis, this wouldn't have happened.''

 Arte has lost his powers and is no longer a wise man, but I'm sure there are some things we won't know until that happens.

'I'll make sure that Arte is back to his normal body and that Flora wakes up too. I can't say I'm irresponsible enough to say that I can absolutely do it, but I'll do everything I can.

 At least Arte's blindness was temporary due to being deprived of magical power all at once, and there was nothing wrong with the eyes themselves.
 That's what the doctors said, and I thought there was a good chance of recovery.

 Arte gave a small nod and then twisted around to get up.
 Instantly, Arte staggered.

 I hurriedly approached Arte and supported him as he fell down.


Don't try to force yourself to get up.

 Squeezing, Arte clung to me.
 Arte had tears in his eyes.

'I'm so miserable, aren't I? I can't see anything, I can't even get up normally, I can't use magic anymore. I'm no longer a nobleman, I'm a slave...and even Flora was treated badly. I'm not going to have anything else..... But.........

 The rest of the story was unspeakable.
 Because Arte began to cry aloud.

 The Arte in front of me was not one of the strongest wise men of the empire, but just a trembling girl.

 Without saying a word, I gently held Arte's shoulder.
 As Clarice softly stroked Arte's back as if to soothe her.

 After a while, Arte calmed down and her voice was like a whisper.

''I've shown you how embarrassing it is.

 It's true that I couldn't imagine the former Arte crying in front of people.
 That's how trapped and weak Arte is.

'I'm not ashamed of it.

Thank you very much.

 Arte smiled weakly.

 Then I decided to cut to the chase.

 I want you to tell me what Arte knows about the inner workings of the Army and Navy Ministry.
 When I said this, Arte told me everything he knew.

 It seems that Arte remembers the structure of all the buildings in the Army and Navy Ministry, and as expected of a wise man who graduated from a magic school at the top of his class.
 If we were to go inside the Army and Navy Ministry and rescue Lucy, Arte's information would be quite useful.

''Do you know what's in the basement two floors?''

It's a prisoner of war camp. But it's not just a prison.

What do you mean?

"We only collect the most powerful sorcerers in captivity. We've built a special system to keep the sorcerers who would normally escape from the prisons alive.

 I see.
 It means it's a suitable place for Lucy's confinement of the crimson Lucy.

''Also... this is top secret information, but in that prison, they are experimenting on the human body on the captive sorcerers.

 Today's imperial government would have no qualms about conducting human experiments on prisoners of war.
 That in itself shouldn't be surprising.

"Do you know what kind of experiments they do?

I don't know that much about it.

 Human experimentation going on in the basement of the military's mainframe in secret.
 In order to protect its secrecy, heavy security will be in place, and it will be quite difficult to infiltrate.

 However, regardless of Claire's intentions, it makes sense that if the facility is originally conducting human experiments, it is also suitable for holding a ritual with Lucy as the Demon King's retainer.

 Creon's words don't seem to be entirely false.

 It's a risky gamble, but even if I know it's a trap, I'm not sure if I'll ride in to rescue Lucy.
 If I were to ride into the Ministry of War and Navy headquarters, what steps should I take?

 I had a choice to make.