38 37. Birthday party held ... and

 We're just waiting for it to start.

Lady Alexia, Mr. Ray.

 Helen came over.

'Oh, Helen. Are you sure you're ready for a meet and greet with the Prime Minister?

It's all right. The only thing they said to me was how my son was doing and how the loan was going to be, so I left it all to your father. The father said it was fine with me. And he told me to do my best...

 I didn't hear the last part, but I don't know if I need to join in on the marriage talk and all that.

Yeah, well, Mr. Ray.

What is it, Miss Helen?

'Wow, I'd like to say hello to your family too,'

Oh, okay. This way.

 I show Helen-san around. I noticed Alexia grinning beside me, but...

Father, mother. Is this a good time?

 Just as the other nobles' greetings were interrupted, I spoke to them.

'Oh, what's up Ray? Did you find a good girl?

 What were you saying in front of Alexia? Look, Alexia's eyes are narrowing!

"Zeke, what are you talking about? In front of His Highness Alexia. What's the matter with you?

'Oh, yes. You know father, but there is someone who wishes to greet your mother, and this is the daughter of the Prime Minister of this country, Miss Helendine Ralgrus, who is the daughter of the Prime Minister of this country. She is the one who was able to teach me to study during my stay in King's Landing.

Nice to meet you. My name is Helendine Rargles. I will do my best to help you in any way I can, Ray.

'Thank you for your kindness. My name is Elislette Lanwalker. Sometimes Ray can be a bit dazed and not listening, but he learns fast and I think he's fun to teach, so please take care of him. Maybe you're one of them, though.

 When Ellis said that, Miss Helen's face turned bright red. What's one of them? And Alexia is giggling. I'm not sure.

 I was thinking about that.

Sorry for the wait, ladies and gentlemen. Now it's time for the main attraction to emerge. Come on in, Marina!

 As the king says this, Princess Marina walks in.

'Ladies and gentlemen! Thank you for attending my birthday party today!

 After Princess Marina's greeting, the birthday party is held. All the nobles greet the king and Princess Marina in order of rank. Speaking of which.

'Alexia can't be in a place like this, can she? I didn't join in on that meet and greet.

 Yes, Prince Albert, the first prince, and Prince Alex, the second prince, are there to greet them. And each of the queens also greeted the other. And yet, Alexia is at my side.

Father says it's time to show them how it's done. Ferris is also here because the Beast King told him to.

No, I mean, Alexia is one thing, but why not Princess Ferris?


No, why not?

 I look at Princess Ferris eating dessert in good company with Phelia. Her tail is wagging, as if she's delicious.

'You're being forced by the Beast King to do this. I'm going to make him stop doing that.''

 I said and was about to head to Princess Ferris when Alexia caught me by the hand.


Ray is a slow learner. He doesn't even know Helen is there.

 What are you talking about?

 At that time.

Ray. It's time to go say hello to Princess Marina. Here's Phelia. You've got cream all over your mouth. Elise will be furious if she sees you.

 Zeke wipes Phelia's mouth area while saying that. Is it that kind of order already?

'What about Alexia?'

'Of course I'm going. Ferris will be there! What about Helen?

I understand!

'Hi! So, then I'm going to....

 Why? We don't understand what's going on, but we're heading to the king. The king is smiling when he notices us, and for some reason even the Beast King is turning around and smiling at us. What the hell is going on here?

''Your Majesty. I'm here to greet you. Princess Marina. Happy birthday.

"Thank you, Count of the Frontier. Should I say congratulations to you as well?

 And Princess Marina looks at us.

"So let's make an announcement. Count of the Frontier.

"I see. Your Majesty.

 Oh, by the way, he's going to announce it in the middle of the meeting. It's that time already! I was getting nervous.

 And the moment the king was about to say

"Your Majesty! Excuse me!

 And suddenly the door opens and a soldier comes in, bleeding.

'What the hell is going on! We're in the middle of a meeting right now!

 Then Commander Gain, the leader of the Kingsguard responds.

Sorry, Commander of the Kingsguard. A few minutes ago, a group of criminals escaped from the dungeons of the military headquarters. About a hundred of them have escaped, and nearly twenty of them have that magic sword. The military commanders are returning fire right now, but some of the lowest level cutters and vampires also escaped, so most of our troops are taking care of them.

 The audience, which had been in full swing earlier, fell silent.

''Why on earth would that happen!

It seems that someone has broken into the dungeon and given the magic sword to former Knight Commander Hendrix. Moreover, it seems that some of the dungeon guards, including some of Hendrix's men, helped him escape...

 As they listened to the story, they all began to panic as reality set in.

''Your Majesty! What are you going to do? Let's get to a safe place quickly!

Yes, of course! If the army is out there, evacuate in time!

 That moment.


 Something broke through the wall.


Soldiers! Change to defensive positions immediately! We have to protect everyone in the hall!

 That's right. There is a Kingsguard in the hall. Each soldier moves under the direction of the commander of the Gane Konoe Guard.

 Then another soldier comes in.

''Your Majesty, this is your report. The majority of the criminals have been subdued by capturing or striking them down, but the magic sword owners are still on the rampage. Right now, in front of the royal palace, the magical divisions, including the head of the Merlin Magical Division, are using a defensive wall to prevent them from doing so.

How many people are in possession of this magic sword?

We have about 20 people.

 Nearly twenty of those magic sword holders? They were able to exert that much power just by being used by students. Wouldn't it be quite strong if it was used by adults, criminals who would be trained and trained?

"Gain, Commander of the Kingsguard. "Commander of the Kingsguard, evacuate the hall to the basement level immediately. They won't be able to find you there. I will go to the center and activate the advanced magic barrier. That should prevent anyone from entering.

But then, Your Majesty's bodyguards!

We'll be fine. Count of the Frontier, will you follow me?

Of course, Your Majesty.

 The king nominates Zeke.

'Yes, Your Majesty. 'Zeke, take care of your Majesty.'

Yeah, I'm on it.

 After that, we'll split up and move to our respective compartments. We're moving into the basement compartment too. A few minutes after we started moving. As expected, our speed is slow due to the large number of people in the area.

 The Princess Marina and other royalty, and the Beast King are near the Commander of the Kingsguard. I'm sure they'll be safe on that side.

 Near me are Alexia, Princess Ferris and Helen for some reason. And then there's Elise and Phelia, Clona and Chloe.

"Wouldn't Alexia and the others be better off over there?

It doesn't matter where you are. Just in case something goes wrong.


 Wow! She suddenly started tearing the skirt of her dress. You don't have to rip it off so easily to have beautiful legs.

Bring out your weapons.

 Oh! An item box! It's expensive because it's a magic tool with spatial magic imparted to it and there aren't many of them. The Lanwalker family also only has Zeke. It was a pouch type to attach to Sieg's waist, but Alexia's is like a ring type.

"Come to think of it, Alexia's sword is...

This? Yes, it's also a magic sword. Ni-Sword Twin Bells. There's a restriction that says it can only be used by people who have the two-sword skill. Instead, when you can use it, it's quite capable.

 Hee... I didn't know the magic sword has various abilities.

The palace armoury also has some magic spears. Maybe there's something good in there.

 That sounds good, but is it good?

 As I walked down the hallway.

 Doggone it! Doggone it!

 And sound. It's close. Every time I hear this sound, the movement stops. The girls, the nobleman's sons, have started to cry, and the boys are strong, but their legs are shaking. I guess it's no use. I'm thinking about that.

 Doggone it!

 Nah! A nearby wall has been knocked down!

'Hee hee! Just as I predicted! If anything happens to the palace, the nobles will evacuate it. It's the only way to use then, you know!

 Coming in from the wall were Hendrix and about five soldiers with magic swords.

''Hendrix, you!''

'Whoa, don't move, Gain. You don't mind if I cut off the nobles?

 That being said, the leader of the Gain Konoe Guard has no choice but to stop.

 And Hendriks, who is about to cut at a nearby noble girl. Watch out! The moment I was about to head out, a white figure passed by me.



 It was Princess Ferris.

 Princess Ferris takes a swing at Hendrix.

'Hey! You son of a b*tc*!

 But Hendriks uses his sword to block Ferris' fist. And.

Go back to sleep!

 I kick Princess Ferris in the stomach as hard as I can.

'Gah! Ah.....

 I just passed out.

'You! Ferris!

 The Beast King saw this and tried to get to Hendrix.

'Whoa, don't move, Beast King. Do you want this princess's head to fly off?

 Hendriks puts his sword against Princess Ferris' neck.

 In the meantime, the commander of the Gain Kingsguard was able to change ranks, but he was taken hostage.

'I want only one thing: the death of the Lanwalker brat! And I don't want to see you die immediately, I want to see you suffer and die!

 I guess he wants me. He must have a grudge.

What do you want from me, former Lord Commander Hendriks?

f*cking kids. Hey! Princess, get up!

 Saying that, he poured the water magic on Princess Ferris' face.

''Ugh! What? Ouch!

 Princess Ferris holds her stomach the moment she wakes up.

'Torment me while the princess looks on, you little shit. First, let's have this sword cut off your dominant arm!

 And then they throw the sword at my feet. When Princess Ferris hears this, she makes a scene.

No, you can't! Ray! You shouldn't do that!

 As I recall, Ellis said that if you have any arms left, you only need a wizard with a high level of water magic to heal you.

 I pick up my sword.

'No, no! Absolutely not! Please!

 Princess Ferris starts to cry.

'It's okay, Princess Ferris,'

 I smile at Princess Ferris. And.


 Thud! My right arm went flying.


 It hurts too much and I drop my sword. Alexia and Ellis are screaming, but they are in too much pain to hear. I look at my family and see Phelia and Krona crying and screaming.

 Haha, I've shown them how uncomfortable it is.

'RAY! No! No! Let go of me! We have to go! We have to stop Ray's blood soon!

'Tsk! Shut up, princess. Let's switch to another one.

 Hendrix says that and swings his sword at me. I'm not going to let that happen.

 I use the magic power I've been giving Hikarin a little bit of it every day now, just in case of an emergency.

I'm going to use it now. Chaos Vortex Body Grant Triple!

I got it!

 Then I pick up my sword and quickly move to Hendrix's side.


 And then he's holding Ferris with his left hand.


 I'm hanging up!

'Geez! My left hand! My left hand!

 And just there.

Good job, little man.

 The strongest in the country has arrived.