156 144. Year-end

It's not a good look for you.

 I mutter to myself as I look at my outfit in the mirror. I'm wearing a tuxedo, which rarely comes today. And wearing a tie.

 The reason I'm wearing a tux today is because today is the end of the year, December 30th to be exact, the last day of the year, and there's a party at the Royal Palace.

 It's the last day of the year and the party is held at the Royal Palace to look back on what happened this year and talk about next year's resolutions, well, it's a standard thing, but it's held every year and this year we were invited.

 In previous years, the invitation came to the Lanwalker family, but this year the invitation came to me personally as well. Well, I guess that means it doesn't matter since I announced it.

 My fiancé and I were invited to the party, so we were all going together, but usually Alexia, Ferris, and Helen go together, so they seemed happy when they found out today that we were going too.

 And no matter how many times I looked in the mirror at this tuxedo I couldn't get used to wearing, I couldn't get used to seeing it at all. Or so I thought.

Big brother! I'm ready!

 And May came into the room. Haku and Roy are also behind her, and Clondine is rubbing up against May's feet. A demon collar is attached to her neck.


 And they still intimidate me. It's been about two weeks since I picked up Clondine and she still threatens me and only me.

 When I took her to the Adventurer's Guild the next day, she was petted by the rabbi and the other receptionists, but when I got close to her, she bared her teeth and got angry. I have no idea why.

 Come to think of it, the rabbi I haven't seen in a while was angry too. I'm pretty sure it's been about two months since I came back here and I haven't been able to go to the guild even once. After that, though, he made me promise to have dinner with him. Well, I thought it would be nice to at least have a meal, so I was allowed to do so.

 I took him to the Koryu-Tei, where he ate a lot of delicious-looking sweets. I'm glad that Rabi-san was satisfied with it too.

''...Onii, how do you like it?''

 As I was thinking about that, Haku spins around in front of me. Now Mei and her friends are changing into dresses because they're all invited.

 Mei-chan's dress is yellow with a lot of frills and is cute. Haku is in a bright purple dress, a different color from Mei's. Roy is wearing a children's tuxedo.

'Oh, they're adorable,'

 I patted Haku's head and he nodded happily.

'Brother, what about me?'

Of course Mei is cute too.

Yes! You did it, Haku!


 The two are holding hands and rejoicing in each other's company. These two have really gotten along well together. Mei, the innocent girl, and Haku, the cool one. I guess the pieces fit together somewhat snugly. That's a good thing.

 I take the two of them and Roy, who is following behind me, downstairs. There they are.

There you are, Ray. Oh, you're still so cool.

 Alexia and her friends smile at me. They all look so beautiful in their dresses.

 Alexia is wearing a white, one-piece dress that gives her a neat and clean look. Her blonde hair is also in a side-tail as usual on the right side, but it's cute and loose instead of being straight as usual.

 Aeris is wearing a red dress that matches her own bright red hair and has a slit in her leg that shows off her beautiful sleek legs and is glossy.

 Helen is wearing a green dress that reaches just below her knees. Because she doesn't go out much, her skin is a little whiter than everyone else's, but even that makes her look s*xy.

 Ferris wears a pink dress for the beastmen. The reason why it's for beastmen is because the dress has a hole in the back for their tails. She said it was because if she kept it in her skirt without the hole, it would roll up her skirt when her tail moved.

 Caro wore a serene beige dress with a black shawl slung over her shoulders. The mask is very beautiful, though it's a shame she can't take it off as usual so we can't see her beautiful face.

 Pricia is wearing a light blue dress, and her hair, which is usually braided in the back, is untied and up in the back today. The nape of her neck that can be seen from behind is beautiful. She's admiring everyone like that.

Ray, what are you doing here?

 And Ferris grabbed my hand and asked me.

No, I just fell in love with them because they're all so beautiful.

 I told them honestly. Then they all cringed shyly, but looked happy.

'Oh, for God's sake, Ray. It seems that the carriage is ready, so let's go.

 Then Caro pulls me by my right hand to the front door. Ferris comes to my left hand and rubs his tail sweetly with it as I hold it. Cute.

 Once outside, the carriage is already prepared. By the way, Ekla and Klondine were left in Hilde's care. As expected, I can't take them to the royal palace, you know.

 I'll miss Ekla! I was troubled when he got out of control, but when I told him I would play with him for the whole day next time, his mood improved. Clondine was freaked out by Ms. Hilde and Mr. Levin's presence. I wonder if she could tell by instinct. For the first time he was afraid, he rubbed up against me for help.

 I thought it was cute when he looked at me and said, "Nyaa~" while looking at me. It was difficult for Ekla to see that and she got angry again, but I managed to leave her with Hilde. She's relaxing in her room now. Levin-san is chasing after Ekla and being threatened.

 I turn around once and check everyone. ........Okay, everyone is ready to go.

Let's go.

 I'll have to do my best to escort you out.