164 152. Trump

 The morning of January 1
 Duchy of Gurtas Nanor

So you'll be using this one then?

"Oh. So we invade King's Landing! Woof! Hang on, Raymond. I'll be ready to go, so I'll leave you here. I'm counting on you, Master!

 With that, Grutas leaves the basement. I stay where I am and turn to the man called Master.

''But is it good, Master Benjar? May I use the Black Dragon King's dragons?

Hey. I don't mind. He's not in the habit of complaining about things like that. I've just woken up and I'm busy with this one, but it's a good job. It was good training.

 And with that, Benjal-sama laughs as he looks up at you. Benjal-sama, the "King of the Dead", can use corpses to create things like the undead. In front of him is the corpse of a nine-headed dragon that must be no less than 50 meters long.

 This is a zombie hydra created by using the fresh corpses of the senior dragons under the control of the Black Dragon King and using them to create a zombie hydra. It has various abilities and is quite strong.

I'm sure you've got a lot of questions for me. Wake up, my dear!

 And as Benjar-sama pours out an enormous amount of magical power, a light lights up in Hydra's eyes. They all seem to be of a murky color, though.


 And then the zombie hydra raises its head as high as it can and smashes through the ceiling. Well, it would. I've been lying down until now, so I went underground, and the corpse was carried here by me using spatial magic.

 The length of the neck alone must be 10 meters long. If something like that raises its head, hey.

'Kakkakkah! Good, good, good! Come on, zombie hydra! Well good. Well, I shall be going with you. Abram it's Ains now, isn't it? Can you take it to Grutas or something like that?

 Oops. I was looking at the zombie hydra and Master Benjamin nominated me. I immediately activated my magic. And as I moved, I saw Glutas (the jerk) looking up at the zombie hydra outside the mansion.

''Oh! This is great! That's great, Master!

Oh, no. I'm glad you could help. This is a man who has been trained to obey your commands. It will do the rest when you tell it to.

'Hmmm! I'd rather have this guy! Let's go Leligas!


 Then Gultus went to the zombie hydra and told them to attack the royal capital. Now, let's see what happens.

 ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇.

 The morning of January 1
 Royal Capital of Nanor

You better move faster than that! The enemy is already right in front of you!


 Wow. It's before the war, so things are tense after all. A night has passed since the party attacked yesterday, but the king doesn't seem to have slept a wink. He's giving instructions to Gain and the other commanders. Watching such a scene, I remember last night.

 We didn't have much to do after that, and it was just a distraction, so we went home. I needed to make a lot of preparations for today, and I wanted to get Helen, Pricia, May, and the rest of the girls who couldn't fight back home.

 It was me, Alexia, Aeris and Caro who were going to war. I'm asking Ferris to be Helen's bodyguard.

 Tigris was taken away by the soldiers after that. The king said he wouldn't make them look bad because of the circumstances. He said he'd still lock us up in a cell for treason, though.

 We rode back home in the carriage the king had prepared for us and found Levin-san in the living room with a bottle of liquor in one hand and a bottle of alcohol in the other.

 ........What is this guy doing? When I asked him what happened, he said he chased after Ekla too much and she didn't like him. Hilde chided him for it, and he was drinking heavily. That's stupid.

 I heard that Ekla, Hilde and Claudine had already gone to bed. Well, it's the time of day when the sun is about to turn.

 I told Mr. Levin about the incident at the palace.

I don't know, I'm not interested in a war between races.

 I was told. Well, that's just as well. For a dragon race that lives for a long time, it must be one of many. It somehow made sense to me.

 I'm not going to be able to get to the top of the mountain, but I'm going to be able to get to the top of the mountain. It was hard to get in because of all the slamming around, though.

 It seems that the place where the party was held yesterday was turned into the command center. There are quite a few people coming and going. When we went in, we found out that

Thanks for coming, Ray. And Alexia and the others. Thank you.

No. We want to protect our country. So what do you want me to do?

I'd like you to take charge of the recruits. The adventurers who live in this royal capital and the surrounding villages will gather here. I'd like Ray and Alexia and the others to represent them.

 I asked him how many people there were, and he said there were at least 1,000. They must have gathered quite a few in such a short time. Do they want to protect the country that much? There is no particular reason for us to refuse, so we agree with the answer immediately.

 And, when I was guided by one soldier, there were only stern old men there. There were also a few familiar faces here and there. .........Ah!

Dagris! Everyone!

 In the group of stern old men, Dagris and Renee were mixed in with Kate and Shizuku and the others.

'Oh!' I knew Ray and the others were here, too!

Well. I knew Dagris and the others would be there.

'Of course we'll be there. It's something we want to protect.

 That said, Renee takes Dagris' hand. Don't flirt here. The people around you will be looking at you more strictly. Then, after a short conversation with Dagris and the others, Alexia and I stand in a position where we can see everyone.

'Uh, uh, uh, folks. Turn around, please!

 When I use wind magic to make my voice echo throughout the room, the stern old men stare at me with a jittery stare. It's not a good idea to have a good time.

I'm Revelt Lanwalker, who will be taking charge of this squad this time. This is Alexia Nanor, the first princess of the Kingdom of Nanor, as you all know. It's a pleasure to meet you!

Good luck with that.

 As we greeted them, the adventurers started buzzing around. One stern man comes out of the crowd. That man is.

"That's Ray's boy! It's been a while!

Mr. Hagen! Long time no see!

 There was Hagen-san, whom I met at the Adventurer's Guild before. Behind him is Hagen-san's party as well.

''If you're the captain, you're a lifesaver. ''Bastards! This guy is stronger than any of us here! You're a hero! With this guy, we're as good as won!


  This one.

I'll help you!

 Tingle! Tingle! This voice that sends shivers up my spine........ When I looked at the direction of the voice.

Long time no see! Hero!

 ........Madame Blossom was standing there, cringing. Hey, scary.

'Oh, Madame Blossom, are you going to join us?

 It's Alexia who talks to the cross-dressing muscle dharmas in a casual manner. Since the night me and Caro left Haku and everyone else's clothes, we've all liked Madame Blossom's clothes so much that we've become regular customers. We've become regular customers because we like Madame Blossom's clothes. I've been invited to join them, but I've turned them all down.

 And from the back.

Wow. You look like you're friends with that Madame Blossom, huh?

You're a hero.

Do you think we can do that too?

Do you want me to develop one for you?

 And I hear the disturbing words. I'm normal!

 Such a horrible experience.

Enemy forces are coming!

 And a shout.

What's with the dragon?

 I hear a voice saying, "What? Dragon? What does that mean? We looked at each other and wondered, but we were getting ready for battle.