193 Quiet story Genie's vessel (2)

Ooh-ooh-ooh! What do you think?!

No, no, Higgs! Oh, please, oh!

I won't stop! Oh, come on, it's good!

Master Chronosphere.

 d*mn, Azel just walked in on the right spot. I was having fun with it. I pull the thing out of the prostrate woman. She starts to cry and giggle.

 d*mn, you're annoying. I get annoyed and kick the woman. The woman pees her bottom part out in pain and spits out her stomach. And then she passes out.

"What do you need me for?

 You're in the middle of my fun, so it's important in its own way, right?

Yes. The Black Dragon King is about to wake up, so I thought I'd have Crono-sama be present.

 Saying this, Azel leaves the room. Hey, don't listen to me. You're annoying. But that's okay. He's my guy anyway, you know. You should be forgiving of the man in charge.

 It's been half a year since I came to this world. I'm really glad I made the transition. I can f*ck a different woman every day.

 Before I moved to this world, my life was the same as before. I was scorned and scorned for working part-time every day. I was angry and despised.

 And on top of that, they do whatever they say. They're also apparently hostile to other countries. And they're pretty good at it. They've gotten pretty strong in the last half year, but even so, I can't look at them with an eye for observation.

 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =.
 Mao Kurono, 30 years old, male, level 56.
 Magic power:5100
 Strength: 2100
 Agility: 2690
 Material resistance:1740
 Demon Resistance:2030
 Titles: A person summoned from another world, a demon god's blessing, a vessel for a demon god, a brave man, a wizard, a female enemy.
 Skills: otherworldly language level - dark magic level 7, swordsmanship level 5, eye for observation level 7.

 All you have to do is kill the demons and humans that Azell brings to you and you'll be strong. It's so easy. The level of strength rises and you never get tired no matter how many women you f*ck.

 But that's all I do these days, and I'm getting tired of it. It's time for a new stimulus. I've not been out of this castle for six months.

 It's time to get out of the house. So, I'm going to attack a bunch of girls I met out there from behind, heh heh. I'm getting an erection just thinking about it.

"Master Crono, we're here.


 I can't believe this guy. You're in the middle of a good idea, and you interrupt me. It's all right. We can figure it out later. I'm following behind Azell.

 We arrive in a cavernous room, the first time I've been in transition. It seems that this room is the best place for a demon's spirit to gather. I don't really understand it either. That's why Azell and the other generals will be revived here.

 In the room are Gladiel, the Demon King, Gilgas, the Demon General, and Benjamin, the Reaper King. It seems that Gillegas was killed before and has returned to life. Benjal woke up from his sleep the other night.

"Fofo Fofo, this is Master Crono. Hello, this is Mr. Crono. Come with me.

 I'm going to do as Benjamin tells me. They say the more magic I pour into this place, the faster the resurrection will go. Well, it's a welcome addition to my strong crew.

 And when I poured my magic into it, a magic circle emerged. A black light illuminates the area. Gradually, the flashing lights become more and more intense and the wind blows from the magic circle.

 The wind gradually gathers in the center of the circle and blows around the ceiling. The black light also increases in brilliance and shines high in the sky as if it had exploded. It's too dazzling, so I shut my eyes.

 After a while, I open my eyes. The wind has stopped and the black light has settled down. And when I open my eyes, there it is...

'Uh-oh! I finally got out! I'm not going to be in that cramped place anymore!

 It was a dark-eyed girl with a black upper black dress. What the hell is this guy? This is the Black Dragon King? It's just a girl, right? Well, have you seen Dorothea before? I don't know. She's not up and down like that guy.

"Oh, good morning, everyone! It's been a while...

"Yes, good morning, 'Black Dragon King' Elaise."

Oh, Azel! How long have I been asleep?

'Roughly 300 years or so. Well, they're all pretty much the same. The only one that wasn't sealed was Gladiel.

'Oh, really? Huh? Where are Doro and Lily?

 The Black Dragon King, called Ylaze, looks around and looks for someone. 'Who are you looking for?

'Oh, Dorothea has escaped and Lilith is still sleeping.

 At Azel's words, Irèse looks at Azel with a poufy expression and then starts laughing.

''Haha, what do you mean, Doro-chan can run away from you! It's funny!

You're laughing too much, Irèse. Well, that's what I was laughing about when I heard it.

Gilmour would laugh. Well, we'll see each other again. I'm going to see my followers.

 With that, Irèse is about to leave the room. She doesn't even say hello to me.

"Hey! Where do you think you're going without saying hello to me!

 I say, grabbing Ylaze's shoulder. Then it's freezing cold all around me. I just freeze, forgetting to breathe. What's this.....

"Why are you touching my shoulder!

That's enough, Irèse.

 The next thing I know, Gladiel is in between me and Ylaze and grabbing Ylaze's right hand. I fall on my ass, unable to stand.

'Why are you stopping me, Gladiel?'

'He's a vessel. Don't break it.

 In a voice I can't hear, Gladiel and Irèse are talking. And when they finish speaking, they bow, smiling at me, without the coldness they had earlier.

'I beg your pardon for this. My name is Irèse. I've been called the Black Dragon King. It's nice to meet you.

Can't you suck at it?

 Gilgas starts laughing at Irèse's impossibly poor respectful language.

'Because it can't be helped. I've never used honorifics before!

 Irèse puffs out her cheeks and gets angry at that.

'Yes, it's safe to say that Ylaze is awake. Let's leave it at that for today. Ylaze can go and see her too.

I love you! I'll see you later~!

 With that, Irèse runs nimbly out of the room. As if to replace it, Azell stands in front of me.

The only one left is Lilith. If she wakes up, we will declare war on the continent. If that happens, there will be an all-out war. Staining this continent with blood will hasten the resurrection of Crono-sama's Demon God's power.

 An all-out war. If I win that, I'll be the king of this world no, I'll be the king of this world or even a god if I revive the power of this demon god or whatever! Kukkuk, I'm really glad I transitioned to this world, man. It's getting fun!