216 199. Negotiations?

'....Whew, your body is finally coming back.

 I goop my right hand to check the sensation. It's the third day today that I've woken up from my slumber. I've reluctantly gotten used to this fainting, and I've gotten used to restoring the sensations in my body.

 However, my right arm moves without any discomfort at all. Even as soon as I woke up, my right arm was moving so normally that I even forgot that it had been cut off.

 It's a good thing that you're able to have a good time with your friends. Kana said that she created it from scratch using my cells.

 I remember patting your head around in return and you hugged me and said, "Coooooooooon. You're a dog! I almost said, "I'm sorry," but Kana seemed happy, so I just kept stroking her around. She would have waved it around so much that if it had a tail attached to it, she would have thought it might be shredded.

 What surprised me even more was the right eye. This one was not cured by Kana, but I could see.

 Normally, both eyes are the same color, but when you pour magic power into them, the color of the right eye changes to purple. I wondered about it and looked at the status, and there it was.

 Foresight: You can see what will happen a few seconds in the future. Automatically activated when the holder is in danger. (I cannot give you the blessing, but you can return it by strengthening the eye you lost. (From the goddess Aster)

 There was a thing called. I didn't expect it to go that far. I wondered what it was all about, and when I used it, my mind was messed up.

 It's because many futures that I couldn't normally see entered my head at once. Whether it was a few seconds ahead or five and ten seconds ahead, there were multiple, branch after branch, branch after branch, and a ridiculous amount of information entered my mind. It made me fall down drunk because my mind couldn't keep up with the processing.

 So I managed to suppress the amount of information by specifying that I would watch the opponent's movements a few seconds ahead of me and flowing my magic power. Even so, I can't use it too much because it hurts my eyes if I use it too much. If you can use it well, it's strong.

 For now, only Alexia, Kana and Krona know that you have a magic eye. It's not natural for them to suddenly be able to see when they've been wearing an eye patch without being able to see before.

 Kana has Krona to talk to her like she's the one who cured her. Alexia and Krona are engaged, so I didn't think there was any need to hide it.

 Then the key the goddess Aster had given him was in his pants pocket. It's so godly and shiny that I'm afraid to look directly at it. I put it in my item ring as fast as I could. It seemed like it might have some effect on me if I left it out too much.

 At any rate, he said that if it was as the goddess Aster had said, he would know if he asked the dragon king. We'll just have to ask Levin-san, Hilde-san, or somewhere around Anima-san.

 I'm checking the body like that, I hear a knock on the door. Without waiting for my reply, the one who came in is naturally the person who can do that, Alexia.

'Ray, are you ready to go?'

'When I say prepared, I mean it's all in the item ring.

 I say that, and Alexia laughs back at me, saying that's true too.

 Today is the day we leave the empire. If it were true, I should have attended the funeral of the emperor and so on, but there is also the matter of the demon race, and now that we have declared war, we do not know when they will attack us. That's why I want to make contact with the sealed country as soon as possible.

 In order to talk about this, I'm going to go talk to the current emperor, Emperor Rosebell, to ask his permission. And then we have to talk about the demon tribe as well.

 The day I woke up, I told Alexia and the others about the seal that the goddess Astel told me about and how Takumi was taken over by a demon god. Everyone was surprised that I could talk to the goddess Astel, but they managed to believe me.

 I don't know if Emperor Rosebel will believe that story, but I can't stop talking about it.

 Then, since I had made an appointment in advance, I headed to Emperor Rosbel's place. We're headed to the audience room, of course. I heard that it was tattered with dead bodies and blood, but Emperor Rosbel ordered him to fix it up immediately. Now they say it's as good as new.

 And it took a few minutes to walk with Alexia. We came to the audience room. When the soldiers see us, they open the door for us. I walked in as usual, and as usual, the nobles are all on either side of me, as usual.

 I walk straight to my position and stand as I am.


You! Why don't you kneel!

 The new prime minister yells at me for my attitude. But I ignore it. Some of the things I'm going to tell you are going to cause a fight with the Empire. It will reflect badly anyway. Then I'm going to threaten you with an open invitation.

"...why are you not kneeling?

 Then Emperor Rosebell walks into the room, but when he sees me standing there, he speaks to me, including a bit of anger.

'That's because I didn't feel the need to kneel.

What did you say?

"Will this country make me kneel before you, the man who saved my life?

 When I say that, the nobles around me gasp. With this declaration of war, if I hadn't stepped forward, the imperial capital would have been almost destroyed. It's also the reason why the seven demon generals pulled back on the way, because if I hadn't been there, the dragons would have attacked them.

''Very well. You can talk as you go. So what are your requirements?

Yeah. I'm going to tell you a story I heard from the goddess Aster.

 They are surprised at my words. I don't mind it as I talk about it. I'll tell them about how Kaido has been taken over by the demon gods. The aim of the demons is to revive the demon gods and lift the seals on other countries. In order to do so, the countries must cooperate with each other. They talked about it.

''Is this the message from the goddess Aster?

Yeah. Yeah, the only way to do that is for other countries to come together. We won't be able to compete with one country against another.

 When I said this, Emperor Rosebell snickered.

''We don't have that seal in our country. I'm sure the demons wouldn't go for it either. So why should we cooperate with them?

 The surrounding nobles agree with Emperor Rosebell's words. These guys don't understand the magnitude of the matter. It's so big that the goddess Aster went out of her way to tell us.

 According to what my master told me, they would have lost even three hundred years ago if the continent hadn't cooperated. And yet these guys are only chasing after short-term gains.

''Shut up.''

 I release a word of intimidation. The nobles sit back and shut up at the intimidation. Gargante puts his hand on the sword at his waist, but he is in a cold sweat. I don't let him gloat and laugh anymore.

''I'm going to return to the king's territory once and send a letter to the other countries. Then I will send a letter to the empire as well. You must think this through. I'll say it again. If I hadn't helped you, the imperial city would have been gone.

 I'm not used to talking from above too much, but these guys don't listen to me unless I do this much. I look at Emperor Rosbel, who nods in silence, and proceed with the conversation.

''Also, my fiancé Luciana, her brother Clift the Third Prince, the brave Katsuragi Kana, and Nikaido Mari will be taken away.

 It wasn't just Emperor Rosbel who was surprised by those words, but also Mari and the rest of the heroic group. Kana, of course! He looked like this.

'And while you're at it, the other three brave men can come too if they want to. I'll even take your armbands off.

What! You! The brave men are slaves to the Empire! How dare you take that with you on your own!

 .... he's digging his own grave, that emperor. He has a look on his face as if he's done a new vizier too. He must have been too excited to say what he thought.

'You think the brave men are slaves? You guys have a habit of forcing people to come here on your own accord with the Imperials.......are you really kidding me?

 Even Emperor Rosebell, who was standing and angry, starts to wobble and shake as he sits down on his throne when he is pinpointed with more intimidation than he just received. Then he goes and wets his chair.

''I'll follow you.''

Dragon Fang!

 Apparently, Mr. Fist Fighter is coming. Immediately I call for Wright and take off his braces, which you're getting used to by the third time. He also has someone he likes and his family, so he asks if he can bring them with him, so of course I allow it. I'll have Light keep an eye out for any danger as it is.

''Please ... me too.

 Then the model girl also told me to take it off. The only one left is you, the brave one.

''Well I'll stay, but could you take off the bangles, please?

Why do you want to stay?

'I'm engaged to Catalina. I will not leave her.

 That's what the brave man says. Well, if that's fine with him, I don't mind. I'm not sure if that would be good for him though. I take off my brave boy's bracelet as well. I'm not going to be able to get the same as you.

''I'll leave you to it then.

 We will leave the audience chamber with everyone in tow. Then we quickly made preparations and went through the gates of the Imperial City. The family of your fiancé's fiancé has arrived safely.

 I'm going to have General Melia proceed with an alert of my surroundings. My guess is that the imperial soldiers will probably follow. I don't know how long they'll be coming, but they will make an example of us to get back at them.