224 206. International Conference

 Me and Alexia take our seats.

'First of all, thank you for joining us despite my urgent call for you to join us.

 I bow my head as I say this. Then.

''Hmmm, no problem. We've all seen what happened in the Regalian Empire. Besides, with our longevity, we know what happened 300 years ago. Hey, Sylphy.

Don't dump on me, sis. But, well, you're right, people were watching. I don't think you have to worry about it.

 My master smiles at me, returning Queen Titania's pretense in a reasonable manner. The kings of the nations around me nod their heads. Only Emperor Rosebel, though, is hmm, sniffling and angry.

''Thank you. Let's talk about what happened in the empire first.''

 I would go on to tell them in turn what happened in the Regalia Empire and what I heard from Goddess Astel. They were quite surprised by the part of the Goddess Astel's story, but they all listened to me quietly.

But I didn't expect there to be anything like it in the land of evil.

 Queen Titania corroborates my story, and King Nanor holds his head up. Apparently, King Nanor didn't know that the main body of the Demon God was hidden in the Demon Earth.

''I knew that the Demon Earth is where the Demon God is sealed, but I didn't know the main body was hidden there.

 Apparently, Master knew about the seal itself, but he didn't know that there was such a thing sealed in the Demon Land. Levin and the other Dragon Kings are in a similar mood.

''I wonder how the Demon Gods will attack us?''

 Then the Pope asked a plausible question. It was Dorothea who answered it.

'Maybe, but I think they're going to attack each of the seal sites all at once. I think that's why they declared war on the previous empire, because it was the same thing three hundred years ago.

 Hmm. All at once at various points? But do the demons have the strength to do that much? The demon race is few in number compared to other races. But if the Azels are going to do what they did 300 years ago as well, what is there to do?

"Hmm, are they stupid? We outnumber them by far, and yet they attack us in just one country!

 Emperor Rosebell says something similar to what I thought.

"Hey, kid, don't underestimate them. "Hey, kid, don't underestimate them. It's true that the demon race is far fewer in number. If they were to appear in a war, it would be less than 50,000. But the abilities of the seven demon generals will exceed their numbers.
 You've seen it too. The Black Dragon King's Attendants. He has a unique skill called 'Dragon Family Affiliation'. It's an ability that allows any dragon race that the Black Dragon King touches to become his family, no questions asked. It doesn't work on us dragons, but on anyone lower than the old dragon.

''And then the Reaper King Benjamin Benjamin uses the undead. He'll gather various corpses and come up with close to a million of them. Besides, if our soldiers die, they will become undead too.

Now all that's left is Lilith the Fiend. As his name suggests, he has the ability to control demons. All he has to do is utter a single word, and all the demons in the area will be under his command.

 Levin-san, Master and Anima-san, in turn, talk about the abilities of the seven demon generals. With those three of them, they can wage war against other countries? That's certainly tricky in many ways.

 It seems that except for the Black Dragon King, he himself has almost no fighting power, but it seems he has servants to protect them. They say they have to defeat them or else they won't be able to reach the two of them. Benjal had a guy like that out the other day.

'How did you fight against guys like that 300 years ago?

''At that time, when it was still a small country in Regalia, the king received a revelation from the goddess Aster and summoned the heroes. The three heroes summoned at that time and the strongest of the nations were defeated by the dragon tribe by joining forces with them.

'In this day and age, Ray, you and your goddess blessings.

 After Queen Titania, Hilde says something like that, saying that three hundred years ago, those brave men were leading the way and their masters were helping them.

 She says it will be similar this time as well. But I have a feeling that I don't want Caro and Kana to be on the front lines. Will this be my selfishness?

 Since then, we've been able to talk about many things and decide on the big picture, so we've disbanded for the time being. The details are yet to be decided, so it will be carried over to the next day.

 After that, I will take you to the mansion where the king of each country will take a rest. The mansion that the kings will take a rest in was completed in a hurry, but it's turned out to be quite luxurious.

 On top of that, under the supervision of Caro, we've set up a magic circle of wards to keep out anything with bad intentions, so it should be safe. And if anyone comes near it, the alarm will go off.

 Each of the handmaidens would be trying to guide the kings of the various countries.

Why are you here!

 I heard a shouting voice. I head towards the direction of the voice and there I see an elven man beating a woman in a cloak. The hood was flipped up, revealing his face. The woman was Merlin.

 What in the world did he mean by that?