284 Later talk. Wedding edition Mirua's past

 One of the earliest memories I can remember of being born is that I spent my life in a dark and gloomy environment.

 The demon race was well divided between the extremists who could not tolerate the existence of any race other than the demon race, led by the demon king Gladiel, and the moderates who wanted to live hand in hand with all kinds of races, just like our family lineage, while not belonging to either.

 Even though we were divided, the neutrals were by far the largest group. Next to them were the extremists, and moderates really only existed as a small percentage of the entire demon race.

 Even so, I had heard from my sister that the reason why the moderates had been able to endure without disappearing was because our family lineage had a higher ability compared to the other demon clans. If you were as good as my sister, you could even fight the seven demon generals.

 But I had the most power of all of them, big sister said I had the most. I didn't think so, though.

 We moderates lived deep in the mountains in the middle of nowhere and in places where we couldn't really live to avoid being found by the extremists. Otherwise, the extremists would try to kill us. On top of that, they didn't stay in one place and would move from place to place every few months.

 We lived in dark and gloomy caves, beside poisonous swamps, near demons' dwellings, and other places where no one would normally go.

 However, that life changed a few years ago when the seven demon generals began to revive. After the resurrection of the seven generals, the extremist demons began to hunt for us moderates.

 From then on, we were on the run, worse than ever before. Days without food were the norm, and if the extremists found us, they would kill our men and rape our women.

 The uncle who smiled kindly at me, the sister who taught me about girlhood, the boy who said he would protect me...all were killed by the extremists.

 That fact was enough to break my heart. And that's when the militants found our family too. In order to protect us, I saw my dad go towards quite a few militants and get slaughtered in front of us.

 Mom was caught as a bait to get us out of there, and in order to roast us, they called it a public execution and had demon men rape us in front of everyone, and if we still didn't show up, they would put us in a cage with goblins and orcs in it and let the demons rape us.

 I couldn't forget the way my sister held back, clenching her teeth as she cried and clenched her hands so forcefully that they bled, but I couldn't forget the way she held back.

 But my heart couldn't take it anymore. I began to think that it would be better to die than to feel like this.

 It was probably about that time that I started to hear voices in my mind. A voice encouraging me, helping me, and that voice spoke to me over and over again. To keep me from feeling gloomy.

 After that, that voice of my heart, Milka and I began to switch bodies from time to time. Milka seemed to be very good at fighting, and she saved me on many occasions. It's very different from me, who can't do anything about it.

 The older sister would run away from the extremists, but she would go and put the moderates together one by one, and Milka would help her sister. In that way, they managed to gather their numbers, and when the extremists got wind that they couldn't easily get to them, there was a great war.

 In that war, all seven demon generals were defeated, and when the majority of the militants didn't return from the war either, big sister took advantage of the gap and united the demon race. And a new demon kingdom was born.

 ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇.

''But of course not all the extremists are gone. Some of them were going after me because they couldn't win against your sister. The neutrals are following your sister's lead now too, but maybe they'll flip out.

  I was listening to what she was saying, but I couldn't utter anything.

 And at the same time, I knew that Mitia-san was trying to force Milua-chan to bring her to me. Perhaps he was trying to keep her away until the country settled down.

 Naturally, she also has a plan to strengthen her current position as Demon King by joining forces with me, and to avoid being underestimated by other countries. However, the number one thing that comes through is the desire to protect Milua-chan.

But I want to save my sister. I know you're talking about protecting me, but please let me go back to your sister.

 Milua-chan looks at me with strong eyes, without the same wandering mood she had when she first met me. It can't be helped. I don't look back at Milua-chan, but rather at Krona.

The first thing to do is to hire her as an apprentice to Krona.

'Yes, I think that would be a good idea,'

 Krona nodded at my words. Ferris and Aeris say something about asking for a hand match when Milka-chan is there. And Milua-chan, who can't follow the conversation and has a confused look on her face.

''Eh? Or won't you let me go home!

'No, no, no, do you think I can leave after what you just said? Marriage or otherwise, how can you just let a child whose life is in danger go home?

'But, but your sister is still fighting alone! I, I'm on the side...

 I walk up to Milua-chan, who is still talking about this, and give her a pat on the head. I'm not sure what to expect, but she looks up at me with a fearful look on her face and says, "Don't worry, we'll save you.

It's a good idea to have a good time. This is how we got together, regardless of whether we got married or not. I haven't fallen so low as to abandon my acquaintances. So don't worry about it. I'll make sure to protect both Milua-chan and Miltia-san, Light.

Yes, Master Ray.

''I want you to go to the Devil's Land now and escort Mitia-san. He'll be here tomorrow, so for now, just until then.

I understand.

 Light smiles lightly and gives a curtsy, then glows and disappears.

''Hey, Ray, don't move the head butler around without permission. I'm not going to get angry with the handmaids. He's very popular.

 And Alexia was pissed. Come to think of it, the lights were popular with the ladies. Well, it's only for one day, so forgive me.

''Milua-chan can rest here for today for now. I'll talk to Mitia-san again tomorrow.


 Okay, I think we've settled down for now. I'll take care of her, but let's finish up with the troublesome guys tomorrow first.