294 Later talk. My feelings

Do you mind if I stay with Ray? Hey.


 I told him what was bothering me as I ate the sandwich my advisor had given me. My advisor listened to me all the way through without stopping mid-sentence.

He said, "I was trained as a child to kill people, and I accepted it without a fight. I have killed many times since then. I have killed my friends, children, women, and so many others in the name of training my hands are stained with blood. I've killed so much. Is it okay for me to be by Onii's side like that?

 When I told my advisor with a serious look on my face what was bothering me the most, he laughed in his belly. All I could do was watch it with my mouth open.

''Hahaha, hahaha, oops, sorry, sorry. It was just too funny........!

''Well there was nothing to laugh at in what you just said. Why are you laughing?

 I ask angrily. I guess it didn't make sense to my advisor, but I still couldn't help but get angry. He laughed at me for something that had been bothering me all along. It's impossible not to be angry.

''ugh. I'm sorry, Haku. I laughed a little too much. Haku has every right to be angry.

'Then why did you laugh? I've been struggling with this for a long time. I won't allow my advisor to laugh about it.

 I stare at my advisor. I can't forgive him if he's laughing at me for no good reason. However, the advisor does not know such a thing and starts talking.

I was just wondering why you are worried about such a thing now.

What does that mean?

'I've known that Haku has been killing Sawayama people since the first time I met him. And yet, there's no way Rei would care about that now.
 That's unless he's killing people out of his own free will, but Haku is not. He understands his sins, he suffers, and yet he looks forward to life. How could Rei dislike Haku like that? Well, unless, by all means, Haku can't stay with Ray.

 The advisor said just that and went back to dinner again. It's true that when I told Onii about my past, she called me her family................At that time I was extremely happy. The fact that she referred to me as her family without a moment's hesitation.

'Well, we'd better get back. I'm sure Haku will want to come home and talk to you too.


 Then my advisor and I returned to the royal capital. The demons that came out on the road didn't come close, but were chopped up by the blade of wind that the advisor released.

 At the guild, I handed over the requested crabmeat and immediately ran to the royal palace. Now I just wanted to see Onii. I didn't have to do anything in particular to get into the Royal Palace. I also know the soldiers.

 When I was walking in the palace, Pricia and Mari came walking in front of me.

Oh, Haku-chan, we are going to eat sweets now. We are going to eat some sweets now, do you want to join us?

 Pricia Hey invited me to join her, but I shake my head. Normally I'd join in, so Priscia Hey looks at me and peers at me with concern.

''Haku-chan, who has such a sweet tooth, won't eat it? Are you possibly sick?

  It's true that I love sweets, but right now it's more than that.

Pricia, hey, where's your sister?

'What? If it's Mr. Ray, you were fighting with the soldiers on the exercise field earlier.......maybe.

I'm gonna go tell my sister how I feel.

 When I said with a serious face, Mari-kye laughed bitterly, as I knew she would, and Pricia-kye hugged me with a smile, though she was in tears.

Pricia hey?

'Huh, you're finally being honest with yourself. Haku-chan, I was worried about you because you've always been a step back from everyone for a long time. Nobody cares about Haku-chan's past.

Besides, Alexia and the others were wondering when Haku was going to tell her how she felt. They wondered when Haku would tell Ray-san about her feelings. They said that if Haku didn't go after the wedding, they would gather around her and ask her about it.

 ...that's scary. Being surrounded by girls is too scary. Even thinking about it sends shivers down my spine.

It's a good idea to go, Haku-chan. I'm sure Haku-chan would be very happy to see you, Ray-san.


 I nodded vigorously to the two of them and headed for the training grounds. We reached the training ground, passing by the occasional soldier or samurai woman. In the middle of the training ground, there was Onii standing in the middle of the training ground, carrying a spear, and a group of soldiers lying dead around her.

 In my current state, it would be difficult to make Onii get serious. That's how strong Onii is. When I enter the exercise area, Onii notices me and smiles at me.

''Yo, Haku. It's a rare sight to see you in an exercise area. What's going on?

 Onii smiles and pats my head it feels too good to be debauched. I can hear the curse from the soldiers lying around me, though.

'There's something I wanted to talk to you about, Onii.

Do you want to talk to me? Is it safe to do that here?

No, I'm just telling you how I feel.

 As I said this, Onii looked around and started to panic. But I wanted her to hear my feelings quickly, so I said right then and there

I love my sister! I want to keep spending time with you! I want everyone to be included!

 I told him how I felt in the loudest voice I've ever lived. The first time I had ever shouted so loud, my throat was startled and I coughed, but I was able to tell her how I felt.

 Just as I was about to ask Onii for her reply, a spell was cast on her. You're going to be able to find out more about the best way to get the best out of your own personal life. I looked around.

'What! A face! You have a good face, you bastard!

"Phelia-tan, Krona-tan, Ekla-tan, Haku-tan, you've been bedding one angel after another! You pedophile!

You keep adding more girls to the list. She broke up with me because of you! 'Not as cool as Master Ray!'

'I was told 'I can't do it either because I'm not as strong as Master Ray! If you ask me how strong I need to be, I'll say 'I'd rather hurt Master Ray', I can't do it against this monster!

Oh, yes, you jerk-off!


You f*cking cocksucker!

 There was a tremendous amount of cursing going on around me towards Onii. With anger like I've never seen before. Meanwhile, the soldiers around you are still shooting magic at Onii. I'm sure Onii is safe, but it's time to stop it. Just when I thought that.


 And then lightning gushed out from the center where the magic was headed. I'm sure you'll be able to find a way to make it work. I'm sure you'll be able to find it. I'm sure you'll be able to find the right one.

''Well I understand how you guys feel. If you've been hoarding so much, you should have told me right away. You could have told me right away that you wanted to do some serious training. I'm sure you'll be able to recover if your limbs are blown off, so don't hold back. So don't be shy, okay?

 By the time the soldiers came to their senses, it was already too late. The moment the soldier was about to apologize, Onii's fist pierced the soldier's face. It's tame, but it's still quite powerful. Isn't that going to change the shape of his face? I think.

 Moreover, he uses recovery magic at the same time as he hits them, so the pain is gone, but the moment he hits them, the pain is so intense that he can't pass out.

 Onii continued to rage until the soldiers were able to recover and still pass out. Then, surrounded by soldiers who may or may not be alive, Onii was surrounded by soldiers who were not sure if they were still alive.

I love Haku too!

 Maybe Onii was imitating me, too, and she told me out loud how she felt, and the next thing I knew, she was right in front of me, hugging me. And in my ear.

I'll make you happy, I promise. And I need you to support me.

 He muttered to me. That alone was enough to make me burst with joy, but I hugged Onii back.


 ◇ ◇ ◇.

You've finally told her how you feel.

 Alexia, who was looking into the exercise area next to me, muttered. I came right after I talked to Pricia and the others, and I'm glad I was able to tell them how I feel.

 It was kind of like looking at Haku and seeing me in the past. It's like I'm a little distant from the world around me. There was a time when I tried to act like a big sister too.

 I'm glad I told Ray beforehand. Ray is aware of Haku's feelings too, but he doesn't tell me!

Mommy? Mommy? Where are you?

 Oops, looks like Elene came looking for me. Alright, I've got to get ready for Haku to be at Arcadia's wedding!