316 Later talk. Honeymoon? Hen to the third continent

Are you sure it's me?

 Calendina walks fearfully next to me. One has passed since the commotion in Japawone, and me and Calendina have now come to another continent, the Alfredo Empire.

 According to Kreena, though, the head of the mercenary group here is the number one believer in Kreena.

 The reason I asked Kalendina to come here is to find the leader of the group. And it seems that those who have the blessing of the Creena will be able to find out who has the #1 faithful on each continent if they are nearby.

 Last time, Albury came to me, but there was no way I could ask him to do that after the way we parted ways like that, which is why I asked Calendina to do it.

 Everyone else will no longer be appearing in Koksi, I'm having them stay in the Pelosones Kingdom. I left a large amount of food and other items that were in the item ring, so it should be fine. It won't go bad, but there was enough food in the item ring to rot.

 And then there's the Alfredo Empire we came from.

This is more awesome than any other continent.

''Ugh ... ta, it's definitely more developed than my country, which is awesome.

 This continent is also supposed to have coxies appearing, but it's probably a much richer continent compared to the continents of Japawone and Pelosones.

 The first thing that strikes you is the number of people, more than any other continent. The numbers are a force unto themselves. It may be a different source, but there are quite a few people.

 Then, the country seems to have a territory, and there are several merchant groups that go back and forth outside the outer walls. I guess it's because they have some strong soldiers attached to them. Thanks to that, though, we were able to enter the imperial capital normally too.

 Compared to other continents, the inside of the imperial capital is also full of life. The size of the soldiers is probably ten times larger than the rest of the country. That alone shows the difference in national power.

 I'm sure you'll be able to find a way to make it work.

 When you take a look at the imperial soldiers, they are battered, but they are wearing equipment that is one or two levels higher than that of other countries. The equipment in this area also seems to be different.

 The man with black hair at the front has a large cut on his face that goes diagonally into the face and looks like he would cry if a child were to see him.

 The man diagonally behind him to the right is a brown-haired, flirtatious-looking man. He is waving his hands at the girls around him and telling them to squeal.

 The guy on the other side is chubby compared to the other two. But he's not just fat, he wears muscle underneath the fat, like a wrestler.

 So these are the soldiers of this country. But I've come to look for mercenary soldiers, not imperial soldiers. Just when I was thinking of going to look for them now, I hear a cheer from behind the Imperial soldiers.

 It's more than the three we just passed. Calendina and I both look behind us to see what's going on, and from behind us comes a group of soldiers who look different from the imperial soldiers.

 Well, to put it simply, the soldiers were all women. As they passed, more cheers went up from those around them.

 Leading the way is a brown-haired woman looking straight ahead with a look so tight that she could kill a man with her gaze alone. She's forcing the armor to hold her gaping breasts in place.

 I look at Calendina next to me and she nods. So she's the head of the mercenary group? But I didn't expect to see so many women gathered together. They must be pretty good at it too.

 As they follow the imperial soldiers, they also head to the castle. The people also flowed in as if they were following them.

What do you think, Reiwert-sama? Shall we go too?

No, more than that. Let's get some information. We need to talk to these girls.

 Then we came to a thriving tavern, thanks to the return of our soldiers. As for the money, we made it by selling demon material, which is rare in this world. In case you're wondering, I'm assuming they're animals.

 There, I asked the customers who were drinking to talk to me about many things. Since it would be suspicious to know too much about them, I gathered enough information from the surroundings to have a moderate conversation with them.

 That's when I found out that the brown-haired woman who was leading the pack earlier still seems to be the leader of the mercenary group.

 Her name is Mirez Leidiano. She seems to be a former nobleman, but her family was killed by Koksi and she lost herself to a mere commoner. Afterwards, he gathered a group of orphans to form the current mercenary group.

 I'm told he has a grudge against Koxi. And all of a sudden. A number of men have approached them to make a connection, but none of them have returned. As a man.

The girls are attending a victory party today and will return tomorrow to their encampment by the wall outside. I'll go visit them tomorrow.

But will it be okay? And they seem to hate men.

'Well, from what I've heard, that's just as well. I'm sure that some of the women who have been mistreated by men have been rescued. But we can't do anything about it if we don't talk about it.

 Calendina nods at my words. If it comes down to it, all you have to do is run away. For the time being, we were able to find the person we wanted. Let's go home for the day and come back tomorrow.

 It's a good idea to have a golem or something to show them.

 Oh, but it seems that Aren and the others have also awakened to magic, and since they were begging Phelia and Merlin to teach them magic yesterday, they may be learning from them.

 Elene is cute when she learns new magic and comes running to show me how to do it. Good, let's go back now. We need to get back now!