11 Episode 9: Healing of spirits

This kind of poison is a foolproof way to detoxify the body. I have some kind of antidote on me at all times.
"...... really ...... that drug, poisoned by that drug.
Yes, I can turn it off. I would never lie to a patient.

 The man's body is feverish - I ask Mr. Lendl to arrange for water and a cloth. Excessive heat can leave a negative effect on the body's tissues, so we must take care to regulate the body's temperature.

 After seeing the instructions, the man finally nodded towards me.

'Please ...... me, my daughter ...... and when I'm gone, he alone .......'
Don't worry, you'll be fine. Just trust me.

 I'll take what I learned as a doctor and apply it here. The knights helped me in the battle, but there's something I can do too - that's medicine.

 I rinse the swollen wound with the water Rendle-san brought and apply the medicine to the wound. Then I focus my nerves on my fingertips to make sure that no foreign object ever enters the body - the poison in the body is also extracted from the plant.

 The antidote and the poison. As the two work well together to detoxify the body, I begin to chant.

"Blood Antidote [Blood Antidote] ......!

 The nerves that the poison tries to invade. Even if the medication is normally taken internally, it takes time to act - the only way to detoxify the patient's body in a matter of minutes is to get the blood flowing faster and deliver the detoxifying ingredients directly to the patient, while supplementing their strength.

...... Mr. Glass: "......

 Mr. Lendl takes care of me and wipes the sweat from my forehead with his handkerchief. Thanks to him, I'm able to finish the procedure, which requires precision and keeps me focused, in a short time.

 The needle was heated with a match to disinfect and then the wound was sutured. I used a homemade ointment I've always relied on for hemostasis and pain relief. This would prevent adhesions and leave no major wounds. Ironically, the goblin arrows were sharply polished, which allowed the wound to draw a simple straight line and finish the procedure with minimal stitches.

'...... Even though my body was ...... gradually becoming numb, gradually. The numbness was ...... out and ...... out of the numbness.
You'll be fine. All you have to do now is take this medicine morning and night for a couple of days. It will help the wound heal faster and restore your resistance.

 When you are poisoned, your immune system can become exhausted and temporarily incapacitated in order to resist the poison. It's not enough to detoxify it, but it's important to recover after the fact - if the resistance is weakened and you get another disease, you're out of luck.

Thank you ....... Thank you ...... doctor, you, what's your name ......?
My name is Glass Weed. I'm a genie doctor from the Academy of Magic.

 When he said his name and looked up. A knight named Raquel had come with a knight with golden hair and a girl who looked like a ranch girl.

''Dad, it was ...... good ......''
...... This doctor helped me out. You're going to be okay now, ...... and you'll be back on your feet in a while.
'No, you should go to the clinic as well, just to be sure. There's one in this neighborhood: .......
'There are no doctors in the villages near here. We must go out to a town a little farther away ...... and I'll have the Knights of the Order send you there.
Oh, you can go to ......, Lady Astina. ......!

 The man exclaimed in surprise. The daughter, who was happy for her father's safety, also stood up as if she were being played and bowed her head repeatedly.

 After all, this woman was His Highness Astina. She was dressed in white and silver armor that was differently made from the other knights, and wore a white cloak with gold threads woven into the edges. His golden hair was braided when viewed up close, and his long back hair was braided in a braid.

 In the sunlight, his appearance could only be described as divine. It was not surprising that the lord's people would adopt a worshipful attitude.

'Thank you for healing my people,' Glass Weed ...... You seem to be a better doctor than I thought you were.
"Ha ......, I'm honored to be here. But I'm not ......, I'm .......

 I can't help but squirm. This is the dignity that the third princess has - I also felt the elegance of the bow knight named Deite, but the quality is different from that.

 She already has the air of a ruler. It's a good thing that you're able to have a good time with your friends.

...... I was going to do the best I could as a spirit doctor, and I intended to come to your highness' aid. I acted in accordance with that belief.
That decision, however, is accepted. However, if you don't mind me saying, my Order has a no-male policy: ...... It has been decided that your position will be discussed with our officers at our home base, the Isle Rose Fortress.

 As a doctor, I've shown a certain amount of skill - apparently that's not enough to make them trust me immediately.

 Raquel-san seems to be an executive as well, but I get the feeling that she is wary of me because of her dislike of magic. I'm not so sure about the woman named Deite, but she wouldn't dare to put her shoulder to my newcomer.

''The carriage you have been riding in is being protected by my men. I'm sure you'll be able to find out what's going on. We'll see you later.
"Thank you, Your Highness, Astina.

 The three knights walk their horses and head for the public road. They say they will return to the fortress first.

''Master Glass ...... is fine. Your Royal Highness will surely approve of it.
...... I hope so. You two, then I'll go with you to town.
'Yes, Master Glass. The Knights of the Order will be patrolling the area for some time to come. Thanks for everything, you guys. ...... Thank you so, so much for everything. ......!

 When her father told her to run away, the daughter was on her way to call for help in town when she happened to meet His Highness Astina's party and asked for help.

 --why was the princess in this area? That bothered her a bit, but she put it to the back of her mind for now and headed for the carriage with the father and son.