18 Chapter 16  円卓

 The round table room where the executives are meeting, which runs everything in the Isle Rose Fortress.

 Sitting there and waiting is His Highness Astina - and Raquel-san is sitting on her right side, and Deite-san is sitting next to her on the opposite side.

 There are two other female knights waiting in the wings, but it seems they are not executives. They don't take a seat and seem to be escorting His Highness. Although they are inferior to the cadres, they have a dignity that sets them apart from the other knights I saw in the fortress.

 It's only natural that the princess would be escorted by her Kingsguard. The reason why it is called 'Swords Princess General' may be due to His Highness Astina's own strength as a warrior, but the third princess is also in a position to be protected at all costs.

''Your Highness Astina, I have brought Dr. Glass Weed to you.
Thank you, Presha. Please take your seats. Dr. Glass and the squire.
Then I'll take you up on your offer.

 I curtsied alongside Mr. Rendle and sat down across the round table from His Highness Astina and the others.

'Glass, I was told beforehand that you were coming, but I have not received any reports about the other one. Could you please explain that to me?
''This is me ...... my secretary, and my name is Lendl. In order to assist the military doctor in his work, the head of the Academy of Magic requested the Society of Stewards to send me to assist him with the work of the military doctor, but since it is ...... forbidden for men, if it is difficult for you to live in the fortress, I would be happy to let you stay in the nearest town.

 I will tell His Highness what I was going to say before I came here. If men are not allowed to stay inside the fortress, I may not have been in the direction of staying inside the fortress to begin with, and I would be grateful for any covered bunk as long as I was allowed to do my job.

Did Presha tell you about the situation with our Order's doctor?
'I told him about it, and that my former army doctor is now recuperating.
'I see. We don't have a single full-time doctor in this army at the moment. The medics can also treat the wounded, but they can't handle serious wounds and illnesses very well. ...... I've asked the administration to send a doctor to the hospital several times now.
The headmaster informed me that I was selected at his request. I'm sure you're not familiar with the term 'spiritist', but I am trained as a doctor.

 Just because I witnessed the torture doesn't mean I'm immediately trusted as a doctor.

 However, if I said too much about myself, it also seemed to discredit me, so I didn't continue to speak further.

 It's partly because His Highness Astina and Raquel-san, who are silent and quietly thinking, are too neat and beautiful. Deethe-san and Presha-san are also beautiful, but there was something about the demeanor these two wore that could only be described as exceptional.

' ...... Your spirits are not suited for combat. But it is good for medicine. Is it correct to think so? I have no widowly knowledge of what a 'spirit doctor' is like.
'Yes, yes, Your Highness Astina. Dr. Glass, by the power of the spirit, has made the captive who didn't speak up ......
'Presha, it is you. Speak up only when asked for your opinion.
"I'm sorry that ...... is also, I'm sorry, Knight-in-Chief Raquel.

 Raquel-san chided her, and Presha-san shriveled up. Ms. Deethe, who was watching her - who has somehow changed her clothes and is now in plain clothes like a young lady - laughs, hiding her mouth with a fan.

'You look so quiet and unconcerned about witnessing the torture. And if you say that he contributed something, wouldn't it be fair to say that Captain Raquel ...... he has shown his competence? I feel sorry for you, sir, if you're being so evil.
'I do not mean to be evil. 'Deite, do the dukes bring fans to the military council? I've been meaning to tell you for a while now.
''Hmph, the captain is talking like a big sister. She's just one year older than you.

 Raquel-san is the chief knight who unites all the knights and serves His Highness Astina. In other words, Raquel-san should be in a higher position than Deite-san, but Deite-san treats him almost as an equal - is that because she is the daughter of a duke family?

''Presha, what was the result of your interrogation?''

 When His Highness Astina directs the question to His Highness Astina, Ms. Presha shudders with a jolt.

 His Royal Highness lowered his eyes, his long lashes casting shadows on his white cheeks. It's only for a moment, but His Highness' eyes look deep and melancholy.

 -- she had probably expected it. To who were those who had betrayed their country and were connected to Zirconia.

'...... later, come to my office. Presha alone is fine with me.
'Your Highness, I am ......'
'Raquel, you have a lot on your plate. I'll scrutinize the report from Presha first, and then I'll tell you later: ...... Rest assured, I won't hide anything from you.
"Haha ...... sorry, I never suspected such a thing .......

 The power relationship of this knightly order is now visible - the Knight Captain of Raquel has a respect for His Highness Astina that can be described as worshipful.

 The fact that His Highness Astina's orders would be absolute could be fully deduced from the current exchange alone.

 --Thinking like that as if it were someone else's business, His Highness' next statement would catch me off guard.

'Raquel, Glass is the only military doctor in our army at present. I have received a notice from the royal family to make him my direct mage, but this Order itself, more than me, requires him to function. I judge that to be the case.
Your Highness, then: ......
"Glass Weed. I am placing you under Raquel's direct control. From now on, you will follow her instructions.
"......, yes. Your command is granted.

 I didn't expect to be given such an order - as long as I join the organization of the Knights, it makes sense that I would be included somewhere in the organizational chart, but I wonder how it would be to be under the direct control of the magic-hating Knight Captain Raquel, of all people.

'Deite, you will direct the archers to the west side of the city walls. Based on the recent movements of the Zirconian army, it is possible that they will set up a maneuver around today.
'Ha, ...... squirming. That's what I was called to do, wasn't it?

 Watching that exchange, I feel slightly uncomfortable. Why is His Highness Astina able to foresee the enemy's movements as if it were a definite future?

 'Swords Princess General' - from that name, I could imagine that her sword skills were excellent. That's not all.

 His Highness Astina is also a military strategist who can only garner the trust of the executives with a single-minded focus. I could understand that when I saw Deite-san's back as she immediately left the round table room.

 His Highness, Mr. Presha, and the Kingsguard also leave. The remaining Raquel-san said to herself before she left her seat.

'That's why I told you not to change into your normal clothes or anything else ...... utterly, you don't listen to me.

 Mr. Raquel is also a constant source of distraction. It seems that she is usually worried about Deethe-san, who acts freely.

 I have to somehow gain her trust so that she, who hates magic, doesn't have to suffer even more heartache from me being under her command.

 Standing up, Raquel-san walks over to me. He's not wearing a top of armor right now, so his upper body is only under his armor - not that there's anything to be said for it, but it's unimaginable. I thought the chest armor was incredibly thick when he was wearing the armor, but that's not the case, there were two large masses housed inside.

(...... No, wait, ...... Raquel's movements are a bit odd. (......) Like he's shielding himself from pain.

 Wearing that much heavy armor and wielding a javelin on a horse, no matter how much of a demon warrior he was, Raquel's body was being forced to take an extremely heavy burden. This gave a slight discomfort to the gestures and the way he walked, which seemed to be nothing at all.

 But as she ponders if she should point it out, she opens her mouth.

'...... Glass Weed. As for what you will be asked to do in the future as a military doctor, I'll let you figure out what to do on your own to some extent, based on your predecessor's logbook. You will remain in the infirmary until I give you further instructions.
Yes, yes, ...... will do.
'What are you frightened of ...... replying to me more openly. You didn't look so pathetic when you walked in here with Presha.

 I was suddenly angry - certainly not the time to be flustered by being spoken to out of the blue.

''First, you must decide on your accommodations. You can follow me.

 Saying that, Raquel-san leaves first - Rendle-san, who stood up from his seat with me, murmured quietly in front of the door that had been slammed shut.

''Is Raquel-sama in a bad mood because she couldn't join His Highness ......?
'Well, well, maybe ...... so. Don't tell me that.

 I agreed with Rendle-san, but as a newcomer, there's nothing I can do about it.

 How will His Highness accept the facts conveyed to him by Presha-san? How will he tell Raquel-san--and will he be able to safely prevent the Zirconia attack that His Highness foresaw?

 A lot of things are starting to happen as soon as I'm posted. But I'm just going to do what I can, one by one, so that I can be recognized by those around me as a military doctor as soon as possible.

'...... What are you doing, Glass Weed? I'm leaving you behind.

 I knocked on the door all the way from outside and Raquel called me in. Saying I don't like magic doesn't always mean I'm going to show it. While I was horrified by his concern, I was honestly grateful for his concern.