24 Episode 22: Food Situation After an Enemy Attack

 The bell rang and there was a commotion for about half an hour, and soon the area was quiet. If the enemy had come, it was a small group of people, or maybe they were scouts and not an attacking force.

 After examining all of the patients in the medical ward and confirming that they had calmed down one by one, I gave each one of them 'medical attention' and wrote down what I learned in my examination records.

 What I found was that the food they were eating as a sick person's diet was not sufficient for them.

 But deficiencies in certain nutrients are actually not uncommon, even among people in the capital city away from the battlefield.

 A relatively common deficiency is a trace mineral that is consumed in various parts of the body. This, too, can be supplied to some extent by the consumption of green leafy vegetables and nuts, but for some reason the quality of the soil may have deteriorated to such an extent that it is deprived of the nutrients it is supposed to contain.

 Patients are provided with some certainty that they will be able to take some fruits and vegetables even if they are lacking in the pantry. However, when I asked Katie to show me the pantry, I found that all of the vegetables and other items that had been stored were not of good quality because they were not very lively.

(The soil in the area of production is deteriorating: ...... You'll have to take a look at it once. It's not like soil improvement methods are only widespread in the capital city: ......)

'For the past couple of years, demons have been coming out of the fields, so our food production has been reduced. Orchards and other orchards have also been damaged. ...... Natural fruit trees are valuable to the residents in the vicinity, so we can't force them to collect them.
'Demon ...... I saw a goblin on my way here, too. Is that the sort?
'No, they say it's a demon that kills crops, but for more information, go to ...... The land occupied by that demon is so dangerous that you can't even get close to it.

 From what I've heard, they are very poor quality demons. If such demons continue to breed and increase, they won't be able to procure food from near by and will have to rely on transportation from far away.

 Another problem, the shortage of medicines, would also be difficult to solve. There was no way they could generate the extra energy to spend on cultivating medicinal herbs when the fields that produce food were being destroyed.

''Has the Knights of the Order been called upon to help with that demon?
'Yes, several times. Each time we've taken action, but we haven't been able to solve the problem, whether it's that it's useless if we don't eradicate ...... the root of the problem. Rather, the damage has only spread.
...... I understand. Thank you for everything you've taught me.
"No, no, we're the ones who are sorry for relying on Dr. Glass, who just came to visit us, to tell us that we need to take ...... a break and so on. I'm sorry to say that I've been relying on Dr. Glass to help me out, but he's been a great help to all my staff.

 I'm not used to being evaluated after all, and I sometimes wonder if I'm not hearing things like that, or if I'm being sneaky.

 But with Katie and with Presha, the change in attitude after gaining their trust is significant. The fact that they are aware of you as a man can also be conveyed through gestures like touching your hair and ears.

...... It's late today, so I'd be happy to sit down next time and talk to you about our upcoming activities.
'I'm the one who looks after you. Okay, I'll take this ...... to see what happened earlier, will I still be disturbed if I go to see what happened earlier?
I don't know ...... if there are any injuries, I'm sure they'll report back to us.

 Katie went outside the sanitation building to check on the situation, but there was no sign of anyone coming. If no one was injured, then it still means that it wasn't important.

'If you walk through the fortress at night, you may be stopped by the guards. If you are going upstairs, please walk in a well-lit area.
'Ha, yes. I don't want to be treated like a prowler either, so I'll be careful.
''Hmph ...... You were in a shura just now, but you've already calmed down. I thought you seemed unreliable, Glass-san, but I didn't see it coming. ...... I'm sorry.

 When I look at it this way, I can't help but notice how s*xy each gesture is--when I was thinking about it, Rendle-san, who wears tinted glasses when she goes out and a coat with a stand-up collar, was looking at me intently.

''Master Glass seems to have a weakness for mature women. I must definitely report this to the Dean.'
''No, no, it's not that I'm weak ......, I might be weak, but it's not that I'm strong, either.
''Oh my goodness, please don't tell such ...... Rendle-san, please keep it to yourself. The head of the Silvana Academy of Magic, Millennia Weed, is the one who was known as the "Jade Witch". If you're in a good mood, it would be very difficult for you to be ...... oh?

 Katie seemed to realize that she had said it herself. Me and the head of the academy share the same family name.

Was the head of the ...... academy old enough to have children?
'Yes, no ...... I'm your brother. But I'm not my parents.
'Well ...... you're my brother-in-law, aren't you? Could that be the forbidden ......?
'No, that's not at all ...... and that's exactly what your sister-in-law would be pissed off about if she heard you.
I'm sorry, I have such a vivid imagination for all those things ...... but I shouldn't be a teacher either, because I've shown you how incredibly nice I am. I'm sure all the members of the medical corps, from 16 to 40 years old, have become fans of yours.

 I was about to retort that there was no way that there was such a picture-perfect story - but I was going to say it back.

 The medics who had been scrambling in the medics' wing just a few minutes ago - and even the patients who had settled in - had come to see what was going on in the room we were in.

''I thought that popularity didn't come in a day. But Dr. Glass has taught me that it can be accomplished in a night.

 I had hoped that I would be trusted with gradual results, but most importantly, I can only say that it was good to have a place to stay in the place that would be my workplace.

 However, the eyes are still subtly glazed over, or rather, I could feel the gaze even in the cafeteria, but even I, as expected, can't help but recognize that 'I'm being targeted'.

 More importantly, I'm glad to see that the patients who had lifeless eyes until I saw them are showing signs of recovery - is that too neat a way to sum up the situation? Anyway, I will continue to be careful not to disturb the atmosphere in the workplace.

   ◆ ◇◆

 In order to get up to the ramparts surrounding the fortress, they would have to go up to the fourth floor. If Mr. Deethe was leading the archers on the defensive, he would have to go up there to hear about the situation.

 Since it's not in the category of a military doctor's interest, he wondered if he should just go back to the residence hall - or not.

'Hmm ...... that was ......'

 The castle walls protruded inward in a circle, and there was a door that looked like it could be entered from the courtyard. As soon as I thought it opened, the one who came out from inside was Deite-san.

''Oh, thank you for your help, Mr. Deite. Is there a staircase inside that door to go up?''
No, it's man-powered, but it's a ground floor-to-floor transportation system. Katie is always worried about it, so I came to tell you that no one was injured. I could have told her with my horn, but it's late at night like this.

 Deethe said as she stroked her smooth red hair. She wore a breastplate to make it easier to shoot the bow, and it was evident that she was prepared for battle.

''Just like Astina-sama said, the enemy troops have been trying to cross the river. If we had been slow to respond, they would have seized us up to the city walls, but we were able to prevent them from doing so at the water's edge.

 I prevented - that is, I shot and killed an enemy soldier. Deethe-san is smiling, but also looks a little empty somehow.

'I can't tell ...... everyone very much. I don't think I should have to fight a lot of battles where I'm not in fear of dying. Because the only people you can kill are the ones who are ready to be killed.
...... Everyone here at this fortress is grateful to Mr. Deite and the people at the shooter. I don't think there's anything wrong with fighting to be safe.

 Miss Deethe didn't say a word, but looked at me. Looking at her graceful beauty, I thought again - if it hadn't been for the war, she probably would have been a duke, and she would have always been a socialite, not a battlefield person.

'I didn't want any comfort, though. You're not afraid of me, are you?
'We will not be afraid. Everyone in this country is proud of you.
...... What if I tell you that I'm going to take you to find out what's left of them?

 --if any of the soldiers were attacked by the archers from the city walls and still survived. Deethe-san came down to find out.

 I don't know if he was going to take me with him from the beginning. A few more soldiers come down from the top of the city walls - they would be the subordinates accompanying Mr. Deete.

''Okay, I'll accompany you. Mr. Lendl, please go back to the residence first.
"...... is the right thing to do.

 I controlled Mr. Rendle, who was about to come with me, ahead of him, and he hesitated a bit, but followed my instructions.

'Then let's go to ....... Thank you for coming without hesitation. You, can you ride your horse?
'No, my experience with riding is ......'
Well, then, I'll let you ride my horse. If my horse is to your liking, that is.

 Mr. Deethe walks out with his men - it looks like they are heading to the surrender gate to get out of the castle gate.

 Will there be survivors, or not? What I'm required to do is to use my eyes as a military doctor to determine if there are any survivors.