42 Chapter Fortieth Half a Month

 The front of the thin white robe that His Highness was wearing opened to reveal skin as smooth as ceramic.

 He couldn't see it when he was wearing the armor, but the rapid rise from his collarbone to his chest was such that it was hard to believe that he had survived so many battles.

 The red marks left on his white skin suggested that his chest was tightly clenched when he went out into battle. It's the same for the other soldiers, but knowing that even your highness is doing this makes me wonder if this fortress form that allows only women to fight the war is really the right one.

I know what you're thinking: "...... I know what you're thinking. But the fact that men and women have different body shapes is just a matter of course. Your highness and we are fighting without a man or woman. I don't think that's painful, and I think I've fought my way through that much.

 Raquel-san is also an unparalleled powerhouse - there aren't many men who can be as strong as her. Even for men, if they are not quite blessed with a strong physique, they cannot wear thick armor and wield a javelin as a heavy knight.

 I change my mind and turn the blanket up to my abdomen and open the thin cloth further. His Highness's breathing intervals are long and very quiet, so quiet that I can't hear the sound of his breathing at all unless I'm close enough to hear it. But that doesn't mean his breathing is weak.

 Checking his wrists, his pulse is slower than a normal person's, but it's within acceptable limits. But my body temperature is a little higher - I recognize this symptom.

'Glass ...... what the hell is that tool ......?'
'This is for hearing things like heartbeats. You may not have seen it before, but you can hear it better than if you put your ear directly against it, so it's never weird .......

 I cut out an elder's branch and made a tool - a stethoscope that listens to the patient's heart and breathing sounds by conducting vibrations through a wooden tube.

 The one with the wider end against the patient's body and the one with the smaller end against the patient's ear - this tool was invented to reduce the mental burden on the patient and to increase the amount of information available for diagnosis rather than just seeing and touching. Done.

 Put the stethoscope to the location of the heart, the lungs, etc. After all, there is no problem - His Highness's body is perfectly healthy in its present state, and there is another reason for his coma.

'Mr. Raquel, do you have any pre-existing medical conditions, Your Highness?

 I didn't dare to say 'Knight Commander'. Too much attention to formality would make it impossible to draw out a straightforward opinion - Raquel-san didn't seem to blame me either.

'No ...... nothing. However, there have been times in the past when I've been sick after a big battle. But that's something that happens to everyone when you're out on the battlefield ......
''Well, at ......, do you see the magical luminescence now emanating from Your Highness' body?
"...... magic? His Highness certainly has magical powers, but ...... light and other things are not ...... at all.
''Just like Raquel-san, Presha-san, I consider His Highness Astina to be a 'demon warrior' as well. Do you mean that you weren't aware of that fact?

 Raquel was at a loss for words. She didn't know she had the talent to be a mage, and the fact that she didn't get the chance to sign up with a spirit probably made her a natural demon warrior.

'...... I had been pointed out to me by a court mage that I was ...... using my magic power to fight. But at the time, I didn't ask for details. The "Demon Warrior" ...... Okay, so that's why Presha and I were special compared to the other soldiers. There were times when I sensed the same qualities from Deite as we did.
''Deete-san also has magic power, but not as much as Raquel-san and Presha-san. However, His Highness Astina has a capacity that is incomparable to the two of you, and that's more than even a mage can match.

 Raquel's eyes wavered. She bit her lip, oozing regret for not knowing something very important about the lord she had served all her life - and regret for that.

'I've been ...... loyal and said that I would be a spear for Your Highness when I pledged my allegiance, yet you didn't know a single thing about Your Highness .......
''It can't be helped. At the Academy of Magic, we keep our magic secret to keep it outside. If the court mages told Raquel-san that she has magical powers, it could be a violation of the rules if they don't belong to the same unit.

 However, if His Highness's symptoms had been overlooked, I don't know what would have happened to His Highness - even a coma is dangerous, so we must figure out the cause and treat him as soon as possible.

 I take Raquel's help and further remove His Highness' clothes.

 The magic power overflowing from her body has rapidly decreased, and she is currently experiencing a fever. In an attempt to find the cause of this, I stared at her half of her body.

 -- though it's fading and nearly invisible. Surely, it looks familiar -- like a figure, drawn on her half of her body.

(This is ...... definitely. The Spiritual Guide Seal ...... Why is this written on His Highness's body ...... and it's missing half of it, too)

 His Highness Astina had undergone the Rite of Election or something similar in the past.

 As an indication of this, her tanden area had a mark in the shape of a half-moon and the remnants of a spirit guide seal that had been drawn to follow it, continuing towards the area still covered by clothing and blankets.