60 Chapter 58: Reunion

 I couldn't hold back any longer. I borrowed the magic power to maintain the magic from His Highness, who supported me from behind, and in front of me was Leslie, who maintained the magic of the air--even if I held on to her hips, I could only go forward a little at a time.

 I don't hear the voice of the divine tree. Even though he knows we've come, the faithless and withered divine tree can't stop the outburst himself.

''You two must never let go of my hand! If they let go in this miasma: ......!
"Kuhuh ...... ...... Glass-sensei ...... is no more, the air you gave me is ...... more durable No .......
I almost got ...... to reach ......

 I reach out my hand to touch the trunk of the divine tree - but at that moment, a searing pain runs through my palm.

 Peeking out from underneath the dried and cracked bark is a blood red color. The bark, which had been gray, had turned close to black and was rejecting everything that tried to touch it.

 --it had to end. It was a mistake in itself, to have put down roots in this land.

 --I have met the king and seen the world of men through a royal priestess.

 --What I did for people was vain, leaving no meaning behind.

 --if I didn't show interest in humans. If I didn't help them, I could be what I am.

 A voice echoed in my head, wondering who it belonged to. Every time I heard one, I saw a scene in my mind that I had never seen before.

 The life of the divine tree is coming to an end. Maybe what I'm seeing is a memory of the past, seen by the dying Shinju.

 If he hadn't lent his power to humans, the divine tree would not have become a 'god' and would have remained a mere tree spirit.

 But once it gains faith and becomes a god, once it loses its connection to humans, it will suck the stagnation of the world out of its roots and undermine it.

...... I had to come here sooner than I did. Before you suffered so much and changed so much.

 His Highness is talking to the divine tree. His Highness's hand, extended from behind, was laced with mine, extended to the divine tree.

 And Leslie's hand as well. We are not afraid of the pain and try to touch the divine tree again.

"Kuu ...... ah, ...... it doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt, ...... with my brother Glass, it's ......!
We won't leave you alone any longer ...... until my body is finished, so please answer our call ...... !

 Both Leslie and His Highness Astina must be experiencing the same pain as I am. But they endure and continue to call out to the divine tree at the end of their voices.

"Can you hear me ...... we're here and we believe. You'll be back to your original form once again ......

 --Words ...... powerful, words ...... glass weed of the contract .......

 Light overflows from underneath your highness' small hands. The light that I gave to her body, the light emitted by the spirit guide seal.

 The divine tree is asking for a contract. I thought it was because Euceresis chose His Highness as the contractor, after all.

''Brother Glass......!

 Leslie shouts. I didn't know what was going on, either.

 It wasn't just His Highness' spirit guide seal that was shining. The mark that was painted on my body and that should have been invisible after I finished the contract has emerged again.

'I'm going to try to chant the contract ...... I was watching Brother Glass with you back then, so I'll know what kind of chant to do .........' ...ugh.

 Both me and His Highness' spirit guide seal are reacting to it. If the contract is signed in its current state, what will happen - I have no idea what will happen.

 But if what I saw when I signed the contract is the answer to what's happening now.

'O you who preside over all things! The one who was carved with the sign of guidance asks the spirit of the divine tree for a covenant: ......!

 The words that take over Leslie's chanting naturally pour out of me.

 Eucerisis is urging me to make a contract. It begins - for her to regain her power as a divine tree.

'--Show your true form to me and ask for a pledge ...... divine tree Euceresis!

 The chanting is complete.

 Our Spiritual Guide Marker shines brighter and the bond takes shape.

'Euselisis ...... that's your name ...... I finally got to know ......'

 His Highness's magic power, which had merely overflowed until now, connected with the divine tree through the Spiritual Guide Seal, giving vitality to the large black and withered tree.

 However, it's not just that His Highness and the divine tree were connected through a contract.

It's not just a matter of time before you'll be able to get your hands on a new one. Everyone and I were wrong all along .......

 Instead of answering Leslie's words, I wrapped my hand around hers in a smaller one.

 Her Highness Astina formed a bond with the divine tree as a 'maiden'


 As 'Mage', I signed a contract with 'Divine Tree Eucerisis' - no.

 I've always been called. I've been called to make a contract with the divine tree that controls all plants, the home of the plant spirit, in order to make a contract with this.