73 Episode 71: Dark Night Fog

 It seems that there are only about two hundred soldiers stationed in this fort in total. Even if we subtract the fact that the last time they attacked from the west side of the fortress was about a thousand, and there were reports that they defeated over two hundred and fifty soldiers, it is believed that there is another place other than this fort where the soldiers are stationed.

 A hundred men are lodged in the quarters to which Rune's pollen was sent. Since there are two quarters of the same size, I asked Leslie to take a potion to help with the fatigue caused by the consumption of magic power and maintain the magic to eliminate the signs, and then crafted the two quarters with hypnotic air balls.

'So you've neutralized about two hundred troops with this: ...... Glass, Leslie, are you okay with fatigue?
''With my current abilities, I'm almost at the limit of what Lune's hypnosis can do at the same time. If there are only a few more of us, I think I can use hypnosis to eliminate any enemies we encounter.
We're relying too much on the magic of the two of you, and we need to get this over with fast. ......
What would you like to do, Your Highness? You have two choices: capture the commander and surrender your soldiers, or just take the warships and escape.
'Even if we were able to take the warship, we would not be able to sail out into the canal with the current wind direction. The direction of the wind seems to change according to the time, so we'll have to wait another minute and a half or so. Unless the weather changes suddenly or otherwise: ......

 --This was exactly when His Highness Astina was about to say that.

 It felt as if a drop of water had fallen from somewhere. The moon is out and it's raining - I'm sure such a phenomenon is not absolutely absent, but I felt a strong sense of discomfort.

(It's not raining ...... moisture in the air is gathering and turning into water ......?)

Brother Glass, this fog. ......

 Leslie hurriedly pulls my sleeve while keeping her voice down. She was right, the fog was rapidly rolling in and the visibility was deteriorating.

 However, even in this situation, His Highness, Raquel-san and the other three were calm. His Highness looks around and points to the back of the commander's quarters, not the commander's quarters.

''There's a material shed over there that's not well guarded. Let's move quickly.''

 We begin to move at once, following His Highness' instructions. One of the soldiers on guard yawns, but before he notices us, he flies an air ball to hypnotize us and gives us instructions as we pass each other. It's as simple as that -- "Go back to the stuffing station once the fog is out,

 -- we manage to get into the materiel shed before our clothes get wet. We braced ourselves if there were enemy soldiers inside for some reason, but no one was going in or out at this time.

'The fog seems to be just right for hiding and moving, though: ......
I don't think this fog is naturally occurring. Perhaps magical interference.
'We've been in the range of the fog for a little while. I hope the enemy mages haven't noticed.

 There's no denying the possibility - just as I can get information about remote locations through plants, the water spirit user should be able to do the same thing.

 Leslie is manipulating the air to prevent the fog from entering, but it's possible that he could detect that the 'spirits are in contact with each other'.

 However, within a few minutes, Leslie gives him a dubious look.

'...... Brother Glass, the fog has disappeared. What do you think that means?
'If they've put out a fog for a short period of time just for the sake of spying, then they might attack us here.

 You want to avoid a head-on collision with a combat mage - then what do you do? As long as the commander is restrained, the enemy won't be able to attack the commander without a second thought.

 Gently opening the door of the hut, Presha-san looks around. Fortunately, the enemy soldiers outside don't seem to be gathering here.

I'm sure you'll find a window high up at the back of the commander's quarters. Is there any way to get in from there?
You're not going to have to be quite so light to get in that position: ......
'Then me, Presha and Glass will go. Raquel, could you take care of the scaffolding?
'Yes, sir, I understand. Glass, I know it's your first time and it will take guts, but you should be prepared. His Highness has personally appointed you.
'Ha, yes. What the hell is a scaffold? ......
'Raquel will catch your foot and fly you away. Let's make sure the room is safe before we decide.

 I'm honored that you're ordering me to follow you, but I'm a little worried that I can't keep up with everyone's physical abilities - but I can't be lost.

'Leslie, can you continue with the magic of distraction once we're indoors?
...... inside the fort, you can stay away from it. Not too far away, though.
Once we're inside, I'll lock down the commander. When you're done, use Glass's magic to notify the three men outside. Can you do that?
"Yes, sir. Leslie, when this bulb lights up, take it as a signal that you are safe. Or I'll use that bulb as a medium to materialize Lune and act as a messenger.
Yeah, okay. Brother Glass, take care of yourself: ......

 Presha-san went out first and alerted the surroundings before me and Raquel-san followed. I touched the walls of the wooden quarters, making sure there were no enemies awake inside, then nodded to Presha-san and Raquel-san.

 Raquel-san catches Presha-san's leg and with a gulp of force, flies her to the high window. You'll be able to get a hold of the window frame silently, and Presha-san smoothly enters - His Highness will follow, but her physical abilities are also impressive, and the way she leaps appears to flutter with light like a celestial maiden! -- and this is no time to gawk.

'Feel free to come. You'll have to make up your mind at once, or you'll be received by me downstairs.

 As a man, even a general as fierce as Raquel-san, I managed to avoid being received like a princess. I belly up and let Raquel-san catch my legs and fly me vertically - I managed to lean indoors with my hand on the window frame and germinate the seeds of the ivy plant I'd tucked into the cuffs to the beams that supported the roof, and let them fly like a rope Let it get tangled up.

 After the ivy plant slowly pulls me up the rest of the way, after my body is fully indoors, I sloshed down with a long stretch of ivy. When I got down to the ground, Presha's eyes widened in amazement.

(Awesome ...... If you can do that, you didn't have to fly to climb.)

(Because it's best to save as much time as possible. We managed to make it work.)

(This looks like a reference room.) Let's move carefully to the commander.

 Finally, I was able to advance the piece to the point of packing - but.

 The meaning of the fog from earlier is stuck in my chest. Where is Noyn, and if he's heavily used in the Zirconia Army, is he in this commander's office - Nervously, we open the door to the archives and try to get out.

''--Gooooooooooooo ......!

 And at the very moment we were about to leave the room. From somewhere in the building, I heard a voice that sounded like someone suffering.