88 Episode 86: Signs of Rain

 After about half a second, the moon moves a bit and the light coming through the window changes.

 Raquel and the others are concerned that I need to rest too, and they try to gently lower Presha-san from my lap. Then Presha's eyelashes quivered and her eyes opened thin.

I'm sorry, I didn't want to wake you up.
"Huh. ...... Oh, what? When did I become ...... Dr. Glass and everyone else?

 Mr. Presha hurriedly picks himself up. It's a good idea to be able to have a good time with them.

You're going to want to put Dr. Glass's bed in this room. ...... You weren't just thinking about competing with the knight chief somehow, were you?
I'm not sure that's a good idea ...... I wasn't expecting you to come, but if you were, I thought I'd clean up my room. ......
...... I knew that was changing. I've been laughing a lot since Lord Glass arrived.

 At Raquel's suggestion, Presha's mouth flickers - her face is bright red, and Deethe-san holds her mouth and looks like she's enjoying herself.

''From now on, it looks like I'll be able to get to know Presha better. Although we were told at the training school that knights should not get used to each other.
...... I've always respected Raquel's sister (hey), but I think of her as one of my friends, too: ......
'Yes, me too. It's nice to be recognized, isn't it?
'Presha, sister Raquel (hey) is called ......'

 Raquel was embarrassed by the way he called me and tried to correct him. But when he glanced at me, he cleared his throat.

...... The details are not important right now. Presha, how are you feeling?
"Yeah, ......, yeah, I'm doing great, but ......, is that ......?

 Raquel's eyes widened - because a single tear ran down Presha's cheek.

"...... I ...... feel like I've been having a very long dream ......, la, Raquel sister... ...?

 As I approached Presha-san, Raquel hugged her from the front. The thought that he couldn't help but do so was palpable to me as I watched.

'I hope the dreams I'm about to have are about the future. Presha......
...... Yeah. That's what I thought, too. Maybe dreams aren't something you dream about so much when you grow up. ......
What are you talking about? You're too young. You ought to get some flowers from Dr. Glass, and sometimes you need to sleep and dream of good dreams.

 Leslie looked at me and tilted her head slightly - as if to say, "What is a flower? I took out a flower bulb and called out to her and got her to put the flower on.

'This is the 'night-flower'. If any of your men have sleeplessness, if you put this under their pillows, I think they will sleep better and sleep more deeply.
...... A lovely flower. Here's one for Glass, but for Deite: ......
'You can't keep Dr Glass in the corner either. Wouldn't it make Leslie feel uncomfortable if she did that all the time?
"Geez, I'm not in a position to give Dr. Glass ...... a heads up.
'I think Dr. Glass would feel better knowing that you, 'Leslie', are chaperoning me rather than as 'Mr. Rendle'.
'Well, well, that's true, but ...... anyway, insomnia is the source of all diseases. I think it's time for you all to get some rest for the morning. ...... Nah, why are you laughing?

 Raquel-san and Presha-san are all looking at me and laughing. Even Deete-san and Leslie - it's good to laugh, but it's unsettling to be made to look at something smiling like this.

''Summoner-sama, your face is bright red. 'Embarrassed, you say?'
...... surely, yes. It's a little fun to watch.
It's nice that even Lune and Ray ...... worried about you, but it's time for the kids to go to bed, right?
'I want to sleep with my Summoner today! Get ready for the big battle!

 At dawn, His Highness Astina will make a decision - when is the time to move?

 This is different from the past, when they were devoted to exclusive defense. We will strike out and attack Zirconia's base - Raquel-san and the others will also be fighting on the front lines.

 What can we do? Once again, we need to talk about it - what can we do when the three spirits of plants, air and water are aligned? We must seek that to the fullest extent.

 ◆ ◆ ◆

 I returned to the medic's residence and opened the door to my room. Then Noin, who had been at his desk, stands up and comes over to us.

 Noin is wearing the provided sleeping clothes and the gown that was loaned to her so that she wouldn't get cold at the bottom after the hot water. As a water spirit user, she seemed to be able to magically blow the moisture out of her hair after bathing in hot water, and her hair was lightly dry.

'Master Glass, I'm sorry ...... I was going to wait for you without leaving the room, but the medic came to call me that you were ready to bathe .......'
'Yeah, that's not a problem at all. Just keep it as warm as you can so it doesn't get cold....... Uh, better yet, keep it as warm as you can first.......

 Noin's hair was tied up in a bun with a string, which made him look different from the usual. In addition to that, it is not surprising that he was wearing the same glasses I use to look at medical records.

Noin-san, those belong to Dr. Glass, so you can't use them without permission: ......
'Oh ...... I'm sorry. The light is a little low in this room, so it's hard to see the letters without using glasses ......

 Since Noin was also supposed to assist me in my duties as a military doctor, I was supposed to have him read the 'guide' on first aid and care that I was in the process of writing myself.

 Since my priority was to get them to contribute as a mage, I thought it would be a long time before they actually learned to be my assistant. Noin takes off his glasses and returns them to me, giving me something of a ticklish look. It was a respectful stare that even I, a dullard, could see.

'I can't believe this book was written by Master Glass: ...... The words were so careful and easy to read, and the more I read it, the more it got into my head.

 Noin seems to be feeling upbeat, and her tone is mixed with a tone that is typical of her former self. From my point of view, she's an honors student at the academy, and she's a predecessor, so there's something more comfortable about her speaking to me as an equal partner rather than a respectful one.

''The content is so dense, though, that I'd like to take the time to read the rest of this carefully. There's no such thing as a 'never' when you're in a fight.

 There's no way I'm going to get out of here alive. There's a resignation in Noin's eyes as he says this that can't be ignored.

 --At least at the end, I want to die doing what I want.

 --I'm going to show those people who only saw me as a 'woman' who will do whatever I say, that I'm not a tool.

 At that time, Noin's life was still being consumed by the Underworld Spirit and forced to follow Zirconia's army against her will.

 I don't have the right to know everything about what she went through.

 There was no sadness in Noin's words, and she seemed ready to accept whatever happened in this battle.

 So, if you've decided to read the guide book while you're at it. I had to tell Noin as much as I did Presha-san.

'There are no absolutes ...... Surely, that's what fighting is all about. Still, fighting to live should give you a better chance of survival than fighting to die.
...... Brother Glass, I think he's right. We all have to be heading in the same direction ...... so Mr. Noyn has to be ...... too.

 Noin didn't respond to Leslie's words for a while. It wasn't strange to be told that it was idealistic, he thought.

 -- but it was different. Noin breathed in a huff, and relaxed his shoulders and softened his expression.

'...... I've never had anyone say that to me before. Court mages were told to die laughing for the sake of the kingdom, even if it cost them their lives.

 Court mages, who sometimes lead soldiers - they are the pinnacle of mages in the kingdom and are given great authority, but they also have responsibilities.

 I'm only the youngest member of the court mages and I don't know the highest ranking mages. Your sister-in-law didn't tell me to be prepared to die, but it means that some of them are prepared and deserve it.

There are only a few mages who can take on ...... an army of mages, but you treat them like you're using them up.
''Among the court mages, there is a clear division of positions according to the ranks. The thirteenth rung and above will no longer be compulsory except by the edict of His Majesty the King: ...... Jorg Frost, who has the underworld spirit in me, can only reach that stage one.
'To enter the thirteenth ladder ...... or that you have taken in the second queen to raise your status as a court mage ......?'

 Noin neither confirmed nor denied Leslie's reasoning. Noin may have thought that Jorg's principle of action was based on his desire for power.

To that end, I'd like to point out the newly added Noin: ......
'...... I've always wanted to be a court mage, too. I can't use that as an excuse, but I had to stop thinking about it. I thought that following a higher ranking mage would be the best thing for the country ...... so I thought that .......

 Noin makes a point of embracing his body. Her light blue hair drapes over her face, covering her eyes.

 She had been made to obey Jorg and the Second Queen in order to satisfy their private desires, believing that she would be good for the country.

 Acting resolutely does not erase the events of the past. Hate, and regret - it will continue to torment a person's heart repeatedly.

...... If you're having a hard time, you can tell your brother Glass about it someday. Whether it's me or someone else, if you're willing to work hard for ...... this Order, we're .......
'Well, ...... we're friends. You might think that's a nice thing to say to your ears, but ......

 When I call out to him, Noin takes my hand without saying a word. It's a cold hand - but the heat gradually returns as I touch it.

I know you don't want any more ...... 'heavy' women, but if you're going to risk your ...... life, it's better for you and what you want to protect.

 Noin's body had stopped shaking when he realized that his body had stopped shaking.

 There are other things a doctor can do in addition to using medicine and magic. If Noin is going to rely on me, I have to stand firmly on the ground.

...... heavily ...... maybe you mean me?
'Yes, no, I don't think so, but it's not that ...... noins are heavy either, it's just that, well, what can I say, .......'
'I have my own thoughts on same-s*x relationships. It's more like a hunch: ...... I'd like to come back alive and talk more about things with Leslie, too. Mostly about Master Glass.

 She used the honorific title to me again - not to show her excessive gratitude to me, but because she wanted to. That is why it is extremely unsettling.

 ◆ ◆

 Soon, morning comes.

 I was called by His Highness's maidservants, and after breakfast, I went alone to His Highness's residence - they had just completed His Highness's "Spiritual Guide Seal" and wanted me to see the state of it.

 Soara-san and Karin-san invited me into His Highness's room, and then they themselves left. After asking to see the flow of magic, His Highness sat down in a backless chair, turned his back to me and peeled off his clothes. It was necessary, but I was too nervous to be aware of how I asked for it.

'...... glass. Before I attack the Zirconia, I will go to the town council chambers in Wendell and talk to the mayor. I also sent an errand to the Reinfeldt family last night.

 The Reinfeldt family--a powerful family that unites the peasants of the Western Domain. Their patriarch, Mr. Hartner, was ill, but I sent Lune to treat him, and his condition is now greatly improved.

 If they were to attack Zirconia in this situation, the Reinfeldt family's position might be to oppose it. Instead of forcing an attack in such a state, His Highness may think that he should let his righteousness pass.

'Very well, sir. You said that you would hold a military council at noon, but will you be back by then?'
'I intend to. I will try to get you to understand, but if it takes some time to persuade you, our return to the fortress may be delayed. Still, I don't think we will be late until evening.

 As I listened, I didn't touch His Highness's skin while listening to the story and made sure there was no stagnation in the flow of magic power - but the spirit guide marks drawn all over his body were responding to His Highness's magic power by themselves.

''How about ......? A little bit, my body is on fire when I'm asleep: ......
''Your Highness has truly produced an enormous amount of magic power. ...... The divine tree has spread its 'roots' in this western territory and is being revitalized by the supply of Your Highness' magic power. Even after doing so, it is believed that there is still a surplus of magic power.
''I see that's true. ...... Would you be able to keep it down a bit more if you took a cue from Glass and trained as a mage?''
"Wow, I'm very afraid that I'm going to have to teach His Highness a lesson: ......

 I've learned the basics of spirit magic, but I learned it mostly on my own from the practical skills. If I were to teach someone like that, wouldn't I develop a strange habit?

 But His Highness is looking back at me over his shoulder, as if to say something. His hands are firmly hiding his flabby chest, so there's no danger of twisting his body - but for another reason, he makes me feel like poking my hands on the floor and apologizing.

...... I can't ask Glass to teach me how to do this?

 I never imagined that His Highness would have such an expression on his face. He's sulking - or perhaps he thinks I'm unhappy that I don't listen to his request?

The first thing that comes to mind is the fact that you have to be able to use your magic power to strengthen your body. I don't think there is anyone else who can use magic power to strengthen the body and also has a spirit guide seal: ......
If it's not impossible, then tell me. I don't mind if this battle is over in one piece.

 I'm much more susceptible to this kind of form than to being told off in a soft-spoken but firm manner - I'm much more susceptible to this kind of form than to being told off without a head start.

Do you think it's irresponsible to make promises after the ...... fight is over?

 When His Highness goes into battle, he is also prepared for it. No matter how supernatural he may seem, His Highness is not convinced that he will survive or anything, and he is also anxious. But His Highness would never show it in front of his men.

 To me, he's showing it. More than I am honored by that, I have to respond to His Highness' wishes.

'No. It's not a good idea to be presumptuous, but I'd really like to ask you to do the same. Please allow me to teach Your Highness the basics of spirit magic.
...... yes. But I'm asking you to do it. You don't have to be so formal. Glass is the teacher.

 As he put his clothes back on, His Highness stood up - she was standing in the sunlight streaming through the window, unarmoured and unarmoured, and she was as flattered as she could be.

 Then His Highness walked up to the window and looked at the sky and said, looking back at me.

'By this evening, it will rain. Around this fortress ...... and on the zirconia side.

 His Highness's words suggested that the attack on Zirconia was to be carried out today.

 There was no sign of rain in the clear blue sky. But if it was His Highness' words, there was no mistaking it - because it was the very oracle of Euselisis that His Highness Astina, as a priestess, had received.