96 Episode 94: Signs of a storm

 On the banks of the canal, the horses are grazing. At the sight of them, Lune holds up her hand to protect the little flowers growing on her head.

'Sister Leslie, do horses eat flowers too?'
I don't think I'd eat ...... unless I was really hungry. I usually eat horse grass.

 I get off my horse and sit with a cloth on a nearby rock, and Leslie is talking with Lune on her lap - how peaceful it is.

 I get off my horse once and approach the water's edge, too. According to what I've seen in the illustrated book, there are some demons that live in the water, but after touching the water and asking the algae in the water, there doesn't seem to be any dangerous creatures.

...... Glass, can you make a lotus foothold?
'Yes, no problem. Come to think of it, even though it's such a big river, I didn't think you were wary of aquatic life at all: ......
'You don't seem to be around here. We couldn't fish in the canal because of enemy raids, but if we could build a boat we could start.

 If fish could be caught, certainly the meals would not have been as frugal as they were. Fish was a precious commodity that was rarely eaten in King's City, but I've eaten things like the ones that were salted and preserved because the troop merchants would come to sell them.

''And that's only after we get through the coming phase. ......
"...... Your Highness, what is the 'oracle' from Euselisis: ......
...... from the east, when the storm comes.
'Huh? ......!'

 In that direction from the east--western territory, there is the royal capital.

 The 'storm' coming from the royal capital. When I heard that, I couldn't help but think of one person.

"Millennia Weed. ''The 'Jade Witch' is heading this way.''
How did Dean Millennia come up with ...... ......
'There is one thing I can think of. Suppose he was convinced of his own success when he provoked us at the behest of His Highness Vysek ...... Cassandra. He would think of seizing the Isle Rose Fortress ...... the Western Territories, under the guise of my rebellion against His Majesty.
Even if they saw through that much ......, they couldn't catch Vysek. That in itself would be treasonous, so ...... is that what you mean?

 His Highness nodded. Things were not looking good at all - but His Highness had such a calm look in his eyes that it was a relief to us just to look at him.

'Can what we are doing be treason? It is not for Vysek to determine that.
...... Your Highness Astina.
Oh, yeah, what's that called conspiracy numbers ...... for me? I don't know about those things, but I don't mean to be wrong. And it's impossible for Your Highness to be wrong.
...... I, too, can make mistakes. I don't think you should do what you think is always right.

 I didn't say that to dismiss Presha-san's words.

 His Highness looked at me - his cool eyes seemed to say that he wanted me to say what I thought of his words.

'It would be a great relief for the people of the realm to know that Your Highness is thinking that way. Of course, I, too, think it's a noble thing to do.''
...... precious ...... that may seem a bit grandiose as an expression, but ......
I was wondering what to say about His Highness, too: "I was wondering what to say about His Highness, too. ...... I think Dr. Glass is right. His Highness is a noble man.

 Even Presha-san agrees, and His Highness, who looks puzzled, looks away when he realizes I'm looking at him, and pats the neck of the grazing horse and lets him finish his meal.

'...... glass, that precious is forbidden. I know you don't mean it in a bad way, but I don't feel comfortable with it being said.
"I'm sorry about ...... too, Your Highness.

 I regret to say that it was an impolite remark to His Highness, just because it was a small group of people.

'...... I'm not afraid to be that afraid. I didn't say I didn't want to, just that I was restless. You and I are connected through the divine tree, and yet precious is a way of saying it feels distant.
'Wow, I understand. Well, then, I'd like to reiterate: ...... I have a lot of respect for your highness.
...... Brother Glass, I don't think much has changed.
Hahaha ...... Even teachers get nervous and can't say the right things sometimes, can they?

 Unlike Sven, I'm not as calm as a stone. However, it's good to be able to chat for a brief period of time, as constant tension can cause a lot of mental fatigue.

 Deite and the others who have been scouting the perimeter have returned, and they come up to me with a strange look on their faces as everyone laughs.

''We're done scouting the perimeter. I don't think we're going to be attacked by the ambushers while we're crossing ...... Now that Alejandro has been defeated, I'm guessing that Zirconia's remaining troops aren't in this area.
'Thank you, Deite. Glass, then, please.
I'm sorry, sir.

 I hold my hand over the flowing canal - another landscape floats in front of me. In Elmir's fountain in the spirit world, countless 'floating demon lotuses' are still floating around.

It's the water lilies that rise and fall from the abyss. Reveal yourself once in this world.'

 Several large lotuses materialize from this side of the canal to the other side of the river. Having summoned them a few times, I've grown accustomed to them and can match the height at which each lotus floats and lay them out like a cobblestone path.

 I was told to ride His Highness's horse, so He pulled me up by the hand. His Highness puts my hands around his own waist to prevent me from falling off.

'Then we'll be off. There seems to be a slight breeze, so be careful not to get agitated.

 When His Highness calls out to them, the knights in the Kingsguard also reply together. Hearing their voices this way, Presha-san is outstandingly young, but many of the knights seem to be in the mid-20s.

'...... Once the battle settles down, though, some of the knights may choose to retire because of their age. I must serve so that I can.

 When you're as close to His Highness as you are now, it's easier to get your thoughts across. His Highness Astina is always concerned about the lives of the knights as well.

 That feeling is conveyed, which is why all the knights who are older than His Highness are loyal to him.

'...... How is it that you think so often of things that compliment me?'
''Geez ......, sorry. I'll try not to get my thoughts across.
'No, I'm not mad at you ...... and unless my thoughts are always getting through to you, good.
'That's not a problem, because I know how to be a mage myself. As for the propagation of thoughts through magic, there are ways to prevent it.
...... I see that only I am getting the idea of Glass. I still think I need a little Glass to work his magic on me.

 As we talk, Leslie looks back at me - does that mean I'm interested in what His Highness and I have to say? Maybe it's not a good idea to talk too quietly.

'Did you listen to ......? I asked for magical guidance, and I said so.
'Yes, yes, of course I'm listening. I'm sure your highness will get the hang of it in no time.
'I'll try to be. It's almost time to finish crossing the lotus bridge. ...... When you get down to the shore, I'll have the horses galloping. Please hold on tight.

 Just as His Highness said, when he landed on the shore, he struck the horse by the neck. Then the horse gradually accelerates and begins to canter - if you don't hold on tightly, it's going to be swung down.

 Leslie is doing her best to hold on to Presha, so I'm not going to let him get the better of me. Deethe-san, who is riding alone, is ahead of me and runs lightly - she reaches the Isle Rose Fortress a step ahead of me and sounds her horn to signal me to let down the drawbridge.

 Once inside the fortress, a soldier runs up to His Highness. His face was pale - something was happening, after all.

''Your Highness, I am reporting to you. The troops dispatched from the center seem to have arrived at the western territory's checkpoint. The commander is General Rothgard, and he has informed us that he has a written order from the central headquarters. He wants us to enter the Isle Rose Fortress before His Highness Astina returns. ......
...... What's the strength of that unit?

 There was no need to check the strength of the troops if they were not going to operate jointly about another unit on the side - His Highness had suggested the possibility of hostility with friendly forces in his question.

'The fast horses from the guards have just arrived, about three hundred,' he said. Perhaps because they didn't know Your Highness would be returning early, they have already begun to move towards us.
'I can't believe you've gone this far. That guy, Vysek, has been ...... from the beginning.

 Deethe-san bites her lip. The fact that the general sent from the center is coming here now means that he was only prepared to poke His Highness's absence beforehand and prepare to enter the Isle Rose Fortress.

 The number of three hundred men would be a number with a view to putting the Isle Rose's troops directly under his command and continuing to rule. It seems to be a decision that there is no need to direct a large number of troops from the center.

'Your Highness ...... If General Rothgard arrives at this point, he will probably be issued a written order from the Marshal. If he refuses to do so, he may turn all of the Raseneian Royal Army against us.

 Mr. Deethe continues to speak up to His Highness. We knew this was going to happen - in order to continue to rule the western territories, improve the lives of the people and bring peace to the people, sooner or later, Queen Cassandra's conspiracy must be dismissed.

'...... The fact that I am here at this stage would be beyond their expectations. And there is no need for interference by General Rothgardt in this western territory.
Your Highness: "......
'For what reason are you on your way. If you have an argument to disqualify me, I will listen to it. But that was before I entered this fortress with my feet on the ground.
...... All right. I will follow His Highness to the end.

 Presha-san has no hesitation. Neither were the knights of the Kingsguard - but Ms. Deethe was not quick to agree.

'Dietria ...... if you were to return to the Muse House, it would be ......'
...... says it's now or never. That's probably not a mistake.

 Dietria is probably Ms. Diete's real name. And Muse is the family name of Mr. Deite's birth family.

 I had heard the name Countess Muse when I was in the royal capital. The current head of the family is also the manager of the Royal Theatre, widely involved in business, and is said to be one of the richest aristocrats in the country.

 Born into such a prominent family, Mr. Dite chose to become a knight. However, that does not mean that he abandoned his home.

'...... If I were to face General Rothgard as a vassal of His Highness, the Muse family would also suffer some penalty. However, I have told my father that if anything happens to me, he is to cut me off at any time. My father is cunning and will not be easily demolished.
Deite: ......

 Miss Deethe was not lost. She knew that His Highness, and Mr. Presha, would be concerned about her by speaking out about her decision.

'...... Ms. Deethe, are you sure?'
'I don't want to think, even if it were possible, that from now on I would be incorporated under a new general for the rest of my life. I have sworn an oath to remain a knight in the service of His Highness.
Yes, ...... me too. Your Highness, please take us with you.

 The knights were of one mind. I look at it and feel dazzled - at the academy, I couldn't have met a fellow knight who wanted to be in the same place like this.

'...... Brother Glass, you have an envious look on your face.
'I guess it's more of a longing. But ...... yeah, I guess so. For me, I had Leslie and Sven.
...... Yes, that's right, ......, if that's what you think.

 Leslie was saying something, but I couldn't hear him because his voice was too low - I'm sure he was saying, "I'm glad you think that," or something like that.

 But there are not enough of us to hold General Rothgard back. There's no time left now to bring back the troops occupying the Zirconian fort, either.

If what we have been doing in ...... this western territory is sprouting up. We have nothing to worry about.
Your Highness ...... With those words, my hesitation is gone from my inner being. Dietria Muse, Captain of the First Archers of the Isle Rose Fortress. I will accompany you until the day my body rots.

 His Highness returns a nod to Mr. Deite - to me, it seemed like His Highness smiled faintly. Deete-san smiled too, and the knights walked out of the fortress again.

'Your Highness Astina, ladies and gentlemen, please have good fortune ......!
Your Highness Astina, your knight Presha, your knight Dietria, ride forth!

 A friend's army - no. The knights run through the meadow to confront the army that was once their friend.

 What is waiting for them in the future? Will I have to face my sister-in-law as well?

 All I can do is make sure I don't lose anything. That's the only thing that won't be different, I vowed to myself.