92 Chapter 57: マルビーク Collar 4
After enjoying the hot spring, Cain used his exploration (search) to confirm that the maids from earlier were not in the changing room, and he took out a change of clothes from the item box and changed quickly.
He also used magic to dry his wet hair.
'That felt really good ......'
In a previous life, this would have been enough to get me to act on drinking coffee milk, but it would not be in this world.
Even coffee could be drunk at Yuya's place, but I've never encountered it until now.
When you come out of the changing room, there is a maid waiting for you who has changed out of her hot water clothes into a maid's uniform.
''Master Cain, we have a little more time before we eat, and His Excellency Eric is waiting for you in the reception room.
He treats me as if nothing happened earlier.
With a sigh, the maid leads me back to the reception room I was in earlier. The maid knocks on the door and I hear a voice from inside saying, "You can come in," before opening the door.
'Cain-kun, how was the hot spring? I'm very proud of this mansion.
'It was really good. I can't wait to go back in.
I sat down in front of Eric and gave him my honest opinion. Eric nodded with a look of satisfaction at Cain's words.
'You're going to be my stepson one of these days, so you can come over whenever you want, okay? You can come right away with the transfer.
We'll take care of you then.
The maid places a cup of tea that had been brewing at the end of the room in front of them.
'Also, Cain-kun, the adventurer who attacked you in the daytime, has decided to become a mining slave. There are hot springs in this land, but the mines are also famous. I'm going to work there for ten years. Pulling out a sword in the city was a problem, but he attacked Cain. There was talk of a severe penalty of death, but I was allowed to become a useful mine slave.
Cain nodded honestly. As expected, he was attacked in the city. Cain understands that there is no room for mercy.
''This is the price for the adventurers I sold as slaves. Also, I've added a little extra, including the wabi this time.
Eric hands the sachet to Cain. He looks inside and finds several white and gold coins.
'Isn't this too much? You wouldn't get that far if you sold it to a slaver.
''Yeah, so it's a wabi fee, the slaves sold five slaves and five gold coins and the wabi fee is five white gold coins. I'm sorry, but you'll have to accept this.
Cain thought it was inevitable that he was in jail due to his poor handling of the situation. Moreover, the head of the duke's family bowed his head and has already apologized. On top of that, it was painful to receive this much wretchedness.
''But this is too much--''
'Mr Cain, you are working on Drintle, right? I heard they built a city wall two sizes bigger than the one that surrounded the city in one day? It costs a lot of money to develop a city. And they can spend it.
Eric explains to stop Cain's words. There was no way he could do it indignantly when he was being taken care of that much.
''--I understand. I'll take it in stride.
I put the sachet in my pocket and bow to Eric.
'Now that we're done talking, let's get on with dinner. The food here is pretty good too.'
I left the room and followed Eric. It seemed that everyone was already in the dining room.
Of course, Noele and Delita were also sitting there. Another woman, who appeared to be his wife, was also sitting there.
Two seats were vacant in the upper section, and Eric sat in one of them, beckoning Cain to the other.
Due to his position as the head of the noble family, he had no choice but to sit next to Eric.
Once everyone is seated, the drinks are poured into glasses for the toast. It's a good idea to have a cup of wine for Eric and the others who are adults, but cold tea was placed for Cain.
''I'm sorry to keep you waiting, but Viscount Cain is here today. There were many unfortunate misunderstandings, but he is also the man who will become Silk's husband in the future. I hope you will be able to get along with him from now on. So here's to you.
「「「「 cheers」」」」
Each person raised his or her glass and then drank it down.
After the toast, each person introduced himself or herself. Noele, was Delita's wife.
Silk's sister is already married, partly because of the age difference between them. Moreover, she is married to the Dauphin and lives in the royal castle.
She is married to the Dauphin and lives in the royal castle.
I've been to the royal castle many times, but the only time I've met any royalty other than Teres was when I was an epicurean.
It couldn't be helped because there was usually a lot of conversation that shouldn't be leaked to anyone else, and it was held behind closed doors.
The maids take a little bit of food from the platter and place it in front of each person.
The delicious smell tickled Cain's nose.
We have a lot of mountainous terrain here, so we have a good supply of goats.
Eric explains. Cain uses a knife and fork to bring it to his mouth.
His mouth mingled with the sauce and it was very tasty.
We proceed to eat, savoring the food that was placed on the table, bit by bit.
They were chatting as they ate.
"Cain-kun, did you arrive in this town in a straight line from the royal capital?
Cain shook his head to the side at Eric's question.
''On the way, I had the opportunity to spend the night at Viscount Santos' mansion because of a connection.
Eric is surprised by Cain's answer.
'That Lord Santos? How did that stubborn old man let Mr. Cain, whom you've never met, stay with you?
On the way to Malbeek territory, I told him that the carriage had been attacked by bandits and that they had joined and defeated them.
He didn't say anything about it being his grandfather yet, as he hadn't confirmed it to Sarah.
'I see. ....... I guess I can understand that. That place is a female family, so if you're Cain-kun, you're going to be my son-in-law! I guess that's what they say. Some of the girls are close to Cain-kun's age.
I'm pretty sure there's a website called ......
Cain chuckles at the fact that he was absolutely right.
I'm worried about you, though, because you seem to be getting more and more wives. There are three of them now, including Silk, right? It's not easy for a nobleman to have three fiancées at that age.
Eric became more talkative due to his drinking.
'No, no, I'm not going to increase it myself like that.
I really don't know-- Speaking of which, I'll have to show up at Knight Commander Tifana's parents' house.
The real plan was to come to Malbeek territory in one day and then head to Liebert territory the next day, but a lot of things have gone wrong with my plans.
''To the Knight Commander's parents' home, ......?''
Delita came in on Eric's words.
'Have I not told you yet? Mr. Cain, His Royal Highness Princess Telestia, Silk and Lord Tifana have been chosen as your betrothed.
Oh, no. ......
Speaking of the Commander of the Kingsguard, he is famous in this kingdom for his mock warfare craze. At the same time, he also said proudly that he would only marry someone stronger than him.
You're already stronger than Sir Tijuana when you were only five years old. Good for you? If it's slashing, you'll have to go to ......, right?
Eric didn't say more than that. Still, Delita swallowed her spit. Because she could easily imagine her future.
'Speaking of which, you're staying the night today, right? I'm ready to go.
I can continue to return to King's Landing with the transition, but since Eric is the only one who knows about the transition magic, I nodded honestly.
''I'll be heading to King's Capital tomorrow, but I'm grateful for your help today.
'Yeah, Cain, you like hot springs, and I'll make sure we can get in there at night.
Cain remembers the hot spring he just entered and answers immediately.
'Yes! By all means.
You really like it, don't you, Hot Springs?
Eric smiles at Cain's answer.
'--yes ......'
Cain nodded, blushing at the vigorous reply.
They were fed and sent to the guest room. He planned to take another dip in the hot spring in a little while.
'Master Cain, the hot spring is ready for you.
He tells me that the spa is more available than the maid.
'Yes, I'll go in,'
The maid led me into the changing room. And as I was about to take off my clothes, I couldn't help but turn around when I heard a slurring sound from behind me.
The maid who led me in was trying to take off her maid's clothes.
'So that's fine!
I'm sorry.
The maid with a really disappointed look on her face reluctantly exits ...... looking back at the end.
"After all, your back is flushed--
Get out!
It was Cain who closed the door as it was.