130 Episode 10: Cain Musou?

'What ...... Cain ......?'

 Rilthana gives Cain a surprised look as he enters the building with an uneventful look on his face.

'Lil ...... shouldn't go alone, right? You should have let me know: ......

 Riltana nodded with tears in her eyes as Cain smiled at her, but that wasn't the situation right now.

'Hey ...... what the hell is this? This kid and you. You think this place is the Narnis Trading Company and you're going to punish us?

 Is it the Narnis Chamber of Commerce guards with their swords at the ready? The five guards, one pointing his sword at Riltana and the rest pointing their swords at Cain and holding them up.
 Nigito was grabbed by Dalmatia by the shoulders and lowered behind Cain.

'Lord Cain, your Highness Riltana!
'Yeah, I know. It's all right now.

 He smiled and nodded at the impatient niggardly niggard and then turned to face his guards again.

'So, ...... is that what you're doing there, thinking that it's His Royal Highness the Princess of the Byssus Empire ......?

 The guards' eyes widened at the shocking words announced by Cain.

''Your Highness the Princess! How could such a thing have come to the mansion here!
You had Parma! I saw the same carriage abducted!

 Cain chuckles at Riltana, who is still breathing while holding her sword against him.

''I don't know about that. ...... Are you sure you're not mistaken? Even though you are the Princess of Wales, you can't bear to be assaulted by a major business association in a man's country, right? Hey, don't you think the adventurous kid over there would agree?

 With a black smile on his face, one of the leader men stepped forward with his sword over his shoulder and continued to speak more.

"I'm Geltor, the resident guard here, adventurer rank B. I'm an adventurer rank B. You're an adventurer too, right? The adventurer's rank is B. You're an adventurer too, you understand?

 If you're B-ranked in the Adventurer's Guild, you've faced bandits. -- the same as saying you've killed people before.
 But Cain doesn't lose his expression.
 Seeing Cain's unchanging expression, Gelter was a little interested, ''Hoho.

'First of all, Riltana. Can I have it back, please?

 Cain took a step forward, and the guards tensed up as he stepped forward. Then the man pointing his sword at Rilthana placed the tip of his sword at Rilthana's throat.

'Don't get too close! How can you not understand this situation?

 Cain took a step closer, not seeming to care about the man who was holding his sword against Rilutana.

 --and on the spot, Cain disappeared.


 The moment the men's surprised faces come to life, Cain appears in his original position.

 --with Rilthana in his arms.

 And the man who had been pointing his sword at Rilthana's sword rolled to the floor with a sound. --with the arm that was still holding the sword.

Eh, .......
'Ugh, my arm isn't ......? My arm ahhhhh, it hurts!

 The man's arm was severed in an instant by Cain, and he rolls around on the floor in pain.
 Both Nigito and Riltana can't hide their expressions of surprise at what happened so quickly.
 It was inevitable, because if they thought they had been impaled on the tip of a sword just now, before they knew it, they were in Cain's arms.

'...... Cain ...... now is ......'

 Cain gives a big smile to an upset Rilthana.

''Lil, I'll be fine now. But you shouldn't be reckless. ...... This is a kingdom. ...... If anything happens to the princess's highness, ...... that's exactly what will happen... ...right?

 Rilthana nodded at Cain's smile and words, her cheeks tinted.

'Nigito, take care of Lil'

 At Cain's words, Nigito nodded, his expression tightening in surprise.
 He released Riltana from his embrace and urged her to go towards Nigito.
 Liltana moved next to Nigito with a slightly lackadaisical look on her face, but not dazed.

'So now ...... there are no more hostages, right?'

 Unlike the gentle smile that was directed at Riltana as she turned to face the men, her eyes narrowed slightly and the corners of her mouth lifted.
 That expression instantly gave the men a chill.

''This guy's in trouble. ...... You guys, don't let up?''

 The men, led by Gelder, pointed their swords at Cain.

'Let's get these guys first: ......'

 At the same time as Cain's muttering, a man was blown up to the wall.
 The man slammed into the wall from his back and then lost consciousness.

''Eh ......''
What's going on?
I didn't see it. ......

 Cain smiled at the upsetting men.

'We've got to go get Parma as soon as possible.

 At the same time, the other one blows up against the wall and loses consciousness. The other one continues to ...... as well.
 Finally, only Gelter remained.

'Ba...... bakemono......'

 The tip of his sword was blurred by the trembling of his body, and Cain told Gelter, whose expression was tainted with fear.

''You should take the time to talk to the guards later.

 With those words, Gelter was blown up against the wall just like the others.

'd*mn it ...... why is this monster ......?'

 With those words, Gelter's consciousness sank into darkness.
 The man whose arm was cut off was also hunted unconscious by Cain in an instant. And then the heel was used to stop the blood flowing incessantly from the part where the blood was cut off.

I'm not sure if that's enough for you. Liltana, are you okay?

 Looking back, Cain's expression was as gentle as usual. However, neither Riltana nor Nigito could hide their surprise at Cain's abilities.

''What the hell is Cain ......?''

 Cain smiled at Riltana, who wondered.

'First, we need to pick up Palma. Dalmatia, can you stay here and keep an eye on these guys?

Of course. Mr. Cain.

 Dalmatia, who didn't seem to be particularly bothered by the shocking events that had just occurred, curtsied gracefully as if nothing had happened.

'Well then, Lil, let's go get Palma together. Do you want to come with Nigito too? You must be worried about being alone, Lil.
...... Yes, please allow me to join you.

 Niggito nodded along with Liltana and followed Cain.
 Cain went straight into the back of the shop and stopped in front of an empty wall.

'Cain, stop at a place like that ......'

 Cain, who was told by Riltana from behind, didn't seem bothered, and just put his hand on the wall and pushed with force.
 At that moment, the wall fell directly into the back of the room.

Eh, .......

 Cain smiles at the two surprised men.

'It's like a hidden door. Come on, I'm coming for Parma.

 With that, I dove in and took the light ball (light) on my fingertips to get the brightness, and then went down the stairs to the basement.

"Wait a minute, I'm coming.

 Liltana followed Cain, followed by Nigito.
 They went down to the basement, where there were several passageways built of stone and rooms covered with iron bars on either side.
 There were several children in the rooms separated by iron bars.
 Children of the human race and beastmen were shivering in the corners of the room.

 Cain walked straight through and stood in front of the iron bars at the far end.

''-- Palma, we're here to pick you up.

 In front of Cain, who told her gently, was Palma, who was sitting down and lying face down without power.