120 Hard-to-see Demon King (Chapter 6 Epilogue II)

Inula, the selkie girl.

And then that gentleman put me on his lap and gently stroked my fur line.

 The girls in the village shouted yellow.

''No~ When they stroked me, my head was already full of peaches~''
"'Kyah~! Yikes! Inura Yashin~!

 The girls in the village are flapping their paws in embarrassment.
 I can't blame them, as they are all in seal form, just like me.

'Inula?' What are you doing?

 While my friends and I were talking, my brother, Inul, comes in.

Ah, Inul. I was just telling everyone about him. I've been telling everyone about him.

 When I say that, my brother gives me a subtle look.
 My brother is afraid of that gentleman.
 But I am sure he is right.
 Even those horrible people of Nargol are afraid of Him.
 So surely my brother's attitude is right.
 But he was very kind to me.
 I would like to see him again.

'Well ......, that's fine, but I thought I'd tell you as I'm going out now.

 My brother says his business in a lazy way.

'Where are you going?! That man's place?!

 If so, I want you to take me with you.

Well, it's close enough. But no, no. I'm not going to let you come with me. You're not coming in.

 My brother says something cold.
 Well, it's no use.
 I just got pissed off for going along with him without permission. Let's just be patient now.
 Besides, I'll be in human form soon.
 A selkie can be transformed by having a strong desire to change.
 If a selkie doesn't want to change, she'll always be a seal.
 I want to change.
 So you can change.
 And when I do, I'll be the first to see Him.
 So, for now, I'm going to stay at home quietly.

Dark Knight Kroki.

 He comes to the Demon King's Castle.
 Polen had captured a kraken for his father, the Demon King Modes.
 He was so impressed that Modes decided to throw a small banquet.
 He asked me to join him, so I came here.
 I don't drink alcohol, but I decided to join the party.

I think I'm going to be okay.

 The after-effects of using the dragon's power have subsided.
 Unable to control the dragon's power, I went on a rampage.
 What would have happened if Raina hadn't been there?
 The moment Raina stood in front of me. A different emotion arose within herself, one that was different from the violent one.
 It was because of this that I was able to suppress the power of the dragon.
 It was frustrating, but I had to thank Raina for that.
 However, it was still a problem after that.
 When Polen and the others left the castle of Gokashi and left me alone with Kuna, I couldn't maintain my sanity.
 I don't remember exactly what I did, but I think I might have done something terrible to Kuna.
 Kuna is resting in the castle of Gotashi. I'll apologize again when I return.
 Still, although I was in a daze, I think it was not only Kuna, but also Raina.
 Of course it was a dream. I know that's not possible.
 It was definitely a hallucination of my own desire. A beautiful woman like that couldn't possibly come to you.
 Even the night in Roxx's kingdom was a hallucination.
 It was very real, but I must have been hallucinating.
 You have to stop thinking about things that suit you.
 I bob my head and clear my consciousness.
 I don't think I should think naughty thoughts.
 When you enter the Demon King's Castle, an orc gatekeeper will let you through and a female officer will guide you through.
 The lady officer is called Lankaenpusa (Orchid Flower Female Violet). They are one of the most beautiful species among the female courageous mantids.
 They mainly entertain noble people.
 They look like human beauties.
 However, it is better not to pick up women.
 They are really giant praying mantis with bronze legs.
 And despite their thin appearance, they are very strong.
 As members of the household of the great witch Herukert, their magic is so powerful that no ordinary demon can compete with them.
 To begin with, inviting the Empresses to join them would mean death.
 To the Emusa, all men are not only her beloved, but also her food.
 When she passionately embraces the man she loves, she turns her arms into a sickle to capture him and try to become more one. And then she eats them while they have fun dreams with magic.
 He is guided by that Lankaenpusa to the great hall of the Demon King's Castle.
 Many people have already gathered there.
 I had heard it was a small banquet, but it seems that almost all the leaders of the Demon King's army have gathered there.
 I think they might be calling for a bit too much. I wonder how happy they are.
 I thanked the female officer and went into the great hall.
 Then a dark elf attendant who was talking with a man with a black goat's head comes over to us.

''This is my lord! You've come to the right place! Please help!

 The dark elf's handmaiden hides behind herself as she says this.
 She wonders what this means, but is convinced when she sees the black goat-headed man who was talking with her.
 Phantom Demon General Vermed.
 He is named in the Eight Demon Generals as well as the Beast Demon General Putina.
 And Vermed, who has a black goat's head and black raven-like wings, is also a subordinate of Lugas, the vizier.
 However, unlike Lugas, who is a bundle of knowledge, Vermed is a bundle of s*xual desire.
 He keeps beautiful human daughters whom he has captured in his mansion.
 Naturally, the beautiful looking dark elves are also targets.

'Well, well, my lord. It has been a long time. You have not brought your beautiful white and silver wife with you today. I am blessed just to look at her. What a pity.

 Then Vermed laughs.

'Ha, Kuna wouldn't have come, General Vermed. More importantly, she seems to be in trouble, sir?'
'No, no. She's embarrassed. Nufufufu.

 Without that, I demand that he leave her alone, but Vermed doesn't seem to back down.
 Should I be more forceful?
"General Vermed!

 Suddenly, a voice came from behind Vermed.
 When Vermed, who is huge, turns around, there's a female officer standing there.

It's not a good idea. This is the Chief Mistress!

 Vermed lets out a panicked voice.
 It was Enshema who called out to Vermed.
 As Herkert's loyal disciple and the King of the Vanguard's Vanguard, she is in charge of all the ladies and maidservants working in this demon king's castle.
 Her position close to the king and vizier is higher than that of the eight demon generals.
 The appearance of Enshema made Vermed wince visibly.

''General Vermed. It's not good. She has other business to attend to. If you insist, I will take care of her.

 As she says this, Enshema's arm turns into a sharp scythe.
 She is called the Nightmare Witch and she is quite strong.
 I can see large drops of sweat flowing from Vermed's face.

''No, no, no! I'm sorry about that! I think I shall leave!

 Vermed shook his head and left quickly.

'Thank you. Lady Enshema.
I'm here to see His Excellency. You will return to your post.
'Ha! Yes!

 The dark elf quickly leaves as Enshema glares at him.
 I hear that Enshema is not a gentle person.
 They say that the punishment for those who make mistakes is ridiculously harsh.
 A dark elf maidservant who had been transferred to her own mansion had gossiped about such things.

''Your Excellency is in trouble too. You can't have your handmaidens messing with you. All the handmaids who work in this castle belong to His Majesty. All the handmaids working in this castle belong to His Majesty, and they must not be touched without permission.

 Enshema glares at him with a snap.

'No, I didn't do anything but ......'
"And then, sir. General Putina has been looking for you. Please wait a moment while I call for the bear's handmaid.

 Enshema doesn't listen to him or tells him what she wants.
 The bear maidservants are the maids of the Werbeer.
 Her main job is to take care of the Demon King's princess, Pollen, by taking care of her personal affairs.
 In order to take care of the strong armed Polen, she needs to have the endurance of a warmbear.
 After a while, a fat Werbeare woman comes in and shows him around.
 Where will she take him?
 After a short walk, you will come to a room with a huge door.
 The construction of the door is magnificent.
 Will Puchina be waiting in this room?

Miss Pucina! I've got him!

 A human bear (warbear) woman calls out the door in a laid-back tone.
 After a moment, the door is opened.

"Auntie. "Auntie, I don't want you to do this. He's a general now.

 Puchina peeks out of the door, her cheeks puffed out in protest.
 It's not powerful at all.
 Rather, it's adorable.

''Oh dear. I'm sorry. Well then, I'm going to go, auntie~'

 The warbear woman smiles and leaves.
 She doesn't seem to listen to Putina's protests.

"Huh. Well, that's all right. ...... Come on, Your Excellency, come in. His Royal Highness, Prince Polen, is waiting for you.

 Puchina opens the door and urges him to enter.

'What? His Highness? Wasn't it General Putina who called you?

 When he said that, Puchina shook her head.

'No,' he says. It is His Highness who has business with you. Come on in. 'Yes, sir.'

 I laugh meaningfully.
 I wonder.
 I go into the room.
 The room is very large. And I recognize it as someone's private room from the furniture and furnishings.
 Maybe it is someone's room.
 Polen is His Highness the Princess. Is it okay for me to come in?
 I'm a bit doubtful, but now that I'm already in, I can't help it.

'Huh? Where is your highness?

 I look around, but I don't see Pollen.

'Hey, Your Highness! What the hell are you doing! His Excellency is here! Don't be shy about showing up!

 The curtains at the window shake as Puchina shouts out.
 Will Polen be there?

Your Highness? Are you there? Is something wrong?

 I call out to the curtains.
 Then one girl emerges from the curtain.
 It's not Polen.
 But it's a very beautiful girl.
 I'm in love with her.
 Even from the top of her beautiful dress, you can tell that she has a slender figure. Beautiful white skin like snowflake plaster (alabaster) dyed a little light red.
 I didn't expect to find a beautiful girl in Nargol that could rival Kuna.
 The girl's large, sparkling eyes were looking up at herself anxiously.
 Who could it be? I've never seen her before.

The ...... Dr. Kroki?

 The girl's anxious voice calls her name.
 Why does she call her own name?
 I look closely at the girl.
 I recognize the two horns growing out of the girl's head. And also the necklace the girl wears.

What? Are you His Royal Highness Polen? What? Yeah!!!!

 I can't help but be surprised.

'Yes. I'm Polen. Dr. Kroki.'

 The girl nodded shyly.

'What? But you didn't even look! Not even the head and body! What?!

 Pollen's body, which was only about three heads, has grown to more than seven heads.
 The size of his head and the length of his legs have completely changed.
 A mutation! What the hell happened?

'I woke up this morning and there was a sudden change, doctor. I don't really know why, either.

 Polen makes a puzzled sound.

'Perhaps His Highness was the same as the shape-shifting species. That's why he came so suddenly. We wouldn't have known it if it hadn't smelled the same as His Highness.

 Puchina nodded yes.
 I see, it's not uncommon in this world for a race to have two forms, such as Puchina and other human bears (warbears) or selkies who have seal and human forms.
 With that in mind, it's no wonder that Pollen has transformed.
 However, Polen is a god race. There is no one of the same species. That's why no one noticed it.

''Um, did Your Majesty know about this?''
'No, no one yet ....... No one knows about it except Poo-chan. In fact, I wanted to show the teacher first.

 He looks at himself with the kind of eyes Polen would expect.

'To yourself?'
Yes, this is for Dr. Kroki. What do you think, isn't it funny?

 That being said, I look at Pollen.
 I can't find anything wrong with her.
 The face that looks vaguely like Morna is very beautiful.

It's not funny, that's outrageous. You are very beautiful, Your Highness.

 I say that sincerely. I didn't expect her to turn into such a beautiful girl.

'Not pretty, but beautiful?! Do you really think so?!

 Pollen crowded in.

'Yes, Your Highness. You are so beautiful. I couldn't help but admire you.'

 He strokes Pollen's head.
 Then Pollen's face turns cherry-red and he holds his cheeks down happily.


 What's going on? He's acting weird.
'Nyohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohoh! For the doctor! For the doctor! I've been told it's beautiful... !!!!!!!!!!!!

 Pollen's tail bobbed and weaved from side to side.
 Will the momentum of the momentum destroy the room?

Oh, Your Highness?

 Pollen looks at me with a look of satisfaction.

''Thank you, Kroki-sensei! It's all thanks to the doctor!

 Pollen grasps his hand tightly.
 Strong. It seems that his power doesn't change even if he transforms.
 I'm sorry? What did I do to myself?

All right! Let's go show your father what this looks like! Let's go, Poochie!

 When Polen lets go of his own hand, he goes to Puchina and pulls on her body.
 Is he good enough for himself now?
 Pollen and Puchina head to the door to leave the room.

'Ah! Yes, sir!

 Before I leave the room, Polen looks at me.

'Me! I'll be as beautiful as my master! Brace yourself, doctor! So long!

 With that, Polen leaves the room with Puchina.
 What will he be prepared to do?
 He tilts his head.
 But it should be a good thing that Polen has gotten out of the room.
 I'm glad if I was able to contribute to that.
 With that in mind, I looked at the door of the room that was opened wide.

◆Poren, Princess of the Demon World

 The party's over and we're back in the room.

We're back to normal again: ......

 I look in the mirror.
 There I am, in my original pig form.
 The doctor told me I was beautiful, and when I showed it to my fathers, I suddenly went back to normal.
 Is it because I lost my mind after showing it to my parents?
 After that, he couldn't transform in any way.
 That's why I had to attend the banquet in my original pig form after all.
 What a pity.
 I remember what I looked like when I transformed.
 When I first looked in the mirror, I couldn't believe it.
 I looked so beautiful, just like your mother.
 And the look on the doctor's face when he saw me.


 I can't help but dance.

"Hmm. Hohoho. And then I turn into a butterfly~

 He hummed and bounced around the room from right to left with a twirl and a twirl.

'What are you doing?' Your Highness Polen?

 Before I knew it, Poo-chan was standing beside me.

''Was he doing some kind of curse ritual? It was a very unusual dance.
Maybe you've been looking at ......?
"Yes, no.
Haha - !!!!!

 I roll around the room in a circle in embarrassment.

'Already~. If you're there, Poo-chan, please tell me you're there~

 He protests to Poo-chan.

'That's not true, Your Highness. It was His Highness Polen who asked me to come because he wanted to clean up.'

 It was.
 I called Poo-chan, thinking that tomorrow would be fine, but faster would be better.

'It was. 'I'm going to throw away the painting that Datie gave me. 'You'll help me, won't you? Poochie?
What? !!!!

 Poo-chan makes a surprised face.

'What's the matter, Your Highness? How dare you throw away your treasures!
"It's okay, Poochie. I'm going to change. So, you know, I'll keep one picture and I don't want the others.

 So that's going to change. The ugly demon king's children are gone.
 I'm going to make you beautiful for sure.
 If you work hard, you can change again. I'll make an effort.
 When the beautiful women around Alfoss-sama said bad things about me, I was very frustrated.
 And I was very happy that Kuroki-sensei fought for me.
 I wanted to change so badly when I saw my teacher fighting so seriously.
 So I left one picture and didn't want the others.
 That one was the first one I hung up when I came back to my room.
 It was one of the paintings that Dattier had given me. This is the only one I want to keep.
 I looked at the painting I had hung up.
 There was a dark knight with a helmet under his arm, smiling gently.