121 Apophis snake

Zarxys, the god of death.

 When you pass through the gate of transition, a huge desert spreads out in front of you.
 It is still a bleak landscape.
 There's nothing special to see in this land of only red sandy rock surfaces and sand.
 The desert of Apophis is located south of Gipsyll in the same desert region, and is home to many clans of snakes such as the Lamia, Gorgon and Basilisk.
 It is also the dominant domain of the snake queen, Deirdre.
 After a short walk, a palace suddenly appears in front of you.
 The palace of Apophis.
 It is also the birthplace of our alliance, the League of Apophis, which was formed to fight against the Elyos.
 This palace, hidden by this boundary, is where the Serpent Queen, Deirdre, should be staying at the moment.
 When I reach the palace, a female Gorgon warrior guides me through the palace.
 The corridors are completely blocked off from light and it is dark.
 However, the queen's attendants, who have excellent senses, have no need for light.
 Gorgon walks down the corridor without hesitation.
 He enters the room he was led to.
 The room is large, and the walls are beautifully decorated.
 It's a true queen's room.
 The queen, Diadona, is looking out of the large window that overlooks the great hall of the palace.

I see you have returned, Zarxys. Have you found your son?

 Deirdre says without turning around.

'No, I can't find him. If so, he may have already been killed by someone else.

 Zand, the god of dream sleep, is the son of Zarxys here.
 We have long since lost contact with this unworthy son.
 Before we lost contact with him, Zand gave me some important information. Maybe he had some more important information that was brought to the attention of others in Elyos.
 Xand is a small god without much power.
 If even Alfos found him, he would be killed instantly.
 No, even if it wasn't Alfos, it was enough to get you killed by a Torl's. So you'd think he was already dead. So it's best to assume that he's already dead.
 He lets out a sigh.
 'Xand is not spared, but the information is spared.

'You don't mean to tell me you betrayed him, do you?

 He laughs at Deirdre's concern.

'That's unlikely. I don't think the men of Elyos would join him, even if they were lying.'

 The people of Elyos do not like us.
 They don't want to join us, even if it's a lie.

No, they don't. So I'm dead? I'm sorry to hear that, Zarxys.

 He shook his head at the words.

'Not really. I never expected him to be the first. More importantly, Deirdre. What have you been looking at?

 From earlier, Deirdre won't look at us.
 She seems to be looking out the window at the great hall below.
 Come to think of it, I can hear the cheers coming from the Great Hall.
 They seem to be doing something in the Great Hall.
 I go to Deirdre's side and look out the window.

'What is this thing doing here? Diadna?

 I look down from the window into the great hall and see two men fighting.
 Cheers are coming from those watching them.
 One of the men fighting is Lavrus.
 There is no way to misjudge a six-armed figure on a bull's head.
 And the one fighting Lavrus is a human child with a long spear.
 Of course it's not a human child. There is another form of truth, and he is not showing it now.
 His name is Dahak, Prince of the Serpent. He is also the son of the serpent queen, Deirdre.
 That Dahark is fighting with Lavrus in the Great Hall.
 Lavrus is wielding a double-edged great axe. Dahak wields a spear three times longer than his own height.
 The people around him watch the attack and defense with cheers.

'We are in hand-to-hand combat with Dahak and Lavrus. Zarxys. You can see. I'm sure you'll be pleased with the way you fought that Lavrus.

 Deirdre says happily.
 That's certainly true.
 Lavrus is defending against Dahak's attacks.
 Lavrus also tries to fight back, but he's ducked at every turn.

''Hey! Hey! What's up with you, old man Lavrus! You're never going to catch me like that.
'Shit! You young man!

 Although Lavrus uses not only his prized axe, but also the spears and swords he has in his other arms.
 He cannot reach Dahak.
 Still, it's a brilliant move.
 Lavrulus is one of the strongest men here. I'm sure you're not going to be able to find a way to get the best out of it.

''That's it! Don't do both of them!

 Deirdona stops Dahak and Lavrus.
 As expected, it's because both of them could get serious if they do any more hand-to-hand combat.

'I guess I win. Old man Lavrus.

 Dahak says triumphantly.

'Han! What the hell are you talking about? You said it was a hand-to-hand combat, so I took it easy on you! In the first place, I haven't used Moloch's fire yet!

 Lavrus says with a snort.
 It's true that he didn't use Moloch's fire, which is Lavrus's backhandedness, but otherwise he's not the kind of character that can be tamed.

''Oh, I see. Then you want to get serious next time? Old man? Next time, try using Moloch's fire.

 Dahak lets out a frustrated voice at Lavrus' refusal to admit defeat.

'Hmph! Young man!

 Both sides hold their weapons at the ready.
 If this continues, the real killing may begin.
 The people around you who had been cheering and shouting until then are quieted down by the unusual situation.

''Don't stop! The idiot is !!!!!!!!!

 The silence is broken by Deirdre's angry voice.
 Looking to the side, Diadna's hair is standing upside down and her eyes are shining.
 Diadna's evil eyes are awe-inspiring, even to the god race.
 Dahak and Lavrus stop moving when they are exposed to Diadna's eyes.

'O Lavrus! Who is the one you must truly defeat? The hateful opponent who took away your abode?'

 Deirdre leans out of the window and says as she slowly descends into the hall, floating through the air.

'Ah! I know! I'm going to knock that brave man of light into the abyss!

 Lavrus huffs and turns his back to Dahak.

'O Dahak! I did not give you the poisoned spear of Pisar to start a trivial quarrel with you. Who is your true opponent?

 Diadna says to Dahak.
 The Pisar's poisonous spear that Dahak has in his possession was originally Diadna's weapon.
 She is always looking for blood and battle, and her heat melts the earth, so she gave him the magic spear, always on ice, to defeat the hated Elyos.
 It was never to get them to fight a trivial battle.

'Oh, I know, mother! I'm going to rip that d*mned Alfos' beautiful face to shreds!

 Dahark looks frustrated.
 At Dahark's words, the people around him change their appearance.
 They look as if they are frightened of something.
 The name of Alfos, the holy knight of the White Beauty, the god of Elyos' song and art, is an abomination to the gods who do not belong to Elyos.
 Many of them are jealous that he is beautiful and has the love of most goddesses, which many gods are in love with.
 But no matter how jealous they are, they can't touch it.
 Because Alfos is not only beautiful, but ridiculously strong.
 There are many people who have been tricked by his looks into turning back.
 And Dahark has also been defeated by Alfos in the past.
 He managed to survive through the snake's persistence, but I hear that he was unable to move for a while.
 Since then, Dahark had been training himself to take revenge on Alfos.

'This time I won't lose! I'll be the first to put dirt on that undefeated Alfos!

 Dahark shouts, holding up Pisar's poisonous spear.

'I'm afraid that's not going to happen,'

 A voice comes from somewhere.

'Who's there! And what does that mean!

 Dahak looks around to find the owner of the voice.
 The owner of the voice was soon found.
 This is because the one revealed himself.
 The one who revealed himself had a red exoskeleton and a red poisonous tail.
 Behind each shoulder, two huge scissors were spread out like wings.
 The Red Scorpion God Guiltal.
 That is the name of this one.
 He is also a god worshipped by the Scorpions (Girta Bruul) along with his sister Bruul.
 Gilthar should have been invited by the frog goddess Herkert to go and defeat the brave men of light.
 When did he return?

'Oh, Guiltal. How did you find the brave men of light? Is he as strong as they say he is?

 The light in Deirdre's eyes grows worse.
 The brave man of light is the lover of the goddess Raina.
 In other words, she is the new force that joined Elyos.
 I suppose that even Deirdre is curious about it.

''She was moderately strong. Perhaps it's as they say, no doubt. Our ally.''

 Guiltal reverently curtsies.
 His appearance is very much in character. He's still an uncomfortable man.

'Wait! Guiltal! What did you mean by those words just now!

 Suddenly Dahak interrupts both of them and points his spear at Guiltal.

'I meant what I said. 'Young man. It is impossible for you to be the first to put dirt on Alfos.'

 Guiltal blurts out.

'You're trying to tell me I can't beat Alfos with me! Guiltal!!!!

 Gilthar shook his head at the words.

'That's not what I meant. 'Prince. You can't be the first to put dirt on Alfos, because there are people who have already defeated him. Because there are those who have already defeated Alfos.

 Dahak's surprised voice.
 It's not just Dahak who is surprised by those words of Gilthar.
 Those around him are also surprised.
 They hear that Alfos is undefeated so far.
 It is rumored that he may be stronger than Odis, the head of Elyos.
 I'd be surprised if anyone could beat that Alfoss.

''Who is it! Who beat Alfoss! d*mn it! I was supposed to be the first one to beat him!

 Dahark exclaims with heartfelt regret.

'It was the dark knight who defeated Alfos, the one recently rumored to be the Dark Knight. Dahark. He defeated Alfos.'

 Guiltal's words surprised me.
 The strongest dark knight in the service of the Demon King Modes.
 It was once a land inhabited by people.
 I didn't expect that dark knight to have that much power.
 Hearing the name of the dark knight, Lavrus also has a regretful look on his face.
 This is because, like the brave man of light, the dark knight is also Lavrus's hated enemy.

''A dark knight! I don't know who he is! I'm going to make you regret ripping off my prey!

 Dahak screams.
 'I'm about to jump out of my skin.

'Wait! It's Dahak! We'll deal with those feckless Modes later!

 But Deirdre stops her.

'What are you talking about? Mother, hello? You're going to take down the Demon King anyway, right? Then it shouldn't be a problem now.

 Dahak is not happy.

'No. The Dark Knight will have to wait. Dahak. We must deal with the Elios boys and those who do not join us first.

 As he says this, Deirdre's eyes become sharp.
 Dahak, staring at the evil eye, becomes more mature.
 Diadna has no mercy on those who disobey her, even if they are her own children.
 Dahak knows that very well.

''d*mn! All right, mother! I'll put the Dark Knight on the back burner!
 Dahak looks unhappy, but he reluctantly agrees to disobey his mother.

'You're a good boy. Dahak.

 Deirdre laughs.

'But, Mother. If the Dark Knight attacks us, we can fight him, can't we?

 I don't think the Dark Knight will bother to attack us, but Dahak will at least rebel against his mother.

'Well, that's fine then. You can fight to your heart's content when you do. Dahark.

 Dahak laughs when he hears Deirdre's words.

'I'm relieved to hear that. 'The dark knight who defeated Alfos? What the hell does he look like?

 With that, Dahak looked in Nargol's direction.