My Lover Was Stolen, And I Was Kicked Out Of The Hero’s Party, But I Awakened To The EX Skill “Fixed Damage” And Became Invincible. Now, Let’s Begin Some Revenge

Chrome was a magician in the hero’s party.

He fought the Demon Lord’s army alongside people like Irina, the lover who vowed to marry him in the future, and the hero, Yuno, who was his close friend.

They were all close companions. However, that was only in Chrome’s mind.

His lover, Irina, became intimate with the hero, Yuno, and Chrome was sacrificed to make the hero stronger. Chrome’s magic powers were snatched away and he was kicked out of the party. Demons surrounded him as he was on the verge of death and he was driven to a corner.

At that moment, Chrome awakened to a “darkness” within himself.

Amidst his despair, he acquired an unrivaled skill.

Now with this skill, he could exact revenge.

Author: 六志麻あさ
Chapters: 131

Rokushima Asa


1 1 すべてを失った日
2 2 目覚める【闇】
3 3. Growing up [Darkness]
4 4 第一歩
5 5 復讐者と少女騎士1
6 6 復讐者と少女騎士2
7 7 始まり
8 8 Face to face and to revenge
9 9 かつての友に決着を
10 10 出発
11 1 聖女イリーナ
12 a [ black] was beginning to
13 3 従属者1
14 4 従属者2
15 5 パレードの日
16 6 鮮血の結末
17 7. The Revenge and the Sacred Woman 1
18 8 復讐者と聖女2
19 9 The Revenge and the Saints 3
20 10 あの日の想いは彼方へと消える
21 11 続く旅路
22 12 英雄騎士マルゴ
23 1. Valery the Philosopher
24 2 シアの戦い
25 3 ユリン
26 4 森の中で
27 5 研究所へ
28 6 突入1
29 7 突入2
30 8 突入3
31 9 賢者区画
32 10 問いかけ
33 11 高ぶり
34 12. Black scale powder
35 13 師弟の絆は遠い日の幻だと
36 14 探求の終焉
37 15 結末と転機
38 16 勇者と女剣士1
39 17 勇者と女剣士2
40 1 追跡
41 2 シアの魔剣1
42 3 シアの魔剣2
43 4 惨劇の村
44 5 復讐の魔術師
45 6 【闇】VS【光】
46 7 開門
47 8 黒の位相1
48 9 黒の位相2
49 10 Black Phase 3
50 11 Fate confrontation 1
51 12 宿命の対峙2
52 13 宿命の対峙3
53 14 決着の一瞬
54 15 従属と制裁1
55 16 Subordination and Sanctions 2
56 17 復讐者のパーティ
57 1. Brave vs Blue Dragon
58 2 不穏な決着
59 3 リジュ公国
60 4 勇者ハロルド
61 5 復讐者と真祖
62 6 魔王軍の残党
63 7 女剣士ファラ
64 8 予兆の告知
65 1 再会
66 2 邂逅
67 3. The Devil Wilgarodomus
68 4 勇者ハロルドの逆襲1
69 5. Back Attack of the Brave Harold 2
70 6. The Revenge and the Devil 1
71 7 復讐者と魔王2
72 8 Black altar
73 9. Prehistoric civilization Lemseria
74 10 The qualities of the brave
75 11 True Brightness
76 1 First Boot
77 2 魔王の指輪
78 3 行動指針
79 4. To Remcelia's Ruins
80 5 英雄騎士の決起
81 6. The Brave Arrives
82 7 遺跡探索1
83 8 遺跡探索2
84 9 Archaeological Exploration 3
85 10 【闇】の深化1
86 11 【闇】の深化2
87 12 Second World War 1
88 13 The Second World War 2
89 14 Second World War 3
90 15 闇と英雄騎士1
91 16 闇と英雄騎士2
92 17 Key to release 1
93 18 解放の鍵2
94 19. Battle of Girls 1
95 20 Battle of Girls 2
96 21. Battle of Girls 3
97 22 鍵
98 23 汚れた野望は地に堕ちて
99 24 英雄騎士の末路
100 One Dragon's Brave
101 Two Dragon Brave Two
102 3. The dynamism of the brave
103 4. The Awakening Brave 1
104 5. The Awakening Brave 2
105 6. The Brave and the True Father 1
106 7. The Brave and the True Father 2
107 8. The Brave and the True Father 3
108 9 フランジュラス
109 10 Return
110 11 復讐者と魔王、ふたたびの対峙1
111 12 復讐者と魔王、ふたたびの対峙2
112 13 [Darkness] Control
113 14 復讐前夜1
114 15 Eve of Revenge 2
115 1 勇者の式典
116 2. The last revenge, the beginning.
117 3 明かされる真実1
118 4 明かされる真実2
119 5. Revenge of Dark vs. Brave of Light 1
120 6 【闇】の復讐者VS【光】の勇者2
121 7 【闇】の復讐者VS【光】の勇者3
122 8 Momentary
123 9. The End of the Female Swordman
124 10 To the Last Revenge 1
125 11 To Last Revenge 2
126 12 To the Last Revenge 3
127 13 今、すべての想いに決着を
128 14 (Final Episode) The future beyond revenge is
129 1 聖女イリーナ・その後
130 2 勇者ユーノ・その後
131 3 (Final Episode of Special) Revengee Cromium Afte...