1 1 すべてを失った日

"When the battle with the Demon King's army is over, ...... I want to be Chrom's wife.

 On that night, I received a sudden reverse proposal.

 The other person is Irina, a priestess who is a member of the brave party and also my girlfriend.

 She was three years younger than me, and 21 years old.
 She is a beautiful woman with long golden hair and beautiful blue eyes.

 We are in the courtyard of the inn, and there is no one around.
 It's just the two of us under the pale moonlight.

"I'm sorry, I... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you.

 Oh, you're so cute.

"No, I feel the same way. Let's get married when this war is over, Irina.

 We're always in danger, our fight.
 But we'll survive this.
 And we'll live happily ever after.

 With Irina, the two of us.

 The next day, our party of heroes launched a battle against the Demon Lord's frontline base.

"Die, heroes!

 A huge black dragon shouted.
 It was the Dark Dragon, one of the higher-ranking members of the Demon Lord's army.

 It is a powerful enemy that possesses intelligence greater than that of a human being, powerful magic power, and strong life force.
 The flaming dragon breath attacked us.

"'Holy Shield'!

 Irina chanted a spell.

 A shield of glowing energy appeared and repelled the breath.
 It was the kind of defense only a top-notch priest could provide.

"Come on, Chrom. Time it right.

 Valerie, the wise woman who had taught me magic and who had been my companion on this journey, announced solemnly.

Ice Storm!

 The fire and ice magic we unleashed simultaneously sent the dark dragon reeling.

"d*mn you!

 With anger, the black dragon swung its long tail.

I won't let you!
We'll take them on!
We'll take them!

 The three men who jumped out to face it were a large warrior, a female swordsman, and a middle-aged knight.
 The three vanguards of the brave party were Riot, Fara and Margo.

 Their axes, swords, and spears cut the dragon's tail in two.

 The dragon cried out in agony.

 The dragon cried out in agony and flinched.

"Now, Yuno!

 At the sound of my voice, a shadow lunges at me with flashing speed.

 A boy with glittering golden armor and a beautiful face.
 I'm not sure what to make of it.

"Destroy the demon, the holy sword Weiss!

 Before the giant dragon can regain its stance, the golden holy sword is swung down.
 A flash of light from the blade cut the dark dragon's body in two.

You did it, Juno!
I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that.

 Youno smiles back at me.

 He's humble and friendly.
 Before he was a hero, he was a boy I could call my best friend.

 It was three years ago that the Demon Lord was resurrected.
 With thirteen legions, they invaded the entire world.

 In less than six months, half the world fell into their hands.
 To fight them, the gods chose seven brave men from the earth.

 Each of the brave men chose a companion and scattered to fight the Demon Lord's army.

 I, Crom Walker, was one of those chosen for the party of the brave.

 After the battle with the Dark Dragon, we returned to the inn.

 The battle against Franjulas, one of the thirteen leaders of the Demon Lord's army that rules this region, is coming soon.
 We've already hunted down seven of his powerful monsters, including today's dark dragon.

 We've reduced the enemy's strength considerably, and it's time to make our move.
 Valerie, the party's chief strategist, is the one who will actually decide when to do so.

...... Well, maybe I'll go check on Irina before I go to bed.

 I left the room.

 There are four of us staying on this floor: me, Master Valerie, Riot and Margot.
 Upstairs are Fara, Irina, and the brave Juno.

 The stairs creaked and creaked as I made my way upstairs.

"What the ......?

 I stood there in surprise.

I missed you .......
I missed you too, .......

 I spotted a shadow stealthily walking into Juno's room.

 I don't think that was...
 I'm sure I was wrong.

 But no matter how you look at it...
 It was Irina, the woman I promised my future to yesterday.

"Why is Irina in Juno's room ......?

 Nodding my head, I quickly shook my head.

 Irina was probably just visiting Juno's room because she had something to do.
 How could I be so stupid as to doubt my lover and best friend for even a moment?

I wanted to say goodnight to Irina, but I decided not to. Let's get some sleep for tomorrow.

 I turned away.

 I missed you.
 I missed you, too.

 Your voice reverberated in my head.
 I was about to go downstairs when I stopped.

...... No, it's still bothering me.

 Even though I knew it was wrong, I started walking again.
 It's not that I'm suspicious.

 I'm not doubting you.
 I just want to make sure.

 Feeling guilty, she gently pressed her ear to the door.

"Irina, I love you. ......
Oh, I love you too, ...... my dear, brave ......!

 My mind went blank at the sound of the voice.

 What the hell is this ......?

 I'm not sure what to make of it.
 The sound of clothes being taken off.
 The sound of a sweet, charming voice and the sound of the bed creaking.

 Eventually, Irina let out a cry of pleasure that I've never heard before.

 What the hell is this? ............!

 I scream in my mind.

 Irina, you said you wanted to marry me.
 Uno, you're my best friend.

 So why are you two...

 I didn't sleep a wink that night.

"Good morning, Chrom.

 I walked downstairs to the cafeteria and was greeted by Yuno.
 His smile was as fresh and kind as always.

"You look pale. Are you feeling okay?

 His concern for me was not superficial.
 She seemed to be sincerely concerned about me.
 I couldn't believe what had happened last night.

"Are you not feeling well?

 Irina walked up to me, looking worried.

 They both acted the same as usual.
 It's as if last night was just a bad dream I had...

 But I'm sure I heard it.
 I was too shocked to think about anything else.

 Should I have walked into the room as a lover?
 I just left like I was running away.

It's not ...... anything.

 That's all I could think to say.

The time is ripe. It's time to go take down Franjulas.

 Master Valerie suggested.

"Yes. If we all work together, we're no match for him. Don't you think, Chrom?

 Juno agreed.

"What? Oh, yeah. ......
If you're in danger, I'll be sure to protect you with my defensive techniques.

 The other three also said, "Today is a good day.
 The other three are also enthusiastic, as if to say, "Today is the day of the battle.

 In the event that you have any questions regarding where and how to use the site, please contact us.

 Our party is behind the other six heroic parties in terms of performance.
 The other parties have each defeated at least one of the leaders of the Demon King's army.
 But we're the only party that hasn't defeated a single leader.

Let's go. Let's make sure we defeat Franjulas.

 Juno's smile was not her usual fresh one, but rather a somewhat stiff one.

 We were going through a deep forest.
 If we could get past this point, we should be able to find Franjulas' castle.

"...... ah ......?

 Suddenly, I felt an intense numbness overwhelm my body.
 The numbness quickly turned into a raging pain that rushed through my body.

This is ......? I can't do this .......

 I collapsed to the ground, my knees weak.
 You'll be able to find a lot more information on the web.

"Contraindication: Chains of Darkness.

 I look up to see Master Valerie looking down at me with a blank expression.

"Sorry, Chrom. You're the sacrifice.

Come on, ......, yeah, ......?
"I told you the time was ripe. Our hero needs more power to defeat Franjulas.
"What ...... do you ......?

 My mind goes blank.

We're going to start the ritual for that, Chrom.

 It was Irina who coldly told me.

 What do you mean, ......?

 I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's a good idea.

I'm sorry, but you're going to have to sacrifice yourself.

 The other three - the warrior Riot, the swordswoman Fara, and the knight Margo - were also looking down at me with cold eyes.

"Curse us. The darkness created by that curse will also create a strong light.

 Master Valerie...no, Valerie pointed her staff at me.

I'm not sure what to do.

 The pain intensified.

 I was in so much pain that I ripped my hair out violently.
 All my hair had fallen out and was now white.

 What's more... my arms and legs were getting thinner and thinner.
 There was almost nothing left but skin and bones.

 It's like the life force inside me is being drained away.

 I wonder if I'm going to be sucked dry and die. .......

 My eyes darken with fear and despair.

The [light] created by your [darkness] will strengthen the power of the brave. The deeper your [darkness] - the stronger your anger, pain, hatred, despair, and other negative emotions, the stronger the [light] given to the hero will be. Eventually, it will be strong enough to defeat the Demon King...

 I don't get it.

 I'm not sure if I'm going to be sacrificing myself to some kind of spell,......?
 I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not, but it's a good idea.

Why are you making me ......?

 A number of emotions come and go in my chest.


 And then... despair.

"We all made a decision.
"to make the heroes stronger.
You're the one who has to sacrifice.
"No one wants to die.

 The Rioters are saying it.
 Words that would cut me down as one of them.

Don't worry. I'll make her happy.
"I'm sorry, Chrom. I'll never forget you.

 My consciousness was cut off when I saw Juno and Irina embracing and kissing each other passionately right in front of me.

 That's how I lost everything.

 And then...

 The [darkness] inside me awakens.