114 Oops, accompany Luceris - Evil God, Awakening -

 Three days after leaving the church and heading down the street, Xellos and the others were being led by the head priest Merlasa to a nearby town.
 The name of the town is Solas. As it was close to the city of Santor, it was a place with a certain amount of business.
 However, Luceris and the others did not expect to be forced to walk the streets for three days, and it was a difficult journey for them as they were unprepared.
 Luceris, in particular, had just come from the Atrum Empire and was not accustomed to walking continuously since he usually flew in the sky. He was physically strong, but his face showed signs of fatigue from the long journey.
 And the old man knew that his intuition was right.

The old man knew that his intuition was right. "Good young man, is that how you look after walking for only three days? How pathetic.
"No, you don't think I'm going to ask you to follow me and make you walk for three days, do you? You're not prepared for anything. ......
"You seem to have prepared quite well for that. I didn't expect you to bring food as well as pots and plates. You're a pretty good mage, aren't you?
...... Thanks for that.
You'll be able to trust Lou and Janae with this. I'm sure they won't die easily.

 I've heard that you're quick on your feet, but I didn't expect you to be this quick.
 I've heard of a lot of things going on in Santor, but I never expected it to spread outside the city.
 Rousselis also didn't expect that the scope of his activities would be so wide.

It was a good thing I gave the kids some money. I didn't think I'd be gone for three days. ....... No, a week if you include the return trip?
"Hahahaha, this is how we encourage our kids to be independent. You can't keep taking advantage of them, can you?
No, you don't think it's going to be a three-day excursion when you're asked to follow me. What do you usually do ......?

 Xellos knew that this old lady did not need any discretion.
 Luceris and Lusay were so exhausted that they could no longer speak.
 They didn't even seem to have the energy to make a comment.

It's past noon. Can you make it in time? ....... Well, ......
Are you sure this is the city you want to visit?
Yeah, this is where I'm going. I'm sure he's there, but he's out of nowhere. Well, I'll be patient.
If you had told us where you were going in advance, we could have prepared for a three-day journey.
That would have been boring, wouldn't it? The key to surprising people is to take them out of their comfort zone. Ha-ha-ha!

 This prodigal priest is going on his own way, not even listening to me.
 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

...... I don't care what you say. I don't know what it is, but I'm passing a bunch of burly guys on the street bowing to the head priest. ...... What have you done to this town?
Youthful indiscretion. It's no big deal.

 He didn't seem to want to answer.
 Big men. They were probably sailors, but there were also a few ruffians who didn't look like real men. No doubt they've had a run-in with the underworld.
 I felt as if I were entering the office of a yakuza.

"I think it's ...... over here, isn't it?

 After leaving the main street and passing through a dimly lit alleyway, I arrived at a corner where there was a boat landing and a number of shady stores.
 In front of one of the stores, the priestess stopped.

"Here. It's been years since I've been here. ......
Is this it?
Well, isn't it more of a ...... bar?
It is a bar. ....... The windows and entrances are closed, so you can't see what's going on inside. It's obviously not a real store.

 In a word, it's a kind of yakuza store that engages in a wide range of activities from prostitution to gambling.
 However, I don't know why he let them go to such a place.
 While the three of them were puzzled, a furious shout and the sound of breaking glass echoed from the back of the store.

What the hell! I'll kill you!
I'll kill you! I'll kill you!

 Something bad is going on in the store.
And it's turning into a loud fight.

...... We're in the wrong place, aren't we?
I think so, too. ....... What's in this place?
I know what to expect. ....... I think that's too much of a terrible result. I really hope that this prediction is wrong,.......

 The fight grew more and more violent, and the situation in the store became quite exciting and violent.
 Then a man bursts through the door and blasts his way into the alley.

"You're in trouble, sir. We're a legitimate store with legitimate customers. If you cheat, your reputation will be ruined.

 The person who came out from the back of the store while saying that was a woman with a face somewhat similar to Luceris and Lusay. No, in this case it would be more correct to say [Miss].
 The problem was that the woman had white wings on her back.
 She is wearing a bare kimono and holding a kisser languidly. She looks like a prostitute, but the fact that she has a long doss on her waist suggests that she is the person in charge of this store.
 In addition, I can feel a strong presence.

"Miss! What should we do with this bastard?
"I don't know. Do you want me to pinch your fingers? ....... We've caused trouble for the Katagis, and we can't afford to be licked.
Hey! Hey, you guys! Get this motherf*cker out of here!
Hey, get the f*ck up! You can't blame me if you get sunk in the river! You'll be lucky to get off with just your fingers.
"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! I'm sorry!

 You know what I mean.
 Lucerys and Lucei's mother. Maia Imara has become a monster.

I expected her to be alive, but she was way beyond my expectations. ......

 I can't keep my mouth shut.
 A young lady born into the royal family is thrown out into the world and somehow mistakenly finds herself at the head of a family that controls the underworld. And she's adapting to her environment.

"What? Isn't that Miss Grandma there? When did you come to this city?
"Long time no see, Maia. You're looking good. I'm glad to see you too, it's been a while.
I'm glad to see you too.

 After finishing her work, Maia approached Merlasa with a different tone of voice than before.
 I don't know how to respond to the huge difference.

In fact, your daughter finally came to visit, so I showed her here. Did you get the sake I asked for?
"'You didn't expect me to get the sake? The meeting between mother and daughter was just a coincidence?
Yes, I got it. Master searched hard for it.
You're a good worker. It's always best to work hard.
"'You're married again?

 The shock still lingered.
 Well, after nineteen years of neglect, it was not surprising that she had remarried.
 The father of the two, her husband Rahfon Imara, would have had his wife cuckolded by a stranger.
 But he was in no position to complain at this point. It was the Empire of Atollum that expelled Maia.

"What am I supposed to tell my father? How can I tell my father that my mother has remarried another man?
"Well, it's been nineteen years. I guess I should be grateful that I'm still alive. At least you can apologize. ......
If this continues, your father will have to cut his own throat. ....... This is not a good idea!
I'm not sure what to say. There's nothing you can do about it. The cause of this is the temperament of the Atollum Empire, and it's true that they threw you out for a crime you didn't commit. Do you think a girl in a box can survive in the rough and tumble of the world? It's a good thing that I've been able to survive until now.
I know, but ....... What should I do ......?

 In many ways, the situation had become irreversible.
 Truly, lost time cannot be regained. Time is a cruel thing.

I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that. Really, you've grown up ........ I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I was so helpless and gave you guys such a hard time. ......
I'm sorry. ...... Are you really my mother? If so, why have you been trying to avoid seeing me?
That's because ...... after I became the bouncer of this store, there was a dispute with a merchant family around here. ......

 This means that the merchants who run this area are all controlled by people behind the scenes.
 In order to protect Luceris, he had to leave her in the care of the priestess Merlasa. Moreover, there are still people who attack out of spite.
 There were still people who would attack her out of spite, and new forces would occasionally attack her, making it impossible for her to continue fighting while protecting her child.
 And Maia's ability was strong enough to eradicate the racketeers in this area.
 As a result, she changed her job to "Miss". She took charge of the backstage work, and her husband started his own business in the front.
 Well, even if I say "backstage work", it's in a gambling den...

"Miss Grandma and her husband were very kind to me, and I was trying to repay them for their kindness. ......
"So you fell in love with the husband? I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's a good idea. This is the fault of Lord Rahapon for not being able to protect his wife. 
I'm glad you're alive, but this is a terrible situation. -------- --No!

 Lusay, crying.
 My mother was behind my eyelids, never to return home again.
 Not in death, but in remarriage. .......

"By the way, you two have a brother and a sister. What do you think? Are you happy, Lusay?
"It's too complicated, I don't know how to answer. -------- ----!
Mr. Xelloss, ...... this is getting out of hand, isn't it?
In the event that you're not sure what you're looking for, you'll be able to find a lot more information on the web.

 I'm not sure what to make of this, but I think it's a good idea. It was impossible to make up for the years that had passed.
 Later, this fact was reported to the imperial family of the Atrum Empire via a diplomat, and the issue would cause a stir for a while.
 In short, the two sides were divided into two groups: the "imperialists" who argued that Maia and Luceris should be brought back, and the "defenders" who argued, "How can we bring them back now?
 Incidentally, Rahfon, the father of Lusay and Luceris, was so shocked that he withdrew from the political scene.
 According to later history books, it is said that it was because he despaired of a country that was still bound by old customs, but the truth was never known.
 The only thing we know is that this was an opportunity for the Imperial Kingdom of Atrum and the Magical Kingdom of Solstair to make progress, but the history books did not tell us what went on behind the scenes.
 And in those history books, there is a name of a mage named 【Xellos Merlin】.
 We do not know what this mage did, but it is true that he was at the center of the commotion. And while the name of this mage would appear throughout history, his identity was shrouded in mystery.
It was not until much later that he was known as the "Great Sage.

 As an aside, Lusay and Luceris will meet their current husbands.
 However, the current husband was not a thug, but an ordinary merchant with a good heart. It seems that the husband's father was a thug, and he liked Maia very much.
 And it turned out that the reason for Maia's becoming an extreme wife was the priestess Merlasa. It is said that he taught her how to survive on the back streets.
 Insanity is contagious.   

 The insanity is contagious.

...... has been moving me around a lot lately. I want to rest for a while.

 After spending a night in the town of Solas, the tired-looking old man returned to the city of Santor after three days.
 After giving some souvenirs to the children in the church, he rests his tired body on the back of a chair and lounges in the living room.
 To tell the truth, I didn't want to work anymore, that I didn't feel like doing anything.
 Back in the city, Lusay went to the diplomatic mission of the Atollum Empire, and Luceris seemed to have decided to take an early night to prepare for work tomorrow.
 Xellos also had some research to do. Yes, it was the【Air Rider】that he had snatched from the【Esa Lante】.
 He's thinking of incorporating this system into the【Waste No. 13】, and if he succeeds, he'll be able to get the wonderful item he's longed for. What man wouldn't be excited about this?
 The old man's face has a really happy smile on it.

I couldn't get the Air Rider in [Sword and Sorcery], you know. I'm going to have to do some thorough research on this one. ....... In the game, there were some items that could not be obtained due to the setting, but in reality, there is a high possibility that they can be produced. It's so hot!

 The old man is a hobbyist.
 He is a producer who has made legendary holy swords, magic swords, and even equipment and items with his friends.
 While it is impossible to make original items from personal recipes, he can make most of the common items in the game. However, this was only because I needed to do so in order to make a splash in the game.
 The only thing I really tried to do was to improve magic, and that magic is extremely evil in this other world. It was not something that could be created and spread carelessly.
 It was during this time that I came across the Air Rider. The Air Rider was the second most wonderful equipment after giant robots and airborne battleships, and it stimulated the curiosity of the old man.

"I'll have to check it out thoroughly tomorrow ......".

 No matter how you look at it, he's a madman.
 The smile on his face is truly vicious and leaves no room for the opinions of others to intervene.


 This is a great way to make sure that you don't get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the city.

"Is it my imagination, ......?
I'm sure I heard it. ....... You're not awake, are you?

 It was a small voice.
 No, I wouldn't call it a voice, as it echoed directly in my brain.
 Strictly speaking, it was more like telekinesis. And Xelloss had an idea of who was carrying the voice.
 He hurriedly opened the door on the floor and headed for the depths of the underground warehouse.
 A huge device stands deep in the underground warehouse. It was a cultivation sergeant to regenerate the evil gods.
 When Xelloss opened the lid of the only window in the cellar and peered into the depths, he saw a child of about three years old floating in the liquid.

"Is this ...... Chemo's curse?

I'm not sure what to make of it.

 He is a weirdo who loves gunslingers with chemo ears and has built a harem of homunculus with chemo ears in [Dungeon Create].
 And the little girl floating in the culture soda was a beast with fox ears and a tail.
 No, she also had wings and horns, and no matter how you looked at her, she was not a normal beast.
 If I had to describe it, I would say it was a 鵺.

I'm not sure if I've chosen the wrong ...... factor.

 I never thought that I would be able to create a little girl with kemo ears.
 I succeeded in reanimating the evil god, but I seem to have failed in constructing the body. There are too many points of contention.

I'm sure Kemo will be pleased. ....... Isn't that fluffy?

 In the back of Xelloss's mind, Chemo's "Come on, let's go! Let's go down that shiny, fluffy road. A chemo ear paradise awaits us all. The chemo ear harem is the true Eldorado, and the Fluffy Kingdom is the Haraiso of this world! I heard a voice say.
 Whenever I assisted in the creation of a homunculus, I was infused with a strange obsession that nearly brainwashed me on more than one occasion. He was a person who spoke to me with such passion that he could seriously destroy my mind.

'This can't be undone now, can it? There's no way to cover it up. You should .......

 Even among the half-breeds of the beastmen, no one is so mixed up.
 I'm not sure what to do, but I'm sure I'll be able to do it.

The sign of the magic: ....... I remember you. You're one of the ones who destroyed me, aren't you?
"Hello, good morning. And good to see you, too, Evil. How's your awakening going?
How's it going? d*mn you for sealing me in such a small place.
You're a bad influence. I brought you back to life, didn't I? Well, you should stay in here until your body stabilizes. If you leave now, you'll lose your body.
"...... What are you doing? What do you want by reviving me?
It's just harassment. "It's just harassment." "To the four gods, you understand?

 I'm not sure if he found Xellos' answer surprising or not, but a feeling of surprise washed over me.
 So the old man decided to ask the evil god his own question.

Then, "Evil God. What the hell are you? I'm not sure what to make of it.
"Me? ...... I am the system that controls this world. When the Creator left the controlled world, I was created as the next generation of observers. But when I awoke, I found .......
"There were four gods. And you're saying that they have the authority over your management system?
Yes, ...... I am the very system that maintains this world. But if they have the authority to manage it, they can't fulfill their role. And it is the Creator who has given them the authority to manage it.
"So you're saying that the Evil God War was caused to regain control of the world, and you yourself had no intention of destroying it?
"Of course not. I am an observer. I am an observer. I am in charge of multiple worlds besides this one. Therefore, I will not destroy the world myself.
I'm not sure what to make of that.

 As far as I can tell from the past video records, the Evil God's power is nothing short of vicious.
 If the purpose of this was to draw out the four gods, then it was inevitable that the four gods would face the evil gods. If they could defeat them successfully, that would have been the end of the story.
 However, the evil gods are sealed by the sacred artifacts. In other words, the four gods did not appear under the evil god.

"The sacred artifact that sealed you was left by the creator god?
"That, ......, is probably the case. It seems to be a special equipment of the three-dimensional defense system. If there is an outbreak of foreign molecules in the third dimensional world, antibodies from other worlds will be summoned to use the equipment.
I'm not sure what to make of this, but I think it's a good idea.
It is possible. It's also possible that the antibodies you've summoned can become distorted if they continue to stay in this world. In order to prevent this, summoning and repatriation should be paired.
But the summoned heroes ......, in this case antibodies, have been killed in this world many times before without being summoned and repatriated?
It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for. I'm not sure what to make of that.

 It was more troublesome than expected.
 I don't know how many heroes have been summoned so far, but the heroes have been killed in the logic of this world without being repatriated. However, since the soul itself is in the other world's logic, distortions occur.
 Distortions of the same quality are attracted to each other and combine to transform into even greater distortions.

"As far as the four gods are concerned, ...... is a slippery slope.
"Exactly. They don't understand what it means to manage this world. Why did the Creator give them the power to manage it? ......
Didn't the Creator say anything about this? Before you were sealed away. ......

"Well, ...... I then had a clear awareness ...... wait, I remembered that my earliest record said, "Oh, I screwed up ...... glamorous sister. I was going to make her my sister, but I screwed up. There's a record of you saying something like, 'I don't have time to ...... do anything about it. What did you mean by that?
"What did you mean?

 I've found the cause.
 The evil god is a creepy lifeform made up of offal. From a distance, a woman's head barely appears to be floating, but its appearance is that of a monster. Moreover, it changes its form according to the situation.
 In other words, she created her own successor, but sealed him away because his appearance became too creepy.
 Then, as if to deceive his successor, he created the four gods based on fairies, but that was the source of his further mistake, because the instincts of fairies are hedonistic and they have no intention of managing the world.
 As a result of following their instincts, they ended up spreading chaos at will. As a result, the evil gods that were supposed to have been sealed away awakened and began to take back control of the world.
This is the start of the "War of the Evil Gods.

"Creator God, you're too random. -------- ------!!!

 Like the hero, Xellos is also a victim of this irresponsible creator god. The whole thing was caused by the sloppy management of the creator god.
 The evil gods moved in faithfully to manage the world, while the randomly created administrators had no intention of managing the world at all. And yet, he insists on remaining in the throne of God.
 It is obvious that this will lead to an unfortunate situation.

How do you regain control of the world? Is there some special way? ......
I don't know. That's why I tried to take in those goddesses. But I was blocked by a sacred artifact created by the creator god.
I heard the artifact was destroyed.
"No wonder. I am a being of the same nature as the Creator. If I used the sacred artifacts that were originally designed to eliminate alien species, the sacred artifacts themselves would have been destroyed. It's better to have sealed me away at least once.
"Was it broken because of the different role it was to be used for? ....... What a nuisance.

 The content is so ridiculous that it makes me want to hold my head in my hands.
 At any rate, it is a good thing that the trump card has been awakened. There are still some problems, but...

"I want you to stay here until your body stabilizes. When the time comes, you'll be able to leave here automatically, but you'll lose to the four gods now. You're too weak.
"It can't be helped. Let's just be happy that you're back. ....... But you can't leave those goddesses like this, can you?
I think I can handle that. Brave men can no longer be summoned, and countries that believe in the four gods are currently in decline. We're building our own self-destruction.
I'm sure you'll be able to figure out what's going on. I'm not sure what to make of that.
I'm not sure what to say, but I'll try. It's not right to remain the "evil god" forever.
"It's not easy. We can do something about it if we unprotect our administrative rights. ......
"It's all the Creator's fault. It's a problem, really. ......

 The evil god woke up, but he hadn't yet thought about what would happen next.
 The resurrected evil god is weak, and the four gods are stronger than the current evil god. Above all, the divine advance guard sits in the middle of the plain. The power of the self-proclaimed land of the gods must be stripped away.
 Thinking about the future, Xellos could only sigh.
 He lit a cigarette to calm himself down, and the taste was indescribably bitter.