115 The Circumstances of the Mobus Family

 On that day, Gozan, a carrier known as a river tribe, was in the middle of a war with other river tribes, as usual.
 This is a job for men with a lot of blood on their hands, and the workers are notoriously quarrelsome, but at least they haven't committed any crimes.
 They are ostensibly in the business of transporting ships, but when they are on land, they open cheap hotels and gambling dens to make money. However, there are those who do not like such work. These people are known as the Mafia.
 The mafia is a group of people who make a lot of money through back channels by having their subordinates transport stolen goods, dangerous drugs, or illegal slaves. Gozan bought the fight head-on.
 From Gozan's point of view, they were the ones who came into his territory without permission, and without any greeting, suddenly intimidated him with a high-handed attitude, asking him to join their ranks. As a family that has lived as a river tribe for generations, we cannot accept them.
 This area is the territory of the Mauvais family, and Gozan, who has a habit of saying, "I'll admit to being a bastard, but I won't do anything rotten," raided the mafia's base with his men.
 They beat up the head of the gang, stripped him naked, and threw him into the Auras River.
 That was the beginning of the war, and the Mafia had sent assassins many times before, and each time they had been beaten back.
The Mobus family are half-breeds, but they have no mercy for scum who cause trouble for the people. They are incompatible with the mafia, who even kidnap people without hesitation.

You can't involve me in this ...... nonsense! You're a pain in the ass.
"Sorry, Miss Priestess. I'm sorry, priestess. But we want to destroy those corrupt people. Anybody who messes with a real man is not a man.
"Well, I'll give you that. But the war's been going on for too long. Let's get this over with!
You're no match for me. Well, this fooling around will end today. Fellas, let's get on their boat! Throw them all in the river!
「「「「 Hey, boss! 」」」」

 I met the female priestess, Merlasa, in a gambling den.
 Ghozan liked her because she was a priestess who was strong in drinking and gambling, and she was not afraid to take a stand against big men. They had their quarrels, but now they were friendly drinking buddies.
 The reason he had invited her was to heal the wounded, and for that purpose he had prepared a large quantity of good wine. This priest does not care about money, but about alcohol.

"Huh! They're really going for it, aren't they?
"Well, all men are fools. Don't let them die! Even I can't cure the dead!
I know that, Miss!
We're not going to do anything stupid. Don't worry, we won't screw up.
We'll teach the scum of the land our ways!

 "Let's teach the scum of the land our ways!" Men happily boarded the ship with their weapons in hand.
 The river tribes are ostensibly recognized as merchants, but when they join the mafia, they become criminals. Then, the rival river tribes would have a good cause, and no one would complain about crushing them.
 And the river tribes on the mafia side that are fighting now were originally those who were doing business on the other side of the river.
 It seems that behind them is Count Yokubukeno, who has recently become the lord of the city, but since he is not active in the public eye, there will be no trouble if we destroy him. I've got the backing just in case.

Let him die!
Hee! Help me, -----!
You guys had a lot of fun in our territory, didn't you? It's too late for regrets, right?
Hey! What's the matter with you? You're so backward. What's wrong with you? What happened to your bravado the other day?

 It was a one-sided battle of attrition.
 Ghozan also boarded the ship and battered down the door of the hold to get inside.

"d*mn it, d*mn it! Die, ------!
Shut up and get out of my way! You little bastard!

 Ghozan punches away at the sailors who appear from the back, and continues on his way.
 But the further in he went, the more blood he smelled. But the further in he went, the more he smelled blood, so thick that it made him sob with nausea.

'What the hell? What's going on? ......

 Gozan's goal was the boss of the rival river tribe who had fled deep into the hold, but the smell of blood was unusual.

I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not. Someone is trying to kill them all. ......

 Ghozan's motto is to be proud of being a river tribe, and to pay back double for any humiliation.
 It's so frustrating that you can't sleep at night for a while if your opponent is crushed without any redress.
 He runs frantically towards the back of the hold, feeling impatient.

"Hey, hey, hey, ......, they're all being killed with one blow. Who did these idiots turn against?

 Ghozan finally made it to the back of the ship's hold, his feet caught in a pool of blood.
 There, he saw a woman with white wings, her whole body stained with blood.
 Her clothes were rags, but the sight was so beautiful that it sent chills down his spine. She was exactly the figure of the angel of condemnation from mythology and the Bible.
 Judging from the fact that she was holding a baby in one hand, she must be a mother and daughter.

"Help me, Ghozan! I'll do anything, just save me from this woman!

"...... Still got company, eh? I don't have a choice. I'll cut him down.
"Wait, I'm not one of them! I'm not one of them! I'm the one who's going to take care of them!

 The man you want to punch out has already been cornered.
 And the fact that all the sailors had been killed showed that this woman was incredibly skilled. She was not to be trifled with.

"Hey, gringo. What did you do to this lady? What have you done with her? She's a monster.
Yeah, that's .......
I'm here to kill you, too, you know? I'm here to kill you, too. Why would I ask for help?
Please, I don't wanna die! I'm sorry for everything I've done. So, .......

 I'm not going to help you.
 And judging by the woman's clothes, it's clear that he's done nothing wrong.
 I don't feel like helping her at all.

Sorry. I'm just here to make amends for the destruction of my territory, but it looks like this lady is more serious. I'm not going to help.

 When Gosan saw the baby in this woman's arms, he somehow understood what was going on.
 I don't know where they captured the Roofail, but they probably used the baby as a hostage and did a lot of nasty things to it. But this woman was always on the lookout for an opening to save her child.
 It is said that women are strong, but I am in awe of her temperament to become a demon for her own child.

"You brought this on yourself, didn't you? You'll pay for it yourself. You can kill me if you want, right? I don't think it's appropriate for me to step in as an outsider.
Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Now, prepare yourself. ......

 I couldn't see the sword he was swinging at me.
 The blow cut Niyagesu in half from the head, and he fell to the floor, split in two.

"...... You're a fool. I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that even the bastards have their own pride that they must not bend. ....... So, what are you going to do about it?
"...... What should I do? I've been looking for an opportunity to help this girl out, but even if I have to do something, my bank account is ......
I've been looking for an opening to help this girl, but even if I had to do something, there's no way I could find the money ....... I'm not sure what to say. We'll pay you. Think of it as a thank you for paying our debts for us.
Are you sure?
Yeah, I'd be a terrible man if I threw you out here. I'm a scumbag too, but I have to be proud of it.

 And so Gozan invited the Roofail woman in.
 The woman's name was Maia, and she stubbornly refused to tell him her last name.
 It seems that the baby she was trying to protect was born as a human, even though both of his parents were Roofail. Because of this, he was suspected of something wrong and was finally thrown out.
 I thought it was a terrible story.
Gosan says, "The baby is innocent," and decides to take care of this woman and the baby for a while. He was a man with a lot of humanity.
 And the days went on peacefully for a while.


 When Maia came to the Mobus family, the gambling den, which was full of ruffians, changed drastically.
 The men who never even cleaned properly began to help Maia with the cleaning, and the idiots who wore the same clothes every day began to care more about their appearance.
 I think that's a good trend, but more than anything, he started to call Maia "Miss".
 The main reason for this is...

"Miss Maia. I bought some spices today, where should I put them?
"Yes, that's right. There are still some left on the shelves, so let's store them in the back.

 --Ghozan's son, Sime, seems to have fallen in love at first sight.
 There was nothing wrong with that in itself, but the big problem was that Sime was a small man who was not worthy of carrying this family.
 He was mild-mannered and not good at rough things. He would not survive the harsh territorial battles of the river tribes.
 Above all, Sime wanted to be a merchant and he had talent. As a parent, you want to nurture your son's talent.
 But the trouble was, Sime was an only son. Even if I were to send him to train as a merchant, there would be no one left to take care of the family.
 And with a sigh, Gozan made a decision.

"Hey, Miss Maia. I have a favor to ask you. ......

"What do you want me to do, ......? If I can help.

 A little awkwardly, Ghozan began in a heavy tone.

I want to send Sime's idiot to train as a merchant, but without him, my group can't run. So, can you take his place for a while?
"I'm ......?
"Yeah, not many of our idiots can do the math or keep the books properly. Some of them can, but they're more physical than thinking.
I understand. I can't ignore a request from you, Mr. Gozan. I will accept your request.
"What? Seriously? No, I know I'm talking out of my ass, but are you sure you want to do this?
Yes. If it's just for a while, I'll take care of it.

 Thus, the young head of the Mobus family was replaced by Maia.
 However, a month later, a problem arose again. The mafia that had been backing the river tribe that had been destroyed reappeared. Naturally, this led to a war.
 The mafia has been giving money to bandits in the area and has been waging war against the Mobus family.
 Only this time, they can't figure out who's behind the scenes, and the situation goes from bad to worse.
 And so, Maia is faced with a decision.

 On this day, the priest Merlasa was called to the gambling hall of the Mobus family.
 The reason for this was the escalating conflict that threatened the safety of Luceris, Maia's daughter. Part of the reason was that she had allowed bandits to enter the gambling den.
 He could not leave Luceris here in case something happened to her. And the priest Merasa was also in charge of the orphanage.

Are you sure about this? This war seems to have deeper roots than I thought. It'll drag on.
We have no choice. If we don't do something, Luceris may be harmed. ......
You're in trouble, too. This cesspool of idiots will grow back when it's destroyed.
That's terrible. Well, I can see why you say that. We're separating a mother and daughter for our own reasons. It's not enough to apologize. ......
If you know what you're doing, then get it over with! I don't like fools!

 The priest Merlasa was angry.
 As an orphan, I've seen a lot of children become unhappy because of the actions of adults. He was even angry at these selfish adults.

I know. ....... I'll take care of it as soon as I can. In the meantime, you take care of her, okay?
"You talk about him like he's your grandchild. Is that so important?
Yeah, ...... I'm a bastard, but kids are cute. Luceris is like a grandson to me. I don't want her to be unhappy.
"Hmm! If you want a grandson, ask your own son! You gangster!
Yes! We'll get even. That's the Mobus family.
....... I'll take care of him for a while. Come and get her as soon as you can. It's a pity that kids become orphans.

 And so Luceris was placed in an orphanage. Hoping for a time when the war would end and mother and daughter could live together again.
 However, that wish was never fulfilled.
 Gozan was seriously injured in the fierce fighting. His injuries led to his untimely death.
 Gozan's successor was Maia.
 It took about fourteen years for her to defeat all the assassins who attacked her every day, and to locate and destroy the mafia's leader.
 During this time, Sime, a fledgling merchant, supported the struggling Maia.
 The two fell in love and had two children, a man and a woman.
What are you doing in the middle of a war? Some may ask, "What are you doing in the middle of a war?", but the fire of love was burning in them and they could not help it.
 So, whether it was a trick of the gods or a whim of the devil, the familiar "love syndrome" set in.
 And so, things got even more complicated.  

 This is the first time I've seen the "love syndrome".

 And now--

"Oh, my God, what happened? Mom, you tried so hard.

 --Lucerys and Lucei froze.
I'm so happy to see my mother.
 After all, the Mobus family is a group of roughnecks who are famous among the river tribes. They are trusted by the general public, but they are more notorious than any bandits.
The correct answer is not "I'm too happy to put into words" but "I don't know how to put into words".
 Maia was also Lusay's mother, and was one of the strongest swordswomen in the Atrum Empire, known as the "Sword Princess. It is true that she grew up as a naive young lady, but she has a ruthless side that does not show mercy to her enemies, perhaps because of her ethnicity.
 The difference between her and the hapless Lusay is that when she decides to defeat an enemy, she will slay him without saying a word and without mercy. This is different from her, who cannot face people properly without a mask.
 And so, Maia worked hard, dreaming of living with Luceris and the others. No, "I tried too hard" is correct.
 What went wrong was that she took in the bandits and river tribes that she crushed in this war and created an organization ten times larger than before.
 As far as we know, it has about three thousand five hundred members. It is a widespread gang. Some fools were trying to take Maia's position, and the situation was still unpredictable.
 In a medieval world, there are only a few organizations that have this many members. The only organization that existed was the [Hydra], but it was completely destroyed from the root by the efforts of some duke.
 Having grown up in a palace where nothing was too much trouble, having been thrown out into the world without knowing anything about it, and having been tossed about in the rough and tumble of the world, Maia had already grown as strong as a weed.
 A young man jumped into the room behind Luceris and the others, who were stunned by the dense content of the story.

"Oh, no, Miss! Jaggy's betrayed us!
"What? What? Huh? ...... I tolerated him twice, and now he's challenging me again? Gather those who can. There won't be a third time.
"Hey! Hey, fellas, let's bash in! Show that son of a b*tc* Jaggy what you can do!
That kid's at it again, isn't he? He's a dick. ......
I guess finger pinching wasn't enough. The little shit needs to be punished.
Get me an open ship, I'm going for a tickle!

 The Moebus family moves in a flurry of activity.
 The chivalrous men who are kind to their own kind, but harsh to those of their own kind, are happily smiling viciously.
 Drinking, gambling, and fighting are their way of life.

I'm sorry, okay? Your mother has to go to work now. Let's talk about it sometime, okay?
"'Work? Is this work? Aren't they dangerous people, no matter how you look at it? You're going to purge them, aren't you?

 Xellos, Luceris and Lusay do not know what to say.
 The white-winged mother, who had gone diagonally across the line of understanding, had flown out of reach. It is a chivalrous skyroad from which there is no return.
 Behind the three of them, the priestess Merlasa was pouring a glass of wine and muttering, "It's peaceful.
 What does peace mean to this priestess? I doubt it very much.

 Then, after completing the preparations for the raid, the ship carrying the extreme wives moved slowly down the Great River of Aulus.
 With a bloody wind.
 She had a talk with her current husband, but it was so crazy that she could hardly remember anything.
 The only thing that remained was the recognition that he was a very good man.