147 These people are the cause.

 A day in Lucerys' life is a regular one.
 Early morning prayers, preparation of breakfast, cleaning with the children, then a trip to the city and the healing act of sacred magic. You could say that her daily routine has become a pattern.
 In a sense, it is a blessing to be able to go through an ordinary day in peace.
 Because we follow the same schedule day after day, we sometimes notice casual changes and find them refreshing.
 The fact that I find it interesting must mean that I have a rich heart.
 Today, in the midst of the usual daily routine, a small change has come.

...... is a pain in the ass. Is mixing really this much trouble?
Mr. Janae ....... I'm not sure what to do, but I'm sure I'll be able to do it. I'm not sure what to do, but I'm sure you'll be able to do it.
I know, but it just doesn't suit me. I don't know how to say this... I don't know what to say. I hope it's as simple as that. ......
I'm not sure what to say. That's easy.
But the amount of powdered magic stones to add, and the ratio of the amount of herbs to the amount of powdered magic stones, is very troublesome. I don't know how alchemists and herbalists are able to do this every day.
It's because your job and livelihood depend on it.

 In the event that you're not sure what you're looking for, you'll be able to find it on the web.
 I'm not sure if you've seen this before, but I'm sure you have. It's the same for Janae and the others.
 But looking at these two reminds me of the past.

"Janae, what are you doing?
"I'm making cookies at .......
"Hmm. Sounds like a pain in the ass.
The priests told me that in order to make good cookies, you have to spare time and effort. I want to be a baker in the future.

 Childhood memories come flooding back.
 The little girls from those days are now all grown up.

"...... Jarne. I'm not sure what to make of it. I'm not sure what to make of this.
"......... What are you crying about? Lou.

 I'm not sure what to make of this. That makes me a little sad.

No, ...... the passage of time is cruel. ....... I'm not sure what you mean by that.
What do you mean?
What do you mean? "Where is the pure Janae who loved to bake and make stuffed animals for everyone? ....... I'm so sad.
I'm sad. It's a childhood story.
The way she hugged the lamppost when she was drunk, walked around in a disheveled state, and rested on the bed with loud snoring and terrible sleeping patterns was not very feminine. ....... She used to be so pretty. ......
You've become a complete mess, haven't you, Janae?
............... Isn't that a bit harsh? I think that's a bit of an exaggeration.

 In the course of daily life, you may learn about realities that you do not want to know.
 The way your childhood friend has become so brutal is just too awful to watch.

Reality is cruel. He used to be so secure, but now he's loose with his money. ....... Where are you going to put all the stuffed animals you bought in bulk?
Ugh. .........
"Back then, I used to say, 'If I don't save money, my life will be ...... unchildlike.
No, I can't speak for others. You've changed too much.
Oh, really?
Oh, ....... The old Lou...

 "The old Lou," Jaune says.
 Lou Celis's past.

"What? You were bullied? Then we must avenge them!
Roo, where are you going with that wooden stick?
Of course I'm going to beat him! The priest said, "If you use violence to control people, you can't complain about being killed by violence. Sachi and Daitoroi!
No, no, no! I'll really kill you!
Justice is mine! Justice is mine!

 And Lucerys beat up the bad kids in the neighborhood.
 As a result, Luceris became the boss of the bad kids, but thanks to that, the harassment around the orphanage stopped.
 On the contrary, the territory of the group of bad boys under Luceris has expanded.

In those days, Lou used to say, 'Treason is conquered with violence. There were a lot of stupid kids who were wrapped up and hung from trees. ....... I've even left them naked.

"Mr. Luceris? You're not just naughty, you're a gangster! You're not just a kid, you're a gangster!
I was a young man then. ......
I was a young man when I started running with a stolen mule, crushing several street gangs, and expanding my power to dominate Santor. Incidentally, the team was called the Blood Crusaders. ......
In those days, the back alleys were a war zone. If you didn't do something, you would have been killed.
The street name I got was "The Maid of Madness.
That was when I was a kid, right? Why did you get that nickname?

 I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's a good idea.
 Nowadays, Jahné has a wild impression, and Luceris has grown into a woman with the calmness of a saint.
 In a bad way, both of them have changed from their childhoods.

After Luceris left to train as a priestess, somehow I was made the next leader.
I'm not sure why they made me the next leader after Luceris left for priest training.
Also, you were influenced by the head priest. I admired him so much. ......
"Now that I think about it, I don't think he was a good human being. He drinks, he gambles, he fights everyday, and he's got the underworld at his back.

 As the second leader of the Blood Crusaders, a street team, Jahne worked hard, or rather, too hard.
 Without a strong leader, the organization would naturally disintegrate, and the world would turn into a war zone once again.
 In the midst of all this, Janne grabbed a piece of wood that Rousselis was using in order to overcome his weakness, and as if to break away from the weakness that had made him afraid to even fight, he beat up the bad kids who defied him while crying.
 Behind the scenes, there was some prodigal priest who trained Jahné for fun, but that's another story.
 After that, Jahné was given the nickname "Crybaby Leader".

...... Environment is very important, isn't it? Depending on the situation, a good child can become a bad child.
"Don't say that, Iris. ....... It's black history for me.
I was a sharp guy back then. ....... "Justice without power is no justice." That was my motto.
So why did you choose me to take over? It was a bad choice, no matter how you look at it!
I heard that. I heard that you beat up your comrades in tears and admonished them for being lazy in the fight. You're getting stronger. ......
You sound like an old man, you know that?
I also heard that when Aesop was lynched, they all went to retaliate. I heard that when Aesop was lynched, they all went to retaliate. "One for all, all for one" was the motto.
"Huh? I've heard that story before. ......

 People have history.
 I'm not sure what to make of it.
 If Luceris was taking the high road, then Janae was taking the high road.
 It was a war of unity between children waged in a back alley.

You're not doing anything. You're supposed to make potions to make the requests easier.
You're the one who derailed it. So what's Lou making?
It's just a stomachic. They sell well to the mercenaries.
They drink every day in the tavern. I'm sure your stomach must be upset.
Can't you be a little more careful about your health? A mercenary's body is his capital.
You could say the same thing about Rena. She's a strong drinker and a manizer. ......
I wonder how she's paying for lodging. I wonder how she pays for her accommodation.

 Lena's behavior is also a mystery.
 It's not unusual for her to be holed up in an inn with a beautiful boy, but she must be earning money somewhere. However, I have never heard of her having a second job.
 Janae and Iris did not know where he was getting the money he needed.

 The rumors of Luceris and his friends.

 At the time of the rumors of Luceris and the others, Lena was in a public casino in the city of Santor.
 She was staring at her five cards and smiling wryly.

I'm going to add another five gold coins.
I'll give you five more gold coins." "...... That's the kind of hand you want?

 You'll be able to get a lot more than that.
 I'm going to add five more gold coins to my bet.

"...... game. Three of four.
"Oh, sorry, full house.
「「「「「 Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! That's a queen! 」」」」」

 Lena was known as a gambler behind the scenes.
 She doesn't know how to lose. Normally, the casino would be disgusted with her, but there was another reason not to be.

So, as usual, I'll take a third of the money. I'll take a third as usual, and you can all have a drink.
"On you, Miss, get the drinks ready!
Get the drinks ready! Stubborn as always.
"That's the Queen, I admire her so much!

 I spend two-thirds of my money in the casino.
 He buys his customers a big round of drinks. He is a very good customer because he helps the store make money.
 However, there are some troublesome customers in the casino.

"Hello, Lena. Are you winning a lot today?
"Hello, Señor Merasa. Have you come to have some fun today?
Hahaha, it's been a while since you've bought me a drink. There's nothing better than a good drink.
You'll be banned again if you don't moderate, Prelate.
I'm not cheating, but... I don't know why I'm banned. I didn't cheat, but I don't know why I'm banned. I just keep winning.
Isn't it bad to take all the money of everyone who challenged you to a bet?
"Then why don't you just not bet? You'd be a fool if you tried to get rich instead of having fun.

 These two gamblers are at opposite ends of the spectrum.
 If you win a bet, you cash it all in and go home, while Lena spends most of her winnings at the store.
 It's no wonder that people prefer Rena, who contributes to the sales by paying for her drinks.
 The street names behind the scenes are the "Money-grubbing Pope" and the "Empress".
The match between the two is said to have been a legendary match.

You haven't played in a while. Aren't you going to play?
Not today. I don't want Jaune and the others to find out.
You're a hard man, aren't you?
I don't want to ruin myself betting. I don't want to ruin myself by gambling. Giving away money is just another way to get lucky.
It's a good way to get a free drink. You're welcome.
No, you're welcome.

 Rena smiles and leaves the table.
 Behind her, the tyrant of gambling was about to strike out.
 There was no end to the number of people who returned from the casino naked that day.

 What is this?

I wonder what this is. ......
I knew there were strange creatures in fantasy, but ......

 The old man and Ad hid themselves in the plants that grew in the field that spread out all over the place, and held their heads.
 The place where Xellos and his friends were going was also a dungeon.
 However, the scene before their eyes was a world that was far too eerie.

 --Meow! Whoa!

 Fields of plants with the heads of cats, dogs, pigs, horses, bears, rats, and other animals were spreading over a large area.
 It was the Kobolds who were cultivating them.
 It was as if someone was saying to me, 'Welcome to the world of Gestalt collapse.

"Is this weird plant edible?
It could be an animal, you know? It's got an animal head on it, you know.

 In a word, it was a nightmare.
 A large number of life forms, whether they are plants or animals, are breeding, and the Kobolds are sweating to take care of them.
 Eventually, one of the Kobolds pulled out this incomprehensible life form.
"Boomo! With a squeal, the mysterious creature died.
 It seemed to be a cow.

It looks like a root vegetable like a sweet potato.
It's edible. ......

 The Kobold bites into the potato-like thing that he pulled out.
 Then a large amount of red liquid poured out of the potato-like thing.

I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not.

 The smell of rusty iron wafted through the air.
 The other Kobolds surrounded and beat up the Kobold who had so deliciously eaten the unidentifiable potato.
 Apparently, he was being chastised for snacking on it.

"If you look closely, you can see that the plants with different heads are completely different species. "If you look closely, the plants with different heads seem to be completely different species.
"Is this some kind of euglena-like creature?

Come on, ........ Whatever it is, it's sure to be a creepy vegetation.

 The ecosystem of the other world was a dangerous world beyond human comprehension.
 If you look more closely, you can even find plants with human heads. Furthermore, it was smiling eerily at me.
 If this was a mimicry, their spirits would be saved, but there was no way to confirm that.
 At any rate, the appraisal showed it to be [unidentified].

"...... Are we going to burn it?
"Kobold is taking good care of it, you know. As a farmer, it's heartbreaking. ......
I don't even know if it's a vegetable.
Hard to say. ....... What I can tell you is that if we let it go on like this, my mind is going to have a gestalt collapse.
In any case, the demon will be eradicated, right? Why don't we take care of it before it destroys our spirit?
I think so... ...... burn it... hmm?

 If you're not sure what you're looking for, you can always ask for help.
 No, if you look closely, you can see that from the neck down, the man is a plant like a radish.
 An indescribable air flows between them.

"........., what are you looking at?
"Did you just say something?
What's wrong with talking? You're talking too. Why is it okay for you to talk and not for me?
No way. ....... The guy over there is laughing his ass off. ......
Oh, that Gramberg guy. He's pissed off because he got fertilizer three days ago. He's been on a high ever since. I'm not growing fast enough.
"...... Gramverd. That's a pretty big name.

 It's a creepy creature, but it seems to have a really great name.
 I can't stop sweating.

"Oh, well. If it's an intruder, we should let it know. What a pain in the ass.
"...... What?
I'm an intruder!


 In response to the creepy creature's voice, the Kobolds began to howl in unison.
 The Kobolds began to howl in unison in response to the creepy creature's voice, each holding a farming tool or animal in their hands and charging towards Xelloss and his men.

"Well, you've done it, creepy-crawlies!
"Heck, it's your own fault for dragging yourselves into a place like this. You should be ashamed of your lack of luck.
"Air Burst Distraction.

 --Air burst distraction!

Air Burst Distraction.
 It's a spell that releases air pressure compressed at super high density all at once, but its power is amplified in a dungeon that is also a sealed space.
 In the event that you are in a place where the ceiling is enclosed, this spell will generate a directional shockwave that will flow to an unenclosed area.
 If there is a narrow passage, the concentrated shock waves will converge on the walls and ceiling, amplifying the power of the impact.
 In addition, the phenomenon was caused by the shock wave bouncing off the ceiling, accelerating through the ceiling and walls, and then returning to a point.
 It was now in a state of turbulence, laying waste to the surface of the earth and knocking down the houses and fields that Kobold had built.

I'm not sure what you're talking about.
It's your fault for bringing in your friends without checking out the ...... strength of your opponent. You should be ashamed of your own stupidity. Bad luck for you, creepy creature.
"As expected from the original annihilator ........ Vandalism at its finest.
Oh, you ...... humans. Curse you, ........ Oh ...... I wish I could eat good compost for once .......... I wanted to get high, too .......

 The blast and shockwave dug up the roots of the creepy-crawlies and they died on the spot.
 It seems that digging them up will kill them.

...... Is fertilizer a drink or a drug for these guys?
"......... Well?

 The creature was a mystery, but I didn't feel like investigating.
 The cobolts in the area had all been killed, leaving the corpses in a heap.

"Shall we dispose of the safe creepy creatures as well? [Darkness Hall]

 Ado used his Darkness Hole magic to suck the creepy creatures into the pitch black darkness.
 This magic is like a black hole and a white hole, so to speak.
 It is a kind of gravitational magic, so everything is crushed down to the quantum unit by the super-gravity compression. That's the way it should be.
 Theoretically speaking, this is correct, but there was something that bothered the old man.

"Mr. Ad, aren't you curious about what happens beyond the Darkness Hole?
"Hmm? Why?
To put it simply, this magic creates an instantaneous super-gravity force field that distorts space. The generated gravity will sink into space, opening a hole in space-time. You can force demons and other objects to be dumped into the hole. ......

No, I don't care about theory. I don't care about theories, just give me a conclusion first. I don't understand all the complicated stuff.
"When the sucked matter crosses the singularity, it's another world from there. What do you think would happen if the creature were to reach the other world alive?

 A creepy plant with the creature's head blooming.
 A creepy plant with a living head.
 And if it evolves, it's terrifying.

"It's only the size of a flowering plant now, but if it evolves, it could become a big tree. That kind of thing could breed on a single planet. Isn't that scary?
"Hahahaha ...... Xellos, what are you talking about? It's only a possibility, not a probability. ......
"Yes, the probability is less than a decimal point. After all, the universe is infinitely large. But it's not zero, you know.
No, no, no, no. What are you talking about? Don't you enjoy scaring me?
...... Now that I think about it, we've done quite a bit. I'm not sure what to make of it.

I'm not sure what to do. Both are super gravity magic.
 It's a dangerous magic that turns enemies and magic power into the medium of a super gravity force field and wipes out everything with a shockwave of gravitational collapse.
 Generating a gravitational field creates a distortion in space, even for a moment. If there is a hole in space-time while it is at its most powerful, it will send a demon to another world.
 However, there is no such thing as a living creature that can survive in a hyper-gravitational force field.

In terms of probability, it's impossible. ......
Well, it's possible. ......
It's not zero.

 The two were silent for a while.
 If they had sent a monster to the other world, they would not be in a position to blame the four gods. After all, it would cause chaos in the ecosystem.
 Goblins could be eliminated naturally, but monsters have the characteristics of plants. There was a good chance that they would multiply in large numbers.
 The nightmare that followed the Gestalt collapse has not ended.

Let's not think about .......... Let's go to the dungeon, do some gathering, go home, have a drink and go to bed.
"Well...yes. I'm pretty sure there's also a slime mold with high medicinal properties.
Oh, yeah, there was ....... Let's collect it thoroughly.
There's nothing better than that. I'm going to sell a lot of potions for a living!

 On this day, two intruders stepped into the peaceful dungeon and brought disaster.
 The intruders rampaged for two days and many demons fell victim to them.
 The Kobold father and son hid in fear as they waited for the horror to pass, while the stronger demons were angered by the ransacking of their dwelling, but were defeated in return.
 The screams of many demons echoed in the air, and the place turned into a hell.

 The wise demon later wrote in a unique hieroglyphic script.

"Those monsters were frightened of something.
 They attacked us only to forget it. .......
 I don't know what they were afraid of.
 But its power was so strong that many of our people died in vain.
 What it was that frightened those monsters, we could not know.
 All we know is that he is a very strong man.
 The outside world is a terrible thing.

 The demons never knew that the cause was the creepy-crawlies cultivated in this dungeon.
 They were only cultivating strange creatures to survive. .......

 It was not until 300 years later that this record was discovered.
 This is the only record that will be known to the world that the demons had intelligence.

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 In an unknown world, a small hole was opened.
 It was a subterranean world where mosses that emitted the same light as sunlight were growing in clusters.
 The hole soon disappeared, but a small piece was left behind.
 The fragment eventually sprouted, grew roots in the ground, and eventually bloomed.


 A plant that grows a cat's head.
 The mysterious plant multiplied over time and took over the underworld.
 But it won't last.
 It's a world of the weak and the strong, and predators will soon appear.
 At first, the predators ate the creatures at random, but when food became scarce, a demon realized how these strange creatures multiplied.
 A strange symbiosis between the demon and the strange creature begins.
 By that time, the strange creatures became indispensable to the demons.

 After all, food is scarce in the underworld, and people fight over what little food they have.
 But at least here, things are peaceful.

 And then, the underworld was visited by two intruders.

 ---Meow! Meow! Whoa!


 It's a camouflage quarterback and a ninja girl.

"Taku-chan, ......, is this a living thing? Or is it an animal?
I don't know! I think I'm going crazy.
But I can't just carelessly burn it down. ....... It looks like it's being cultivated by some kind of monster.
Farming? They're making up for the food shortage?
The monsters aren't attacking us, so why don't we just walk through?
...... I'd like to burn them down right now, but I don't mind as long as the monsters don't attack. But it's creepy.

 The two of them moved on without a fight.
 At least it seems that this strange creature will not be destroyed.
 They were not attacked without question, as in the past.

 This small world would be a peaceful world, free from conflict.
 The mysterious creature lives peacefully with other demons today.