148 Oops, get command from God

 Lucifer and the others, who were struggling to gain control of the divine realm, looked at the monitor screen and were speechless.
 The protections that they had struggled so much with until now had already been lifted by about 15%. This means that the successor to the observer, Alfea Megas, is beginning to regain enough power to control a galaxy. However, detailed control is impossible, and she is still not powerful enough to be entrusted with the divine realm.
Nevertheless, since he has been given a [name] and established his existence as a [god], the Dimensional Control Organization has begun to rapidly dismantle the control system, and its authority is beginning to be transferred to new administrators.
 However, the most important world - the planetary management system - has not been unprotected and is still in danger of becoming a singularity of dimensional collapse.

That's strange. If this much protection is removed, it should be easy to seize control of a single planet. ......
"Perhaps they can't interfere with the management authority without taking control of the entire system? I'm sure you'll be able to find a way to get rid of it. ......

 This is the first time I've ever seen such a thing.
 If this superfluous system had not been built, the problem could have been solved right now, but the trouble was that all the system programs interfered with each other like a circle of wisdom.

But the trouble was, all the system programs were interfering with each other like a wisdom circle. "Hey, hey, ......, you've come this far, you're in trouble. I can't help but think you have a bad personality.
I agree. The system itself is elaborate and impressive, but at the same time, there are many obscure and useless mechanisms. Carelessly unprotecting it would be dangerous.

 Versacis and Proto-Zero agreed.
 I can't help but feel that the previous observers are mocking us. The system was built in such a puzzling way.

He thought that art was all about waste. I'm sure he was very proud when he was transferred from this world to another administrative area.
And the sealing of the heir? If it hadn't been for that, every world would have been happy.
That was his mistake, no doubt about it. Stupid and stupid are two different things, but if you use them wrong, he's the one who will hit you with a huge blow later. ......
"That's why you were moved to the left. It's an annoying ...... side effect.

 Not just a drug, but a deadly poison.
 It's a good thing that you're not the only one who has a problem with this.
Waiting for an observer to be born seemed to be somewhat problematic.
 A planet was on the verge of extinction, and at the same time, it could become a singularity that would cause a massive dimensional collapse.
 The problem should be easy to solve, but it's very frustrating that we can't do anything about it.

The problem is that I'm really good. I've gotten into a lot of trouble in my day.
"Whatever, Mr. Sawgrass. ....... I don't know about you, Mr. Sawgrass, but when you talk about the past, it's very strange. ......
Age is meaningless to us. We need to recruit more people first. ......
Yes, that's true. ....... We have to hide the information from the idiots until the next generation of observers is fully recovered.
Do you want to try your hand at justice again? With the hunters, the incompetents will run around the world and it'll be easier to hide the information, right? They don't manage it properly anyway.
"Please don't!

 As for Lucifer, he didn't want to make a black history again.
 However, he is also aware that he has the program of the ally of justice inside him. Depending on Chemo's whims, he could turn into the ally of justice at any moment.

"Gravity tremor detected, someone may be moving in. I'm raising the alert level.
Here? I was hoping you could help me. ......
I'm hoping you're good with systems administration. Something like Odin or Omoikane. ......
The priority is to restore the observer. I recommend we let them take down the Tegona Tribute.
I agree. Then let's have those two kill the nearby demons. Fortunately, there's some fresh prey nearby.
So contact me now at ........ But still, who came to help us?

 For Lucifer, it's nice to have a helper here.
 However, every world is short of people to manage the dimensional world.
 And then, the one who appeared after distorting the space...

"Hahahahahaha! Loki, the evil god, is coming!
Ares. ....... Where is the enemy?
"Hahahahahaha! Thor, the god of thunder, is here. Let him rampage!
"It's Susanoo, he's not busy, so I'm here. Be thankful.
Poseidon. So, where do we start with the smashing? And do you have any alcohol?
"Go home!

 Of all people, a problem child and a brainiac came to help.
 The helpers who can only rampage about will be asked to leave early.
 Ares, the god of war, is still the better of the three, but the other three are too troublesome. They are single cells that only cause problems, and they are not people who can be used to control the system.

 Loki's out of the question. The situation could have gotten worse.
If it's too much trouble, just destroy it," was their motto, and they had picked the wrong people to begin with.

 There was a struggle to send them back.
 After this, Lucifer and his friends ate pickles together.

We have to be careful.

 A powerful breath of cold air passed through the snowfield.
 The creature, having lost sight of its enemy, spread its wings majestically and soared through the sky.
The old man and Ad, hiding from the creature, regretted that they had received a troublesome order.
 It has a huge body covered with silvery scales, limbs and a long tail to support its body, and a mouth like a crocodile with sharp fangs.
 So, what Xelloss and his team are dealing with is a dragon. I'm sure you'll agree.

I'm not sure what to make of this, but I'm sure it's a good idea.
"I don't care what you say. ....... It's a request from God.
Seriously, this is a bad idea. ......
There are many creatures that are stronger than ...... the four gods, aren't there?

 It's not a creature that can be easily defeated by a dragon that's half dragon king.
 Dragons are one of the strongest creatures, and even at level 1 they are quite strong. They were not so easy to defeat, even at the highest level of 500.
 There is an overwhelming difference in basic physical strength between humans and dragons, and when the concept of level is added to it, it is truly a disaster.
 It is easy to understand how a single dragon can destroy a country. He was truly a king who reigned at the top of all living things.
 As for how they got into this mess, let's go back three hours.

 ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

 It happened after Xellos and his friends came out of the dungeon.
 In order to forget the abominable sight that was driving them crazy, they went on a rampage in the dungeon.
 They wreaked havoc, mining in high spirits, and raiding every treasure chest that appeared.
 They didn't care what was inside, as long as they could distract themselves from the nightmarish scene. The power of the dungeon was powerless in front of them.
 In front of the power of two people who could kill even a surrogate god, the demons and floor bosses that stood in their way were of little importance, and in fact, they continued to spread a horrible hell.
 The dungeon was grateful for the death of the bait, but the old man and his friends were being driven into a mental corner. Mainly because of guilt.
 But these two superhuman men did not get tired and conquered the dungeon with ease. The executioner, sent by the gods, was already in a state of mental exhaustion when he came out of the dungeon. To the demons, he was a demon.

"Mr. Zeroth ....... We've made a terrible mistake, haven't we?
"...... We've done it. We've done a lot of unnecessary killing. ....... We can be both gods and demons.
"What kind of iron castle is this ......?

 The old man does not respond to Ad's comment, but picks up a cigarette and lights it.
 However, his hands were trembling slightly.
 Killing for survival is the natural order of things, but in this case it was an escape from reality for the two of them. It's not a forgivable act, and I'm tormented by guilt.
In Sword and Sorcery, the extermination was done as a way to gain experience, but when you actually do it, the guilt is overwhelming. They were definitely aware that they were evil.
 Well, it's better than being addicted to power, but on the other hand, it's scary that we're getting used to this power. This is not the same as killing criminals like bandits.

"Emotional outbursts. ...... scary.
"Our power is a threat. Our power is a threat. If we misperceive it, it could destroy the world. And yourself, too. I think my moral compass may be slipping.
"It was a one-sided slaughter. It was a one-sided slaughter. It was a horrible thing to do, as I recall. ......
After seeing the creepy creature, I had a gestalt collapse in a different direction. This is not good. ...... This is not good.

 Drunk with power to forget the nightmare.
 The damage caused is much greater than the consequences.
 The existence itself is a disaster.

"Still can't get over the game feeling. ....... This is a problem.
It's a problem. If this was an attack on humans, we'd be the first ones to turn on them.
"Will we be eliminated before we defeat the four gods?" ....... I'm not sure what to make of this.

 They are aware of the dangers of their own power, but the slightest thing can throw them off the scent.
 As humans are emotional creatures, the responsibility of power is quite heavy. It is something that should not be forgotten. The fact that I forgot to be aware of it is the cause of my suffering.

It's good if you can save your power. ......?

 --I've got an email for you. It's an emergency message.

".........? I didn't know this was a feature. 


I don't know that there is such a function.
 Currently, the next generation of observers is rapidly becoming active.
 In order to facilitate complete resuscitation, it is recommended that more anomalous species be killed.
 In order to seize the authority of the management system, it is urgent to cancel the defense program. Your cooperation is highly appreciated.
 There is a suitable anomaly about 10km northeast of the current location, please defeat it.



 It seems that the evil god is making a comeback.
 I don't know what's going on, but I've decided that Soullus has sent me an order to revive the observers more completely.
 But to be honest, I really don't want to fight any longer.

"......, do we have to go?
"No, I don't think so. It's a directive from the real gods, and it will help us achieve our goals.
"To be honest, I'm not in the mood for this. ......
"But hey~, he's the same God who entrusted the world to those four gods. If you ignore this, you don't know what they'll do to you later.
That's scary. ....... It's not surprising that they have different moral values.
I'm not sure what to make of it. I'm not sure where that is, but it's in another world. ......
I'm not sure what to say.

 The two had no choice.
 If it had been the four gods who sent this message, they would have ignored it, but this order was from the true gods. If I ignored it, I would be afraid of what would happen.
 Moreover, we are in the midst of an inter-dimensional, global riot. Xellos and the others, both victims and parties, must go.
 As a side note, what Lucifer and the others are doing is a request, not an order.
 But they were never aware of this fact.

"Let's go to .......
You're right. I feel like I'm working for a black company that doesn't pay me.
I think it's the same as being a slave. Well, I think it's the same as being a slave.

 And so the two headed northeast, as ordered.
 But when they arrived at the location, they were met with a painful baptism by a dragon.
 Yes, it was a long-distance breath attack.

The dragon was a territorial demon.

 Dragons are territorial creatures.
 They don't prey on subordinate demons more than necessary, and they don't disrupt the ecosystem because of their wide behavioral range. They spend most of the day sleeping, but when they are hungry, they become fearsome and ferocious predators.
 They also have higher intelligence and resistance to magic than beasts, and possess unusual physical strength, so they are not easy to defeat.
 It is often said that if you encounter a dragon, you can't run away from it, and the main reason for this is that it is an absolute predator. They are very aggressive, very large predators.

When I get home, I'm going to hug my wife and kids. ....... I can't die here.
"Mr. Ad ......, that's a death flag. And you haven't had a baby yet, have you? I don't want to be a bad influence on you.
When we get him down, we'll have a nice bourbon toast.
This is terminal. ....... Please don't retrieve the flag. Please don't collect the flag. I'm here to ...... make sure he hates me!


 A breath was fired at the rocky ground where the old men were hiding.
 It was a pneumatic breath with high compression, but it was also cold air with a negative temperature.
 It shattered the rocky ground and condensed the moisture in the air, creating a huge ice block.

How can you fly for a long time with a body like that? It must take a lot of magic power to keep that huge body afloat.

 It is impossible for a dragon's huge body to fly.
 What makes it possible is the vast amount of magic power it has inside.

"d*mn it, -------! Come on down!

 The ability to fly at will is a great advantage in the natural world.
 Especially in the case of large predators, the added speed of descent makes it a deadly weapon. Moreover, it is surprisingly easy to maneuver.
 Xellos and the others, who had the upper hand, were at a disadvantage at this point.

Should we fly too?
Not now. Flying magic consumes a lot of magic power, and more importantly, you can't keep up with the recovery of magic power. No matter how much magic you have, you don't have as much as a dragon.
Is there any way we can bring it down to earth?
It's possible to blind it, but if you use it too much, the beast will learn. The only way is to inflict damage steadily.
We'll have to fight for a long time. ....... Can we go home?

 To fight the dragon, we have to bring it down to earth first.
 However, there are dragons with a cautious nature that, when their magic power is low during flight, they will immediately go to another place to rest. In that case, we must be prepared for a long battle.
 After all, most predators that survive in the harsh natural world are always cautious. The longer a monster lives, the more likely it is to do so.

"Huh? It looks like they're finally moving on. ......
It's been two hours, and the magic has finally worn off.
It was shooting breaths all over the place. Let's go after him.
It's not an RPG, it's a real hunter game: ....... Isn't it faster to just wipe out the mooks?
If that happens, there will be a shortage of food and the dragons will attack humans. It's always the humans who destroy ecosystems, you know? They don't know right from wrong.
I guess we'll just have to go with .......

 Their grueling hunt continues.


 The Empire of Atrum.
 It is a small mountainous nation located between the Kingdom of Isaras and the Magical Kingdom of Solistea.
 It is a small mountainous nation between the Kingdom of Isaras and the Magical Kingdom of Solistea. It has recently begun to thrive as a transit point for trade, and is a country that is expected to grow in the future.
 Rafon Imara], who is the chief minister of the government and armed forces in charge of the country's defense, has fallen ill and left the government service.
 Rusei rushed back to Japan, but when she returned to her family's home, the family members were in a panic to take her to her father.
 What does she see there?

What she saw there was... "Lusay, ......, I'm so miserable. Because I couldn't trust Maia, I let her be banished from this country and cuckolded by another man. ......
"No, Father!
Oh, my God! I don't want to do anything. I don't want to leave this room and rot. ......

 My father had become a completely useless person.
 He was curled up with the covers over his head, depressed as hell.
 In a sense, he is a dead man who is related to Lusay.

What are you going to do about politics? We're going to be very busy, and we've got a lot of paperwork! You can't show the rest of us what to do!
I'll leave it to you... I can't take it anymore. ...... I just want to disappear.
It's not as simple as that, father. I'm not sure what to say, but I'm sure you'll understand. In the first place, I'm very shy! I can't do it, I can't do it!
I can't do it! "That's fine. That's what I'm talking about. You can manage without me. ....... It's the time of the young.
"Please come to your senses!

 I'm sure you've heard of it, but I've never heard of it.
 However, in reality, she has a very unfortunate side to her that makes it impossible for her to talk to people properly without her mask.
 She has to appear bare-faced at government affairs and ceremonies, and when she makes regular reports or takes oaths there, she freaks out with 'hawah' and 'awwah'. She is not the kind of person who can hold an important position.
 Above all, she was a maiden who longed for marriage, and if she took on such an important role, she would miss her chance of marriage even more.
 It was truly a matter of life and death.

I'll never recover. I'll never get over it! If I'm ever born again, I want to be a shrimp. ......
"This is a serious ...... injury. You're having a regression. .........
Please leave me alone. ....... Dad, I'm so pathetic, I'm bursting into tears.

 It all started with the birth of Luceris.
 They were unaware of the concept of heredity, and their wife, Maia, was sent away under an old tradition for cheating on her husband.
 However, a mage from outside learned that old blood can be awakened.
 By the time he realized this, it was too late, and Maia had remarried and become his wife.
 The fact that she was still alive was something to be glad about, but she was already someone else's wife. No matter how much she regretted it, the situation had developed to the point where she could not take it back.
 Well, since she was a member of the royal bloodline, the emperor was now in a difficult situation.

What's going to happen to your mother?
"She can return home. But she's never coming back. I've been accused by all of my relatives, you know? And it's too late. ...... Ughhh.

 A middle-aged man crying in his futon. It was a very pathetic father figure.
 Womanly. There was no trace of the dignity with which he had served in government.
 Realizing that it was useless to say anything now, Lusay left Rafon's bedroom.

It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're doing.

 It's true what you think, but at the time, you had to cross a steep mountain range to get to the magical kingdom of Solistair. It's a little late for that now, since the underground highway hadn't even been opened yet.
 However, since we had a common enemy in the [Metis Holy Law God Kingdom], it would have been better if we had a closer relationship.
 It is possible that if we had learned more knowledge, this situation might not have happened.
 At any rate, it was all over. It will be a while before the tragedy of ignorance comes to an end.

 As a side note, Rousay was taken to Masatake and spent his time sorting out all the paperwork he had accumulated.
 In many ways, the shock had spread far and wide.

 This is the first time I've been to the Far Flung Deep Green Zone.

 The Great Dark Green Zone of Fafran.
 It's a harsh natural area where the order of the weak and the strong is played out every day.
 Even near the entrance of this deep green zone, the individual abilities of the demons were relatively high, making it a good place for the knights to train.

We'll take a break around here! We'll take a break around here!" "Each of you stay alert and rest in turn.

 At the voice of the knight captain, the knights on guard duty took care of the surrounding area, while the rest of us carried the preserved food for the meal in our mouths.
 Although the number of demons in this forest is low, the knights had been fighting repeatedly until just now.
 Perhaps because of this, many of them looked tired.
 The knight captain looks at them and mutters, "Should we retreat ......?

"And die. ......
This is not something a mage would do ...... haha.

 Recently, the composition of the Order has undergone a major overhaul.
 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.
 In this context, the urgent need was to increase the strength of mages.
 Up until now, mages had mainly been tasked with supporting the rear, and although their magic was powerful, most of them could not fight on the front lines. However, having mages who can fight on the front line greatly increases the range of advantage in the battlefield.
 The tactical advantages are great, as they allow for a variety of formations depending on the situation.
 However, the drastic organizational reform also contains major disturbances.
 First, the mages of the old system must be retrained from the bottom up. Secondly, mages who had a strong sense of elitism will be the first to drop out.
 Thirdly, the mages had no guts. Their safe role of attacking from the rear was broken, and now they had to fight with weapons.

 Recently, magic scrolls have begun to spread among the knights, and more and more of them are becoming proficient in simple magic. As a result, his position as a mage was becoming lower and lower.
 After all, knights were more proficient in magic than mages who were experts in magic.
 If this happens, the significance of the existence of the mage corps will be lost, and it will be concluded that 'we don't need mages anymore'.
 What's more problematic is that the one who proposed to increase the number of mages who can fight on the front lines was, of all people, a student of the academy who is their junior.
 The king accepted the reinforcement of the army, and the mage corps' reputation was ruined. The glory of the past, when they could act pompous, had fallen to the ground, and now they were forced to spend all their time training in the mud.

"d*mn it! d*mn you kids for telling His Majesty something he didn't need to hear. .........
Why are we doing this training ......?
Don't throw up! You won't be able to eat!

 The harsh training was hell for the poor mage.
 The training was hellish for the poor mage. You can compare it to the training of the marines in a movie.
 Every day, they spend all their time training for basic physical strength, giving lectures on tactics, and if even one of them screws up, they are jointly responsible. If one of them screws up, they are jointly responsible.
 Your confidence will be shattered to the core and you will be instilled with a sense of duty and mission to your country. If you are not prepared, you may kill your allies.
 In a sense, you could call it brainwashing.

"You idiot, you can't protect your country with that kind of guts! Our equipment is taxed by the people, it's their trust! Now that we have a sample from the government in our hands, we have no choice!
"Yes! We have a responsibility to protect our people. We have a responsibility to protect our people.


 And the senior mage who had been trained first was completely under brainwashing.
 The scary thing is that this makes them look very respectable, which is not good. The scolding and encouragement of the same mage propagates to the new mage underneath.
 Under even harsher conditions, the older mages are really dependable, and you can't help but admire them.
 However, this is not the case for all mages. There were a few who were dissatisfied.

But there's an unusually large number of demons this time.
I've heard that the rate of encounters is even worse in the back, do you think the ones we encountered today were just the beginning?

 It was supposed to be an actual training exercise as usual, but for some reason there were so many demons.
 This was a big oversight on their part. If the number of demons is higher than expected, it could be a runaway or a mass breeding. If there were more demons than they expected, it would only mean that they were out of control or breeding in large numbers, and that a large species had appeared.
 However, the mages who lacked experience in actual combat did not notice this.


 Suddenly a resounding roar.
 In front of the jet-black behemoth that appeared, those present stiffened in surprise.
 A mouth as sharp as a crocodile's. The wings on its back and the long tail.
 The only difference was that the creature that appeared before them was standing on two legs.
 The most powerful creature they knew was leaning forward.

"...... de dragon.

 Someone muttered.
 If it was a wyvern, it might be able to win somehow, but against a dragon, it would be too bad.
 I'm not prepared to fight.

"Run, run!
You can throw your belongings away! I don't care what you have, just get out of here!

 Even a child dragon is no match for a wyvern.
 A single dragon can destroy an entire country. It's no wonder they're in turmoil.

"Hahaha ...... are we going to die here today ............?

 But they're too cowering to move. They're like frogs stared at by snakes.
 Their bodies trembled, they couldn't move a step, and despair was right in front of them.

「「「「「 What the hell? 」」」」」

 But suddenly, another demon attacked the dragon.
 It was clad in scorching flames, its silvery wings slashed and a jet-black darkness ran through it.
 It seemed to be three cockatrices.

Is that a cockatrice ......?
"Is it a subspecies ...... or a mutant? But that's reckless .......
But ...... while they're fighting, ......
Fall back while you still can! Run like you mean it! You want to die?

 At the sound of his voice, the knights run in unison.
 Fame and honor are meaningless in the natural world of the weak and the strong.
 Fame and honor mean nothing in the natural world of the weak and the strong. It was the right decision. That decision would be the difference between life and death for them.

 They fled through the harsh forest for two days and managed to return to the encampment.
 It was a miracle that no one was killed, though there were some injured and seriously wounded.

 It was a miracle that no one was killed.

"Gyoa, Gyoa ......
"Giao, Giao, but it was a good fight.
"Giao, giao.

 Wukei and his friends were wandering around the Great Dark Green Zone of Fafran when they happened to encounter a dragon.
 With their natural fighting spirit, they challenged the dragon to a fight and fought it out for three days and three nights.
 Perhaps thinking that the odds were against them, the jet-black dragon left, and a moment of silence fell over the forest.

"Giao, Giao Giao, this is a good training ground. I'll be back.
"Giao, Giao, Giao.

 These cockerels had also joined the ranks of the insane.
 No one knows where they are going.

 I'll be back.

 As the beast flew away from the unexpectedly powerful enemy, it realized its own weakness.
 It is still not strong enough to accomplish its goal and must prey on its prey to become even stronger.

"Weak ...... mama de ...... prey .......
...... search...... for...... food............ to eradicate them. "......tarinai......
"Power ...... is stronger than ......... power...
"...hateful ......... and bitter ......... ...
"Destroy ...... everything .............

 I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not.
 It seems that every face has a personality, but at its core it is unified by a single emotion: hatred. The words they spit out are curses.
 Those who used to be called heroes were summoned from other worlds only to be used, and when they were no longer useful, they were disposed of as dangerous molecules.
 Some have left offspring in this world because the blood of the brave makes the bloodline stronger. Naturally, these children are raised as soldiers and instilled with the beliefs of the Four Gods.
 However, with each passing generation, the blood would rapidly fade and it was necessary to summon new otherworlders.
 To put it another way, so many otherworlders have been summoned and discarded as tools. To the four gods, otherworlders were treated like sub-humans such as beasts.
 The souls of the heroes, who could not be saved even in death, interfered with the world to settle their grudges and transformed into beings that distorted the providence.
 Their power was small at first, but time made it possible, and eventually they gained the power to possess living beings.
 It eats the power of existence from others, fixing itself and taking away their abilities.
 However, he realized that his power was still insufficient.

"Motto: ...... Power: ......

 The beast continues to fly eastward.
 In order to take away more power and evolve into a stronger individual than it is now, .......