40 Quiet Story No.9 - The Fight between Knights and K...

Deanna lost her temper.

Alford, who was watching her up close, was seriously chilled. It's not often that she gets that angry, and when she does, she doesn't take it easy on anyone. Even if the other party is a master of a country.
As a result, although it was her own fault, Juke received a huge psychological shock.
I collected the pale Juke and sat him on a chair in the antechamber. I offered him a drink and asked him how he was doing.

...... Oh no, His Majesty is not moving. If this continues, he may not be able to recover before the garden party.

Deanna's anger is justified. Juke's actions this time were clearly wrong. The strategy of announcing the existence of the Women's Kingsguard by surprise in order to intimidate those who would harm Shayla was good in itself, but in order for that strategy to succeed, it was essential that there was someone in the inner palace who could do the groundwork. If all the women in the inner palace dismissed them as unnecessary, it would be impossible for them to even protect Shayla.
I should mention that Alford had advised her, in a roundabout way, to at least inform the Red Rose, who was in charge of the garden party, about the plans for the Women's Kingsguard and their unveiling. He knew that Deanna would be upset if she was told suddenly on the day. But it went unheeded. The Red Rose is the one I'm most worried about," he said.
If that's the case, then don't put her in charge, I thought. Deanna is not in the palace because she wants to be there, and she didn't get the position of 'Red Rose' out of love. She only endures for the sake of her country, for the sake of her people, and so as not to start a war. It's impossible for Juke, who only knows the rumors about the Crester family, to understand what Diana is going through, but it's still a tragedy.

I'm not sure what to make of this.

It's a palace event, it's only natural that the Red Rose would be in charge. And this way, we can test his mettle.

This is the true intentions of His Majesty the Younger, who will never tell the entire Crestor family before Deanna. He won't be directly enraged, but Dualis will definitely make Diana leave the palace. The current situation is a last-minute concession for the Cresta family. Duarisse will not continue to give up her beloved daughter to the king's petty misunderstandings.

And now. Juke has finally stepped on a land mine. --If he can't stop here, he's finished.

"......, d*mn it, that b*tc*! Who the hell does she think she is?
Your Majesty?
Alford! She must be punished, and now!

Juke had finally come back to reality, but this was a child's tantrum. By the way, Alford can't do anything terrible to punish Diana.

"With all due respect, Your Majesty, what is the charge?
"Of course, disrespect!
The Red Rose's manner and words do not constitute disrespect, Your Majesty.
You have insulted me!
What did you take as an insult?
That's .......

It would be very easy to turn away from the reality that you don't want to accept and just be angry at what was said. If you don't like the person who said something to you, you can justify yourself by hitting the part of the person you don't like.
But that's a mistake.

"Your Majesty. Have you thought carefully about what the Red Rose said?
Think it over, think it over, think it over. What did the Red Rose really say?

Juke's face twisted. He knows, he knows, he knows.

It's not worth listening to that woman! She's a little girl from the Crester family who can't think straight!

I wasn't conscious of it. When I came to, I felt a pain in my palm.
The realization that he had apparently slammed the table while yelling came late.

It's the king's job to choose who to admonish? What's the use of ignoring the words of those you don't like and covering your ears when they hurt? You're just a kid!

Juke's eyes rolled back in his head and he froze, his mouth hanging open. No words came out of his open mouth.

"If you want to execute the Red Rose for disrespect, cut off my head first! I can't serve the king any longer if his words don't resonate with me!

The sound of my men running towards me. I hear the sound of my men rushing towards me. Alford said to his men as they rushed in.

"Throw me in jail at once! Apparently, you like to execute your subjects for disrespecting you. I'll be the first.
Come on, get on with it.

It seems that Alford's true intentions have finally been conveyed. Juke rushed to his feet.

"Wait, Alford.
What was more disrespectful, the Red Rose or me? If you're going to punish the Red Rose for disrespecting you, you have to punish me for it as well. I'm sure you've got a lot of questions, but I'm sure you're not the only one.

It was almost a gamble. It wouldn't surprise me if Juke backfired here and ordered Alford's execution.
But I want to believe. I want to believe that Juke is capable of truly and genuinely loving someone.

Alford's strong gaze and Juke's weakened gaze clashed for a while. No one could say anything, but the first thing he did was.

"I'm sorry about .......


"Everybody back. Leave me alone with Alford.

Alford gave him a look and his men left the room.
The room was silent. Juke sank into a chair and looked up at Alford.

"Will you sit down, Alford?
"...... No.
Please. Not as a Knight Commander, but as Alford. I want you to talk to ...... me, no, talk to me.

It was a sign, albeit a clumsy one, that Juke had admitted his mistake. Alford raised his eyebrows lightly.

"Isn't that a form of disrespect?
That's a mean thing to say. ...... No, I was the one in the wrong. I take back what I said about the Red Rose, too, so...

Dully, Alford sat down in the chair directly in front of Juke. He smiled at Juke, who was clearly relieved.

"For now, I'm just Alford and you're just Juke. Is that what you want?
"Yeah, that's good. ...... Oh, so that's you.
I'm just Alford, you're just Juke. It's usually like this.

I've always been a free spirit, second son. I don't remember being disciplined that much about etiquette. Alford's ascension to the king's inner circle was unexpected by the whole family.

"I'm sorry about earlier. I just got a little carried away. ...... Shayla told me not to judge others based on rumors.
"Master Shayla?
...... Oh. I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that that was the last time I had a real conversation with Shayla.

You have to talk to her, don't be fooled by rumors, and judge her for who she is. Shayla seems to have advised Juke to do so.

I'm sure Shayla's been avoiding me since I talked to all the 'named' ladies. I went to see her once at a secret place, but she turned me away.
That's right.
I want to see Shayla. I'm frustrated because I can't figure out why Shayla is suddenly rejecting me.

Juke's feelings were understandable. As someone who had made the same mistake in the past.

"...... was taking it out on me. That thing with the Red Rose.

You'll be able to find a lot more than just a few of them in the marketplace. I thought I'd just tell them on the day, and the bill would naturally come due, and the court would be in a panic. Somewhere in her heart, she knew that it was wrong to blame them, but her frustration and guilt kept her from admitting that she was upset. As a result, he turned to the Red Rose, which is the easiest to hit and which he has always hated. ...... That's about it, I guess.

I'm not sure what to make of that. Alford nodded, pleased.

You know exactly what I mean, Your Majesty. Your pride has kept you from admitting you were wrong, but you're actually doing the right thing.
It's still okay. Juke can still start over.

...... But I didn't expect the Red Rose to be so angry. I've always thought she was a little reserved with her words, but...

Juke muttered, turning pale. He must have remembered how powerful Deanna was.

I'm not sure why the Red Rose was so angry. ...... Wasn't she angry?
"He was angry. Yes, he was very, very angry. Does that ring any bells?
....... I think I made an unreasonable accusation.

That's true. I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but it's a good idea. There is a limit to how much you can blame her. If it hadn't been for Deanna, it's highly likely that the garden party would have been canceled at that point.

"Juke, you know what to say when you do something wrong, don't you?

"I'm not that stupid. ...... You're sorry.
You're not gonna tell me. Who are you talking to?
Alford, do you ever think about people as children?
Alford, have you been treating people like children? If that wasn't a child's tantrum, I don't know what is.

When I pointed it out clearly, Juke fell silent. It seems that he is aware of what he is doing.

"...... I'll apologize to the Red Rose after the garden party.
"Yeah, that's a good idea.

Alford stood up, ending the conversation there for the moment.

There's still a bit of time before the garden party. Take your time.
"Oh. ...... Alford.

The juke looked up at him with the eyes of a puppy about to be abandoned.

Will you continue to talk to me like this?
"Only when we're alone.

I smiled and nodded at him. Juke is younger than Alford, so he can't be ignored.


As I left the room, one of my men at the door spoke to me in a concerned tone. Alford put his hand on his shoulder and nodded.

It's okay. You've managed to calm down.
"Good. You're the leader.
I didn't do much, though.

--Yeah. Juke's temper tantrum is really not a big deal.

How's the ...... Master Red Rose doing?

Alford asked with trepidation about the biggest bomb of the moment. Unlike Juke's temper tantrum, it was a straightforward anger, and people who don't usually get angry are scary when they do. What would happen?

I hear he's explaining things to the maids now. ...... For more information, please ask Commander Gracie. He's been waiting outside for you for some time.

Commander Christel Gracie. She is Edward's fiancée, and is probably as good a swordswoman as even Alford, which is not an easy thing to do.

"All right. Take care of Her Majesty.
"Yes, sir.

With trepidation, he went out into the garden.